Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, Art tops is Buderim's "singing colour" 8l DEHl1'1, UH dt•pi1•1t•d h~ 11 1111i111t•r "ho lh·1•,; un 1h1• "1th1g1•r 111u1111111i11." l11s1 ni!,(ht "1111 tp11,•1•1ud1111d's 111u111••r•n ••lt•d i1rt 1H\lt1'd, 1111• i,;;::,i II. t ·. Hit•l111rd,; Ml'mttrinl 1•riz1•, l 'he Judce. llr. Hoherl dr:tMili i:: \\ a, "" 11 h\· ,-j.,, L,mhur nf'r a nd Campbell. of Adelalci,· .\d1·l,lidr iu-1i-.1 ~l.-n·y11 ,\lf''\:;u,ch•r ~.tdlo's Al'liun 11hr, (iallt>ry's fln"t dh·e,·- /"milh fur his •·halk In Urinkin,• . hoth uib. turi annouru·ert the tik1•lda, 'l'ht- IJo,·k,·a rrl. In the L.J . lla nr) ~,';~•rgai:,.~~~~ Oue~nshuul .\lore than '.!50 " 1utint- ~lrnwria l prb.e &t>dinn llr. eam1,1..-11 tit•- ~~• 1 ~i.~:~~t r•~!:[:: fu~.,i,:~ 1 :i;a';)~ drb,~·•n~-\~~-,. lill~t •cj'llu•,,dr •~ is •·a I lm·ely WU In s111le ur a 11anlal Gr-aham and Louis :,~,r'.::o • t ~.} ~f.~·ul>~~:;:;; bau II\' thr ( '011t .. moor- K:tban', Lauri~ Thom,u ther111 ac,·eed. arv Arl Sudf'h, wome or rt'reh •e.rl l'omrnf"1ula1lun11. The n·lnnf'r Is -15-ytar- "ho~, lt'1ulPr1 h.ti• r dt' - .\lr. ( 'a mu~ ll a11nuun - nld whlnwrr Sana f'ul- clared w11r ou lhe crd the winnrrs - 11 nd hrook, ,, ho """''"'' to OuctHbl:rnit fi 1 1lrn•, r11- 111 :ult' a t·ausllo s la o :,t ll11dl'rim I:! month~ a,;n. ,,rdall · lt11 trmttlf't'!<I, thr (;alJen • ,,remh,rs. He !:~ ~;, 1 ::! 11 ~:~.-~~. ;, 11 •~1 :,•,t Commended :~\~. 11 :.i~• t!'r~~ ti':t •~:,;:: erlm orte1·f'd anythln,; A Vt,ln:111 truslt•t•'ic clirt•t•lur, Mr. .f:tmrs • pedal in i«·enrry, c1111111wnt .tl the i,;huwhur \\'lt-n1•kc, hac•krd him lu Mr. ft ulhrook IM :1 111:!ot 111.:ht w;•"'· "'l'hr lhb. hut made It dt•ar land1c111,., 11a.lnter or 1·1111trmuor11rlrs ure 1101 lhl' tru!Ooh:es were ,wt tu note. He has l\\ke of ii. l•:lchh' -ri\'C 1,rr l1h1111r. 1hared .\uNtra1Jo1's 11rem- ,·,•ut or thrio.e i1lrtur1•s 'l'he ltlda~rds Kml ler landa1•ape awal'd, lhe are lradlUuua l. l'1•011le ll1u,·rr t"utrir, - thn!lit' :.:r:l~~pl'rll~• a:lle St~~= 1~1~\1 ~,!~~~r:•~1ll!:har!:!flll1~ :,~er:,t' tt~•~:~ :ur ~ ~-~•~ ~-•lmmlerle O •n,.·•.a~t't'dh. •~·ottt•h 0 e_ a triumph for the mJU1.. Galltcv from 10 a.m. C1 -. '-' ln-the-streC"t." unttl 4.50 u.tn . un WC!ek- Uon In Canberra. ~lr. C:unubcll hl~hh· da vs and ~aturda, s, and That IIO I.. J. Har~•ey tommrndrd a,ulntfnri from 2 11.m. until .a.:w 1'1emorlal rrtae for a Studio t.:orn~r h)' Fr:an- 11.111. on !"lund.1.,·s. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gallery to hang all art entries BY FREDERIC ROGER Ivery • ntry In the H. C. Rlch • NI • Mefflorlol P,l • e cor1te1t will, within o few wuk • , b • hun1 lr, the Quo • r11lor1d Art Gell– e,,, As It Is, our Old Curiosity Shop In GreROry Terrace had room ror onlv 98 or lhe 250-plus enLrles hut Gallery Director CMr James Wieneke\ hns now con rtrmed a hint hr Qnvc at the orrl– clal ooenlnR or the showing last week "When the current show• lnR or those now on the line ends. we wtll re– place them with the other paintings that did not qult.e make Lhe l!l'ade but are still worth seclnR," he told me. Approval Mr. Robert Campbell's selection or Sam Ful– brook's "Buderlm Farm• scnpe" must hn\'C met with !\(!nernl approval thoueh there nre several t >lECCs In Lhr exhibition hot ml~hl Just n• well ha,•c made first ulnce. nncJs Lymburner's ,"Studio · Corner" and ,Alex,mder Sadlo's ·•Ac• tlon In Drinking" \\'ore nominated as highly commendell. but David Schlunke's "HIiiside and Trunks." Irene Amos· "Evolution," Joh n Rtgby's "Aborlglnnl Girls" and Andrew Sib– ley's "Dlsr>l•ced People" could not hn,,e been rar behind ( 5 NOV 1967 . . Art • I ,!-tl \\' lht- selt.-c..·ltd t•Jl- tn ~:. Ul llip If , H 1d1,1r1L-, Pn :t..t.• Ul Ih,· Q ut.'t'lllil~n<l Art Oul – t•ry t.,Jl 'l'Ut•~d.•)'. Th judge_Mr. Camp– b,~11. 1rom Sou1h Aus~ I rnna d ~:m·~ seem lO hu,\. ·1nucl, u! un idfft oi " orkmar.ship. A pan from about a :;core or Lhe: artl.il :i, I do not. tlunk ll1Ly arc any Good, Let·., hope the .-ollert– lon only 1s repre:,euta- 11ve or NSW, Vlrtorin, QucenslllJld nnd South Australian pnlnters and not the best work arnUnble.- G. V, Kr n• uedv Unnla). e ART REWIEW by Or Ge,trude Langer Many entries for the H. C. Richards Prize JHE H. C. Richards Prize exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery is as large as usual. While one misses some of the artist • - Inter– state and local - who have entered ovor tbe llldt few years, a ralr number or them, Jn addition I<> others, have beon attracted. OullltandlnR among those who deal with natural ap– pearances In an unfamUlor arf!~r:1:~,.:re:\\'ho RS• sembled In "Moncur Blreet" :r, •~~l~e c~:r1exde'i!i1f!1~Pf~ their clean, cool, rrruh point. John Aland, whose gains since he left Brisbane, In both daring and elegance are seen Jn his "Frozen Mcmorr,." 1::~"'~e~!~~r ~°TI "~~ r., a dlst<>rtlng mirror, con– fron!d the viewer with a dl~~~et~~O:-e'j':,~~~l:a~~ we have Lynn's arresting "Sealed Land," Cas.,ab's bcautllul composition "Dis– persion," Fran• Kempf'• palnterly autumnal ab6tract, Brisbane, Qld. Raymond To's "Penetrnllon" ~~~ kl s'W!·~n a~~\~~~li°il volumes baud on futuristic ldea.s. Loni? established pointers contributing are: Jam•• Cunt 1 his Is - part.lcularly strlk– ln~ work ·,. Constance Stokes, Orban. Feurrlnc, l~ymburner, and Ree • • Antollg entries Queensland wo have Arrow1mtt11•• carcJully worked animist ic pnh.Llngs. which evoke the mystcrv or g~ves,R\~g,.ChR~•~•~~~.. ~~~~ "Youth In a strlfil;d shlrL" ~ 1 r:,.s 0 cU'.;:,~i~t•·u ~t~~~~i. tl: dexterous and llqulde,cent nb6tract by Irene Amo,, a Fardouly • • RJld a planear abstraction by Hatch, who also shows a ROOd gr•phlc work In the Harvey Prize. D1·awing th~n .;~~ ¥riff. 'g:;srrl~wh~t Ink drawing b.1· Orban <hung out of reach ror contempla– tlonl . contributors to this ,ocllon are : Kenneth J • ck, Ursula Laverty, Ann Graham l'atrlcla E111:lund, Chea. l'el· lln1er, l\Jernn Smith, Kah • n , R. Hawke, J\lervyn Sr.iltb, and others. IBudcrlm artist !;am Full– brook won the S525 Henry Cassell! Richards prize with a painting M Budcrhn. Mer,•yn Smith or Adelaide won the L.J. H1uvey P1·lzc or S80 !or a chalk , kcl.ch or a dockyard. St<>ry Page 14.J