Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

PR 1969 Brisbane, Contest plan for designer to Queenslanders architect for the A competition restricted urged yesterday to select the Queensland Art Gallery. The prnpo!)1d w 11<1 111nck l " II tlll'J P L, a i,:rcal 1•e- b~ clctled for 11 by Hoyal l11~ut11t, uf 11;11~ ant"·e-s1yle crea t1011 compe utlon. t\rchhc(·L:,' tolu1•e11!'!.\,111(1 \\ Ith hra, y stone \\Hl ls. Those nrchllrch t'l\lf'rlll~ prc:-,1rtc111 1M1 H. J 11101t1 , n11d 1011111a1n s, Lhe a drsi~11 would oe rno1·e 1•11- Parkm~on , l1111hl11n.: liC'ro111t'. more irn- eoura~ed 10 nrnve at u Ii· lie !-il l't'~t·CI •Jtat lllt'j ]HlrlRtll than lhf" rxhlhits. nal 1'10lllllnn. Tiu• 111ml .-,c- CUlltpdlLIOli :-.hotdd tll' 1u1 " ,\ J.!ldlrrY :,,holllrl lle t lu• \cc11nP 11111!.hl nnt l'\'Pll tlC s.~lcc.:L n II a rC'!1i!t'L:I. 1111t a 11110 ~1 :-.'ill lihli· oncl-:~rou 11 <1 J l h,· fl 11:1 I htlll<lin!!,. Ucs11.m ;met 11 piopf'l'I) rn11 - to r·n•;ilf a m<)nd for I hr '.\I r Hl11.!ll ,uul 11 woulcl d~.tclcd shm1ld l'll:..Hl'f' th11 t 1•:-.l11 h1! •. l_1t· :-;atd . I bt• 1w11 t• ol a l:0111prt111011 l ll1c lll::-- 1 IIHt.n 1 1 ,r tllc JOU ~1!' T. B. F. Ciar;.:.rtt , of ~f" lt"C'I an 1trch1Lf'l"I 1linn a wni_; ,·:wsc.-11 ., _ l("nnrad G11 rgett u11d l'u rl - .'..1l':..a: 11 Followmi; titHlt· c11t1111"1J111·r, :-.nid 11 was m ost 1111- ( . , ,, ,,.... a 'Jprovnl J1Jr L111 .. s11 .ii r ,, l l · ! 1hr nn·a be-1 , 1 h,·1 lt>1u1111~ 11~,1. . in !:011111 13rJ., bnJ h' ,ltl Tut'.,• .>~~.,:::1 ~:1:;~I"' ~ trf'rt nn rl thr- an \\OJ'lct adc\ed Lht' ll d,•y, there \\'1' i ,• nn l1u1ni.: l11 rh•• 11 ,.,.,. h • ..., 1111 nhlr 1,-,ft ..,ati...l:1t·111111 anti 1lrnnk:-i f1Jr er 1ics of 1hr l'1101rf' r1•:•11·r- np1111. 111•, rlo 1 prci a n d lnncl- tlsf~" 11 c 11 1PPrm a,1. c· 11 .,. 1, do.\·. . l .. ,.a 1,,,d I Q 11.l'f'll:-i anrt ... rt . "l 1 .• Public n•n.1·t 1L111 ru 11~t•11 O!ht n, 1~1· thr c a llr r~.' t'h :111nw1~ . ~I 11u:- .t.rf ~ ,811 lrom " lllU~11111crnt " to n ,,ould nn1 1w , 1 .. 1h\f' rrom 1 Lcon l t uut, , ..,,,1( 1 1hr g1inrd1•d "'thr br'.'11 .~11r ! Iii• 11 nn ti ., 1 f1,, or ih r ri,f'r. 1 r 11 ~ 1 •· t: ., \,·r rr- rlrll_\!1111•11 ~1vnilnblr, ll•.11 wr f;lill woulcl l 'I' · • I • \\1111 tlw Gmrrnmr n1 s rte- have likrci a lllOl'P CC'l\tl'lll • ••a1111 .,., ) 1·1ston to l)l'Ol'l't•rl Willi Ill!! posltlu11" 1i,, .... 11r1h1• rlut not 1uvn11r 11 ~~·._nn gnll~ry., .• ... Thrrc \\H.~ il g11nrrnl IC'C'I- H!Tllll i"('l,!J l'Pl cnmpc liLIOI)~ l llC I\('\\ ~nlli I ~ \\\,ii In~ of t xr·it cnw111 riml r(llirf 111 gc 11 rrnl. gt\'r lhc publl~ the oppoi - Among art lc:rrr. 1hRt aff(•r " I think todav the crea- 1111111 y of ~·1eWlllR mos! or rr-nrs of hncg-1111&, t, new uon or a ctPs!il.n nnd a Lhl; g_allcrys 11_10:-.t nd11uble mt cnllrrv for llrt~bane 1." builclln~ Is n 1cam Job h1:;- I pa1n11ngs whtch will he so mul.'h closrr 10 1_·1•Ali ty. IWf'C'll the architect. eng1- 1 housC'd in su~er and more T h(' mn_/·or rom·crn 110w IH?f"l'~ Anri tlu• people \\'ho ~ult nblc prcm~~es. k Is what t l(' r11111I Gnllrr~' will lire 1 11 tt wnrk In it "VV~ would llkr to Lhn~l will look like n11(l hnw will nnd usr it 11 \ the Government for . p10- 1he design bf' cl11C'ilied !\•t f'. 0. Bligh, nr B ll~h \!dill~ 1~e llC\\' Al'~ ~u.llery Q.t1Prnsln11rt_ U11i\'rrsllY .Jessup Brclnnli nnd P nrt- which will he a ,uedtl .:~ll Fn r. 1111 .r o, i\rcl1\tr1:111rr 11 rr s .s u1;1,:e .o.;1ect the re 1hr Stair nm! \\hlc~1 \\. D eun 1P_rof1's~nr G. E Roh- slwlllri he :in Auslralis- krcp pnce with t!1r r~trno1 - r.r1 s\ sn1d thr S011111 Brls- ,,•iriC' m,, 11a1 lm1 for archi- dlnan· commrrcml R 11 d it_i– bnnr ,'.ltc wns a "1-plrmllcl 11 ,ti ~ 10 sulmiit 1hr.1r err- dus1dnl Ocvrlopmr nt .~1 5,, 1- cholc,,... d~ni wls. from \\'hlch n l11J;: 1hr h!M rew wmr:-.. r Ila llef 111t111hrr o{ nrrl11lects could Lron snln. " A l IR!-l we nrr 11rnkl11g u~r ol I lw rlrl'I' by hnrini; n inn.tor hulldl11~ fncing II. T he rlvrr Is Brlsba11c·s grr.n t r1'il aS!-Ct. and IIlls is A mn~ t 1111portnnt slrp 1 ' H~ suld the best 11·n.v of ;:;~~t1?01~m~gr 0 Jir~1~f~;i11l,;;,: pr t it Ion R1' hnd been run for I hr Nniinnnl Galler)' In Conbr1-rn. A f11nriamrntn l rlrC'l~lon \\'Olllri hA\'f' to hr mncfr rnr• Iv on wllrt lwr this w11 r.: !o br n11rrl \' 1n1 Art Gn lh•1·,· or ,,·oulci ·nl~n co111nin far-11- it.lrs fnr :in Arr Sf'llNll ntHI C"ln!-~r.o: in hn llrt nnd 1l1r:11 r". ''T}H' vri1 ICll \ I !1'11µ in ('!-• 1Rbli c.:h11:~ A (lr:;:i~n is thn l 111" f111H'tln11 f'l f 1\\r· tw llrl \llJ! 11111s: h<' ,.1,,:n·J,· rldlnNI fl ··•:1 .. hn . .:nid j\,tr P~rki11 ~nn ~n lrt thr llf"'W 1.!'lllf'I'\' ...:lln11lrl br flrx• lhlr !n ~ rlrgrN'. U11lr,i;;~ 1 }wrf" ,rnf. n rnmnlf'X of h111!rlh•1!I: ,,,,., 1,,,,,11i,;lnn nf A f1 11l Art ~r h,.,nl cnnlri br rlrtrl,nr111nl !n th1• 1wrrnll orfnr1 '' A11 Art Gnllrr~· Is 11 Utr.~ l\~'~f,{d ,~\~ 1 1 1 ~i;~~ ~"~;~~ cifi'c rrnson - n r111 lrt plncr– for nwdttnrinn All<i ror rn– Jovmr1tt nf ! }1(' ,1r.:1H11 f\ l't:-i. "Once "011 p111 ln nn Art School. \'OIi tnkf" It nwny from t ilC public" 10 R (if'– ~Tf'" : · he said. ('ii,. pln nnrr n1HI Rl'l'hl – trcl i or. Knrl Lnngf'r, .1:flid hr \\'nnlrl nnt ltkr 10 ~r,, Ihr nrw t?rillrn· n.c.: 011 "nwr - \}\~nl i;~r\r)~l~~;;:.\1,1;n1 .. llkf' Th i~ \\ 011lrl l1r n.coin~t ' }H' -..pirit of fl lThil f'f'l lll'f' 1rnlsi\' Thi• 1111h\il' wni1lrl hft,:,; ·,1n rnnpnrt wit h tll" 1,111\rl11 n: a ml "n11lrl thin\, nf 11 ni: ,nmr-t hinl! " ...11n"r.· THI COURIER-MAIL PRIDAY APRIL II 118' ·ro 'l'IIE EDl1'0R No cheers for gallery? AT LAST there ha, been some act101 by Quee n~landers I build themselves a nc art gallery. Apart from t,he bark-slao p lnq by the gnllerv lrn.stec~ herr 1,as been little siim o xultat.ion from nrtlst8 anc rt 10,·ers. Thrv should bi! ha nrtsprlngs_ The site Is a ~oo~ one llt It mav br t,oo smnll ll he vea.rs to r.ome to extend s n. cuJ-1.ura.l ce11t r('. Lr.t 11s nnt toreet th onle who o\'er 1hr Inst fi venrs hnve 11rv.rci n11rl worked ror R. n,,w S1a t nllrry. e~oer·lrt !Iv t hr MPm– b<'r for Nnrmnn. ~lr F. r rom lev. \\'hO hns n,tsrrt tit oue:,tion of a. nrw cAllrn- In Pn rllamr,n. Rt. e,·en· nooor• t,unlO,'. D n.nhnP Mn:•o, 1hP IPIP Vida I..nhr1• and Prof. ,J V. Duhlg. and R former art, crll.lc or Tile Courlrr– M nll. the late Finnin .\k– K lnnnn . M l h n,·r nlnvrd • 1re111e11 - 011s nart fm· Qucrnslnndrrs to see R clrenm about tn come to fulfllmrnl. - John Cooper. :10'.?fi C.nl ,I rnn-.:t lll?h-;\·R~·. Surtf'r!'' Par:ulb:r. Art Gallery Al Sth. Brisbane BRISBANE, April 1. The new Queensland nrt i::n llcry will be built at South Brisbane on u site which , in t he words of the Premier. JII r. J. BJell<C• Pct ...nrnn, waft the "ond most !a vou1·ecl in n tcch• nicn l and nrchltccturol flCflSC!," The •lte approved by Cnltirn' l to-day is ncur the southc l'n n1>IHonches to th,~ Victoria Bl'i<h:e. The Premier 1:11.,ld w n~ dcelgnuted by special 1-1clcctlo11 corn• mlttec appointed by Cabinet as the Riverside Drive aren of South Brls• ba n e. The Education and Cul• tural Act.lvltlcs Minister, Mr. A. R. Fletcher, and the Wo1·k• Mlnloter, Mr, A , M. Hodges, _joined the Pre mie r in mnkinir an an– nounc<"n1cnt on the selec– tion of the site, •r he locution decided on 1~ nn n rcn hounded by Gr~y, Stunley, Peel nnd Mel bourne streets. Mr. Bjelke-Pctersen said e. prclimlnnry catlmntc of cost nf the new gallery wus about t7 million. This Included cost of land ucqulsltlon. site de– velopme nt, provision of n ew bulldln1<• and land– scapln1< which would be ca rried out in several 1tai;,;es. The amount. however, excluded the value of land proposed to be dona led by the Brlobanl City Coun– cil. The olte covered elx and a nuarter acres end would provide a lnndacaped settlem~nt for the art gal• lcry bulldlni;:a, The selection comrnlllce had ca refully conoldered numerous sites before the fina l d echdon was made. .,, '.'.-" '• Toowoomba, Qld, -·2 APR li62 ..,.• • • • • • • • e • • • • • •••• •=-.,_,••••• ee ••~• aa •••• ¥,I-A•-1"•¥..W Site of new art gallery named BRISBANE, Tuesd1y. - The new Queensland Art Gallery will be bull! 11 South Brl1bant on 1 1111 which, In the words of the Premier (Mr, lltlke-Peter- 1en), w11 the "ono moat favoured In I technlul 1nd 1rchlt1ctur1l Hnst." Thr. ,He, a pprovod by Cah• lnet today, I~ near the 1outhern approach•• l<I the Vl,·tnria Brld1e. The Premier said it was deslgn nterl by a opcclnl sel– ectlnn committee • ppolnted by Cabinet ns Lhe river.side clrll"e nrca of South Bris– bR11e. T he locntlon decided on Is nn nrcu. bou nded IJY Grr,· St,nnlcy, P eel a nd MriboJJni~ Stree ts. J'vlr. BJrlkr-Petersrn .s,,lrl n. prrl itni n nry r.~tlmntc of thr co,st o r the new gnllrry ll'R S RIJOll t, $7,000,000. Th i~ in c luded cost of lnnd ncqulsttlon , silo rlvl"r lop– mrnt. pro,·1:'lion or nrw huilrt in g.~, nnd 1,111ct~r:l plng "'-'htrh would be ca rried out In .111r.\/rrRl :iit.ogrs. T l1c n1nount. however, r.x– rludl'ci the 1·nluc or lnnrl pro, po, rrt In b~ donoted hy tho Brl. hn n r City Collllcll. Thr $l tr• rovererl Ot arrr~ :1nrl wo11lct pr ovl<lo a 1,tnd• sc11prrl ,cttl~metn tor the ··ri pnllcry bJJllrtlng,. · 11c oclrrtlon co111mlttee con.slrlcrcd