Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

GALLERY SITE PLEASES ALL BRISBANE, Apr. 8.-Nearly everybody was happy. The town planners, the architects and the artists were practically all agreed that this was rcolly the start of something big. The unanimity followed on announce– ment that the Government hod acquired o site for a new QuHnsland Art Gollery on the south side of the Brisbane River-just over the Victoria Bridge. And this art gall ery wil l be no building slopped up in a hurry with a few lights ond hession panelling where the pa intings wi ll be hung and the other works of art displayed. on the vro1111d £lour 01 1hr i;ht•n n11 ns~urun,·,· lhnt Thi, will It • • $7 mil- 111uHeu111. huH R proper u11r 1ww nrl gallery will lion job end the Gowern- p;howroom. Uc rr11lly 111 I.he silk cle- ment i1 91tiin1 1ced1 of This 11111M~11111 n1·(·01111110· (Jlll'l nu.!lll. •d•ic• on hew It ,houlcl cintlon ls no\\'Jl(:rr ncnr 01w lr tlcr wrl1 r.r nrl,·t~Ps • 0 oltout ••kin1 • 11~• I~ 1~f~t\~1L~•~ 1 h~·:.~ 1 \~n,·~' tot~~~ t~ 1 :·t•1~1Y1~ct 1 !7~~~t 1Ll 1 ~t,,~'.jd~~ thet our •rt 1•llary w,11 ston•cl m hn~en1t•1lls: t l\t'\' tin how the ~nl1ro· should bt 1quol to, It not bet• nrr clu:i1ccl ufr urnl nut oi1 J1 111k fro1 r1 ,111t:,;idr nnd ter, th•n enythin1 elH i" µublit· c1 bplu,· 1\11\\ nncl whut 11 will 01 rcr on the A1astrelio. Ui,:Rlll . · \n~l<k The G0\'Crnn1cnt 's dr• lt I:, ~rlchrn1. If ( \ 1·r. M1d1 llc pu111tccl 1n1t clsion came 11ftor yenrs ur an n1t1101111l·rmc111 11111·,·tm'.! \, uulcl 1,,. d1sr1~lruus fur art. 111,·eKUaatlon anct report. the art world, hn:-- bl'rll re• \11 c.i11ccnsl11!1CI tr. alter 70 and it w111 mean Lhut LIie celvcd so well. There hA ,c ycur:,,, of 1cm11on11·y con• Qucen•land Al't Oallery. been O cuuplo or condlt- <Ill Ions, t11c 1~01·ern111rnt 9'hlch has never had a l'CBI lonal ncccptunces or the nclecl hunledly unrt b11llt home or Ila own ror 10 1 slte but. probably thnt nice anythln~ less than tht! fears and 11 now located round sum o! $1 million best." relief Excitement, The Queen • land prHident of the lloy,1 ln1titute of Archi– tect • (Mr. H. J, Parkin1on) s,id hi • organiution would have liked a more central po1ition for the new Qucen • l,nd Art Gallery. There wa •, howenr, a 9eneral feeling of excitement and relief among art lo¥era that a~er year • of haggling , new gallery was 10 much cloMr to reality, ~Jr. Parkln,..,011 !-UY'..!Cslctl Bul this lr tlcr a ro111pct..ltlo11, rcstrtctrd lri li~s nnu1her brush fur his Quccn8lnnd nrrht1ecls, Lu cnm·n.,. He sat<; Lhe gal• l!Cle<•t the deslun for the !cry , 1,n11lrt be ke11t where ne"· art aallci•y, It I•. and e,tended Into 11n1·t or the Royal National AS5nrlntlon's iiho.,Rround. Thi• ground should be Queensland t;nlrcrslt) nmvcd ~·ell 0111 Into the Faculty ul Architecture suburb• ~·here It would not Dean tProle•wr a. E. he a lllCllRCe to trarrlc or nobcrt• • described the lo potlcnts at the Royal South Brisbone bite as • Brisbane Hospital. he snld. splendid choice. us?~ 1 1 W,~ ~~ 1;;;~ 1 :,t('~r,1To expedite by haring ..• major bulldlnB The Go\'el'l\mcnt Ls not racln ~ It . he Sl)ld. ''The ye, In a position to be rlrcr I• Brl•benc s sreatcSl j•hlc to say when work assol . and that.. Is a most wlll ,tort' u'n the new art 1 "j,?~f~~!~/~gbc~t; ~\~· a ~nllery. tmt prumlsed that rundomental «i e c I 6 I O n \ercr.l' rrlort would be made would have lo be made on to speed tlc\lclopmcnt. whether this v.•as to be The site !or the gal– purclr pi\ nrL aallcry 01' lrry Cl)\ICl'S RbOut six and "oulc hR,·e fucllltlrs tor an n lln.lf acrc.r,; of lnncl whlch u1·t school n111I classes In 11'III hr lnnrt~cnµed lo Uallct. Rn<I lhcatrc. 1crcRte the l'tl!!h L atmoij- Brlsbonc city 11lollnCr pherc !or such ft l>ulldlns. and ot·ehltcct tDI', K . Lull•! The Lord Mayor tAld . gen salll he wuuld not llke,c . Jone.SI oll'lls about 44 to sec Quccnslnnd !- new Rl'l µrrr hcc; nn this site. f\llrl y:alkry ns an nw(:•\11sptrhrn 1-iRYli that resumption wt11 monumoin such n:i; that In he· neµo lln tcd brt\\'ccn the :v1clhn11rnc. The! rul>ltcrOovcrnmcnt. and ht~ rep• : ~?~l!dal1r1~1~1<1N:l~a~ri~~r \\'~•lll\~ I rr.sentn t.lrt".~. think of It. l\h somcLhhl~ It. ts R wnnn thin'-! to know t.hol thr Go,·crnmcnt Is nble to !Ind 57,000.000 ror an nrl gallery. bul the hlugcst !!low or rtll coml'e 1 rrnill the wny In ~·hlch lsr,me or the land cAmc to It. " If there illl to ht a ,real rennl~wtnre • !'ityle l'ftatlon with IU!il\'Y stone wall111, moats and roun• tnhu. the bulldlns h,– romM mnrt im1,nrtant than lhr eshibils," uld Ur. IA IIJCf, Thl.s wo< rtonotcd l>)' the City Council "·hlch rnund 1 ll illd not need this lnnd for I he filrerslde Dl'lve µrojrct. Brlsb:111e nr,·hllccl. :\lr. Sn you srr . II ·s G . Bllf: h. SllUGC~ls thnt what proplt' nrc-hl1cc1s rro111 All orcr clocs not Jive :\uslrnltn. be \n\'llrtl to ~uh• nlonc l" 1nit, t.hcir t.:n •clrntlal:,; .urn.1 n n uin l,~r or I he.•~(' 5r\rcted for Rll (tl't.. µullcry <lr~IA:ll co111prttt ion. 0 1 lwr le1~dlll1,! Uuurc~ 111 r l1r nrt \\ Orltl 111\\e thnnk~fl the C.o, rrnmcnt for nL 111:-it 110 ,·m u: put thr. show on tlw roncl . hut onr lc1lcr writer l.o;; wnn lr d tlrnt n repeat or ihe 11103 llood co11ld put the cnn,·asC!'i 111 I11c 11n µnllcrr 1111cl1•r "·n1 cr. The Ourrrn111cnl I~ tnkllH.: thl~ wnrnln~ ,rri,111:-il\' lWCRIISC It h n5 th{' So•1·1cr~ct Dnlll to holri hn1·k !loud \\ Rt('r c 111 thf' nn... lJAnr HI\C'I' c-ntl'h• trustees for Art Gallery TWO men who "visual arts·" t . a,re exiierlenced In lhe , . 1,IVe }1'(' 11 appol I d o, the Queensland Arl Gallc:;.e trustees 1hcy are ~lr. A, ~ .. !lead ~--- . 111d Mr, J , 1 . llt~l,,1· Cre('(l,V, Who recent I 11· Whir. Read ha, 11·011 the :11J1 1 ol 11 ted Cultural ~elti~·• Rlyhnne prtzr. thr Ii c. ttr · Director for Qu .· H C ards J')l'lle uur\ the lnnn. een.s• h aney, prize ~l r. Ri~by He sn,a Dr N ns ~on the Women 's hnn. Mr E R · O , J . Be– f eckl) portran /JrtZC ond lllld Sir EIIL, ~I Cuppatd~c as studied art m ltnl been urph,1• had I spccJol llollon Oov~r~~ Lrustre~eoppoJnted Oaller1• ment scholarship Thr Educ•ttoll . ono C Because OI Ill• COllSld- tural Aetlvuirs Mtllts~/- gni'(le lllleres t In the Art (Mr. Flc1chrii'·, unnmuic~:~ ~- cry. Mr. A. E. .Guymer r••lerday thnt onoiher new :~oe~ll~e~Ubhf Service Board rustee ll'Ould be Mr. A. J rea111101 rire3. so had been 1 ~ MAY19G9 Trustee for· 24 years Ou11n1l1nd'1 ·" rt G1llery'1 long&1t•1cr•in1 trustee, Mr. Edg,n fe,. 1uson 1 of Mount Grovott, will roti,e today alto, 24 Y••n 01 o trustee ond 11 years as chairman. He hRs rell rM !or health reasons. First nppolntcr1 aa a rustee l11 !04:i. Mr. Fcrgu– on became 1·ha.irman In I04R. 111 I ~:i I he proposed anc1 ro111utrd 1 he H. c R I e h n r ri s Mr morlai' Art Prizr 1111r1 rlrrw un the first, ~et nf ,~011d i1.lons. The Qu~Pn~ln11(1 ,; r1 Gnllr.ry Soc1ct.,· t\l:'t:1 fn11,1ed fnllow..., ln!l n 111ec\11w lie co11,·c·11ed. tn rn,:,' nl .\·1,:1r ~ Mr Frr– llt11.011 wn~ \ !rt• p rr 1.lclcn t of lhe boarc1 of 1r u~1re,s And chnlrmAn of 1hr. orocurf"– mrnt f'Ollllllil tPI". Hi• wn~ electrci n frllow or thr RO)'RI Rocif~I\I or Arh nndon, In tnf14. ·Las! ve~f \" he e R II\ C the R.oval ~ 1 oclrly or Arts rrnrr~ent.A– ve In Queenslnnr1.