Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

11 () APn ' g· , 81\ISBANE LETTER: RT GALLER EXCITEMENT BRISBANE: Nearly everybody was happy. The town planners, the architects and the artists were practically all agreed that thia was really the start of something big. The unanimity followed an nouncement that the Government had acquired a site for a new Queensland Art Gallery on the south side of the Brisbane River - just over the Victoria Bridge. rn" :;~ t 1 1\ 11it1'i'r~'~ ~\\~ 1 1~~;\1 '\~ 1 , ~,~-1~-\·:~: I~·:::~~ ·.·11 'Ir:i':1 1 ~1) 1 ~':. 1 ;~11' ·~ n u hUITY with a fe \\ 1111111 11 ,•. 111 1111•1111 11111 1 l h t lµhl s and hcsrilun pan• Q 11 ,·1·n ...:J:i1 ,1 ,\ 11 c;.i lll'IY 1clllng wiu~rn the 11nlnt- w h 1d, h ;1~ n .. , 1• r hnll 11 ngH will lw huni: 111H.l lht· r 1•1tl lrnm•• 11r 11 ~ " '' 11 f111 ther work~ of nrt d i.f;. 7f) yen 1·:e, a w l i:-1 now luc11 t• I,);;,~· will ht• n $7,000,000 ~:11 1,, 0 1~ 1 1l1~~, 1 •'.'11~~·1:::~d nlt~~~11~r l ob, nnd 1)1,• Guv.. r11111u n 1 ~how r ou111. ~ ~ellln~ Ncntl,.i of nd \'lct• Thi mmw um 11t•commo– un how It sltouhl ~o nbo ut c1nt i01~ i:-1 nowlll'rt' Iwnr rnnktni: !4lll'U lh1t our n r t ntlcqunlP Pnnul,!h :\luny of i:nllnr will lw ,•qtml lo: if t ht• p ;lintirl)!fl tl~i•rc hw:P 1~01 twt1 11r, !111111 1111,vthing In Ii£' st o i·,•d in lutl'II'• cl'l\~11 Alh!l tnllu. mt•nl s; th1•y'l'l' tlu,1t41l nil The Government Is not toklnt!' this wnrnln,:: too scdously bccuuRc it hns the Somcroct Dnm to hold bnck flood wntcrs In the Brl~bnnc River catchmcmt. But thl• letter wrller hn!!I another brush for his 1•nnvni,. He !'!Uhl the .J,!n1• !cry should be kept whcro It Is. nnd cxtcndf'd Into JlRrt or the Royol Nntlon11 l AMoclntlon's show ground. Thi• i:round ohould he moved well out Into the !mhurbs, where It would not be n nlf'nncc to t.rnmc or to nnt.lcnti, nt thf": Rovnl Brlshune Hospital, ·he 8RVB, TRY TO SPEED UP The Govcrnmrnt Is not ~•et In n "'o:,iltlon to be nblo to any w hen work w lll ~tnrt on the new n1·t ,:t11• lcry, hut Jll'0111iRcd that •very cfCort would be n nclc to Rpeed develop• 11cnt. The site for the gnllcry ~O\'Crs nhout six nnd n 1111r ncrcs or lnnd. wh ich •Ill be ln11d:1c11pcd to rcnte the t·h::lit 11tmns- 1hcre rur s uf'l1 n hul ltllnJ.!. fhc Lord Mn\·or f Aid . 1cm .Jo11C'sl owns n hn11t • pe,,rchcR on this ~ltc . 11111 8in'S thnt l'<'Sllt11J)tlon \'Ill lw 11<•a,:011n1r d b1;>• ;·;c1•n thr Go\'f' n,n1cnt nnd hi!- f't'lll'CNcntnI I\'(•s. lt 'e n wnrm thin e:- t o lmow t hnt the Oo,·ern– mcnl Is nblc to find Si,000,000 ror nn nrt ga l– lf'l'Y, but the hh.arc~l 1,:lnw or nil comes front I he w a v In which snni~ or th • lon;l cnmr to it . Thi~ w ns rlnnnlr ,t hv th r City Council, whh'h r1111n d ll did not IH' l"li l)llr. lnw l for tho Til\'r l'itidc Drh·t:i proJcot. wl~~l l:;~pfeee\Al\~:s -~~,~~ rlnra not live by petrol alone?!'' 1111d out 011 pnhllc tli~11lny now 11 11d llJ.!Hl11 . ll such an n ff,·ctlng- the nl'l worltl has IJ1·1•11 r ct•f'ivPd !-40 Wf'II. Tht•ru h 1n ·1• h1•1•n ll 1·1111plt• or r ondlI lon11 l nr•cf'til Hn,·,,l'l or tlrn ~ltc, h11t. pruh11hl,v t.hnt nice rouml r,411111 or $7,000.000 gives 1111 n~!4tJ I'• RIH'l' l hnl 0111' IH'W 111·t g-n l1C1ry wil l b1• 1·1•11 lly In th~ silk d ~pnrtnH'nt. One INl(•t· wri lPt' n<l– vl:-.c:-1 t h e Gnvf'rn111rnt to move cnt•f'flllly bl'foll' It cluc llle~ on ho\• tht• .1-::a llorv s hould look frnm outside nnd what il will off1:1· on the lnsitll!. H o 1,oint Pd out: would tw tll!4USll'Oll!i ror urt in Quccn~lund U, nfter 70 y f'nrs or tcmpornry conclltlom~. tho Govern· 1 c nl nct ••il hUtTll'lllY nnd hullt nn,·tltlni.: less thnn the best." A FEELING OF EXCITEMENT The Quecnslnnd Prc,;I clc nt or the Royal lnstl tulc of Archtt ~ch, tMr. H J. Pnrklnson) en l<l hi._ orJ:n n hmtlon would hnv liked a more ccntrul uoRI tion for the nnw Qllf'CllS lnnd Arl Gallery. •rher w as, hOWl'Vt' t', n genrrnl ff'o llnK of' cxcilonif'nl nn r ~llc ( nmont:' n,·t lovrr thnt n ftcr yf'nrs o h111.n;:lini;z a n w ~nllcr wn!1 s o much clol"Cr l r cnllty, 1\1 r. Pnrkln~on sug- g-c~lc d n compctlt Ion. rt!4 :--ll·lctcd to Qucenslnnc1 u r chl tccts, to select the LICRh!n ror the Ot'W nrl c.u llrry. Quf'cn slnnd University F nculty of Arch ltocturc Denn (ProfcRROr G. E. R oberts) dc:.r.rlhed the s plendid choice. " At Inst W O Rl'C mnlonl!" 1180 of the B rl~hn nc R iver b~' hnvlng Sout.h Brlshnnf' Rile n~ n a mnJor bu ild\111.: fn cin~ It:· h e snid. "The river Is Brlsbnn•~·R grent.nst asset, nnd thll't Is n most hnport.nnt step," he suld. Proff•s~n1· Rohcrts Rnld n ft1ndnm1•11! 11I d c c I e Ion w nu l<l ha\·,, to he mndC' on w h f' 11,~r thlM \\'11:. to he p11r,•ly n n nrt ,i;:n llcry or v: nu ld h •l\'P fn l'i lltle~ for 11 n n 1·t. 1•wh nnl a ud "111~:iC~ 111 bn lli"' I nnd t hcutrc. Brlshn nc c ity plnnner a nd :irc hi1 C"ct t Dr. l(arl J.nng-l'r ) :-:f'1id he wo11Jcl not 11k t' tn Sl'f" Otlt'r n~l:111tl'~ ll f'\\" Art Gn ll,•1\' ns nn nwr - ln:;;plring r11nn11111r nl suc h u~ that In '.\l clhnur n~. Thp puhllc wn11lcl hnve no r n ppnrt w ith :;;uch n h 11iltl ln,c, nntl wou ld thlnl< o f It n:-: som r t h inc s11p('r . " I f lh£'1•1• \q In ht• a c rcat ,·,.n n i:-:.•ia n,·,•-st ,·11• 1·n 1 111 Inn w ith lw n ,·,· :.tn1w ,,·nil-.. 111011 !!" u nd fn11111 ul11i-i, tll1~ h111ldl11~ lu•<-nmf'~ nltll'l' 1111- 1,o r tant lh n n thr 1•xhlhit!'-;," R:dd D r. L11 11u,.1·. Brlshnnc n n ·h lt,,ct. 1\t r. G . Blig h , ~11 i..:1n ·~t~ thnt n 1·chfti•c:.·tl'I frnm nll ow•r Arn~t rn lla ho lnvlt r cl to f:t1hmi t th,•11· l't'f'dC'ntlnl.~ :llld n nnm hf'r of t hr l-'1• ..:, 11---r ' •et fu1· nn nrt ,i;:a llcr\' d l'~ic:n 1·n1111u•1 it io n. · 01 11,,,. lr :1.Jlnc rtc nrr~ In 111,, :11 I w11 1 Id hn\'C lhnnk– r><I _1llr• r. 11,•prnnwnt for 111 la~t h n \'III C P Iil thr show (lr+ t hf' rnnrl. hut nn c lr t.– t r r· writ ,•1· t, \\'Ol'f'l<'d thnt tt r't' J)C':ll or thf' IR!l3 fl ood C'OUlcl put tllf' t'n ll \'II Si"'!I' In l h <' nrt cn llN·y 11111lct· \\'nl 1•r . These trophies and rib-i bons, which will be l awarded to prize-win-11 the livestock l of the Taa-11 Show during l the next few days, are 11 displayed in the show l window of Hodgson's 11 Animal Health Sup- l lies in Ruthven Street. 11 : Here six hours to judge art The Director of the Queensland Art Gallery (Mr. J. Wieneke) spent six hours here yesterday judging Toowoomba Show art entries. lie Jud~cd hoth the junior and oenlor 1ectlo11s, Commrntlng on the i,c11lor art section, Mr. Wieneke said the standard vnrled from fine sensitive wo1·k to amatenrlsr. nllcmpts dis– playing weakness or colour, design a1:d tonal value. Some entries showed the subjects were beyond the capablllty ol the artists, but he commended them on their u111b1llon. Mr. Wieneke awarded the chnmplon plct.ure or the show to a line ,md water colour Impression by .Mra. ,J. Bnuer. The picture held together well nnJ was technically good, he 6aid. Mrs. I. Smith won the hcnd 01· llgurc ~ectlon with a portrait of Royal Agrlcul• tural Society committeeman, Mr. Fra,1k Thomas. The 110rtralt wns sensitive– ly cxecuteci - easily the best In lls section, Mr. Wieneke snld, Commenting on the Junior art section, l\fr. Wieneke said there was •o much ,·ar• lety that lt wa. difficult to sort out the sood from the had. It wns good lo see so many children Interested In a rt. These young artists were contributing very lntcrestln1 work, Mt Wieneke said. They showed plenty or lmag• lnntlon an,, rre~dom In their ap11ronch to the subjects. 'ORIGINAL' It uppcri rcd, however, thnt some young art~t.s did not unclerstaud the word "orig;• tnnl." 1L mennt t.hc work had to be done entirely by the st uctent without &lavish re– ference to copies or photo– grophs. S. Swa-, entered the Junior champloa picture or the show nnct the reserve cham– pion , ward went to N. Bur• .~tow.