Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Sydnoy, .... · A ND wllile we'ff OIi die sabJtd of mhff .•. TIie Cmlt DIIJ Im anind ia Bmbaae. The rily is to gd • new Art C. Illy,• $7 millioo job baa flae rimslde posldo •. Tllis lla5 llnrteecd art 1-nen, for llley llan f~ dllle .. ~ • rt plkry .... llan f....... • IWr ~ ..ds. For it ls• wreck of• joinl. Too ... n. Too lf&ly. O • ly a fract.lun of ID art wow cu '- llllow • • a o • e ll-. Most of them gre stored In dark coniers aad on , 1alttUtS. .\al die stall llas bad a busy dme In wet weather dartin& aroUDd wllll ._ken to caldl the chip! fro•• lnki • a roof. That's toup on aatt.e, ala) it7 Bui now, with die•• • rt pllerJ comlaa -,, dwtt's a.,,,,.. tlerful time coml • g up for Jhe custodians of die_.e'• 111'1 .._. ...., No ...., w • ... for• backf-1 illN die rala .... ............ , ·, Drysdale on wages and gets painting C:ANHEltHA. llusscll llr_vsda lc will g·e t 0111~- " wagr ," a nrl ex11cnses for· his rejec ted 1iortra it of the l'l'inr c .\lin is lcr (i\lr. Gnrfn11) . llr will t.t\\11 tlw pkttJrr :\ nrl he 111:1 ~ err nnot la 1 1•!rn11rr to ,,:1r11 Ju~ fll'Ulll !!-.f'd f'Ulll/ll\~'-.l(lll T lw C o 111111ni1\\f.'11l1l1 :\ 1·1 .-\cin:-.on R1.1:1rrt. \\ hl<'h n •li•c1,•cl t.111• 11 r~r J l1 r,– flnlr por; l',111 b ~I ill rn11 1rlr1 111c \\ llf'1l11•1· i , 1 :1:-ik h llll I() !1:1\t' 111\1H IH' I' tr\· ·1 ilp. bnnrr 1 d :n 11 111 :i" ,~.r llur,\'I l.J1 1r1, .,, , 'LI' 1 1,Jl. r,·, " ii 1· n1 ,·~dnlr ,o,m. PM's request A lt,1;1:·rl ,1l i1t·1:1I :-:iirl 111111 IJ l)J\ M11l lt• II()! n kMI 1c'1 do -.,·1·n111l poi 11,1 t hf' ,,,,iuld p ,tlr1 t,11 1,1:, llln t• n11~ Alld hi~ lllln l h• (I n 11111 ki1,rn ·., 1 iat rllr i1ou1 Iv r:11r t\1>ti\d 1i.. ,,,r nn :11'I 1:-I nf Dl" ';--1:.dr'i;: ptnm~ !llf'l h f' ~lr 1. .. -.r. 1 n , 11,,,,, nrv,rtnlc lo ri.·1 11 , p111irn 11 .· T hr ,· 11,1\f' h,•1•11 l l'lt'IICh· :-.:i ,, (' I '11 I '.' l' III to (it_'l'l,1.l~ (i1 n111111:1 1 1oc.rt Iler. t'llr (of •l l 1111 ~111d nt I ·•• I' I I l .1 11 'I f llfllll.:111 1' ., ,i n 'rt\ L'.•u1:, p iii 1 I \. .I. •'1·t• h ,' l;lP ..\1 I \ 111 ,. H,111 1 nncl 111rfi!'-''•·,..'l!'!I '.\.1111111:11 \1'•n 11 1n,1h 1 ·.1 111 - 1' 1 .! 11 •,U I!. 1111 '• :1,J• 11/ 'l:t.• Jl ;r 11f l l ,I it.t-n"\ f()" If' 11'•11• 11 ,1 f 111• Jl)t'l:"'II' 1•,.11 I' \I I; 11111 i i, 1 : .,,..... ul,rl In: t l ' 11 111, \\ .I\ 1101 llp• JIii "1,11 • f,,r 1..:: 111 , ... II t I, II Pi•rllnnH~··, Ito i~ • 1•. lll'li" II ,t n~ tn 1..- 11·,n~ "Iii, /·\ 1'1 II 1 ;1..!1 (',•1I !1 111 ,I i. 11 ,, .. ,1 ,,1 ,r k ,1 1 Rr1 11,, ol l1C'l,ll ,, ~ r'?ll(•JII ~:1 1d MAIL" Brisban e, O ld 2 · isl · ag-ree on freedon1 Nc wul tru\ tcc, ot the 01.1ec,,slond Art Ga llery , A,thu, ( van Read ond John R,gh,· o, , o,tnh ••th com.,ilctcl) d,tte,e nt 1t ylc , h ut they monog• to a gree on one thi ng. f- •· A , I -huu lu hft\f' r 111111,1,.,1, !1 PP(1nni , 0 p rr·· ~f'lll u. !1 l h,- \Hil ll.~ (() 111 II' 11\,it II Jt\ 11111 'hf'\ l"l:lf.-r on "l h r1 I1111 a.! ' llk.r tfH·1r 1n p ff'l'- (' lll'f•~ II pa.r '1111,! J ha1P c·a1 r::nr1e.; h t I ·1ppn,1• I 1·1111 br 1·01IC'd a l 1 /0 1 ~:, 1 )/ 1\~·; if1':.u~:-~, 1 ;i~!f;: 1 rue!. I C1UJ1 l fl"likf" 11()11~ 11,;urnll\ r pa1111111~ lt . 111.,t llaL 1 111 t·n11r er11rrl \\'11 h ht• IHlllll\ll 11ll8(:f'." SUit.i ~1r H1~1n· ~t r n,,11.d . n1rt · "l 111 1w r· "i tlll R I Jy l'Oill't.'1'11('(1 '-' llh, llH lO~t·npr J)l-\l!lllnl: I I rv 10 i.:t•' ll ba ln 1w(' n P1\\ £'('11 •1 hr fr.t·l!nc of 111y ,11h1rrt Hmt \\ Im I I 81'l unlly ...,. , fJol h B~/"Pf' 1hal ·" ,,~, l'R . hn 1·011!rt clo \\ tt h n It'\\' m nrr R.rl unllr r1i•-. Thr \' nb o agrrP lhR I lhf' oppor111 ni11rs for a rt 1~1~ 111 Q urr>n'ilR nrl c•o11lc1 hP lnr bC'I Ir r t hn 11 thr y a rr . ~~~.'Ab'll~TI ·· tn ,nmr v.•nv~ Q1H!1•11 ... land a r ll'il. ...,.ou)d l'Prta111lv do br11cr by go1115Z .-.outh o, \'Cll O\'Crsca.'i. It I~ qullr IRrd IO make R ll\'lllJ; nt ,:id'_ri:•g here." M r. Rl~by 'Dif ii cult' topitkPM • • 1n iucture Art c ,Y.pc t ls in Brisbane, toda y said they found it diffi– cult to recog nfs e Mr. Gorton in a new•• paper rep roduction \ of t:,c pai nting of the Prim<! fnin istcr by Russ~ II Drysdalo, T Ii f rl11 :'('l pr or !he Q11u!11~l,111U Art li,dlcr.>' :\fr. J.. ,w, \\'i1·1wkr, ~111d llllll I. ., l111 p1t•~:dn n wa~ t hat It \\ :1, ,! ,. 1 II - 11r– n111i;rd :-.111cly, 11 ltlll.. t1j: h lhc ,~~r !t ~\\o;: It: i._'.','/~,-~;~~' 1/ 1~ .;:.~ r~ ~ ~~~lit ' l'l'IHl11.-, 110111 the , , l111 f'lh:•••111 , r 111, 1:-111 wn!i; 1111pn:,;,..lhk \\ ll lln ut h a \lng 'tl'{'II 1111' porlrult. h i' <.:lid . •Tiu• pnrt r:i\1 c, r Mr. Oor-- 1 o 11 . wlillh l llc Co111- U'~;: ~~\I,.. ;I I:} 1 1~1111•i\~ .. 1 101 l ~~I,. V{~, 1 ~~ SC'!I. U ry, cl:il1• to p;1111t. and wh1t.'I~ w:1:- to ha11~ in Kini.: ~ l l:111. Pnrllnment. Hou:-f', h,.-- hf'1•11 n.'JCl'tcd. 1 Thr 1Joa1c l 1.., rrporlcd to he l'ntl,l•lf'rJl1~ \\IH' lh rr o r rnt ro ., ~k I J1 f , dalc to 1:11111 U!Hil lH•r fJOl'l l'a l t of f\l r . ( ior! 1l11 1 /\ I\ J' l~ h1111t• ) II I ?l l 1· I' ,\1 1~!'> h'('a 11--l:111d. 11ti;,~·r 1'0111• 111,.,1111wd \ltltl•,\ ha\ c Ill• ·!111 !1•11 :1 p11, 1.,11 ci l a for• lll'I' J' r 11111• \ l ni1,1•.'1" O f o r I 11, 1 11 11, l.1r ul, LOrd roob•l 111011~!1. :1 rorml'l' J\~\'Y:~::'. l~I r 0.:l>ll~~llr;~~;:!::l~~: ,llld lhe •\ i,.:r111 • Gt•nc rnl for Q u('l'll~l:111d in London, S ir Alnn Su1111111•n 1\lr . said 111 Hr\:-h:11\1' 111<1:, l · " I a\-– " ;,,·s h:1 , 1' t l1oii1-: lll Mr. Gnrtnn ,~f.uhl hl' n great. !-ill hJt'f'l 10 p:\1111 " \\' /111!• ~,.r1 11· .d'nwa nrc !111"- 10 111 1 111:i th' 1o r :i \\'Ork or ,11'1 :11•.,11 , 1 :\ ll''l'h·, I llk – ('IH'...~. :11 1 d ,dt l10 it! h II IS <llflh 1111 IP (<'11111 1•11t W 1lh- 011t 11.1\ \111.; ' "''II 1l!l' 1td 11n l por1 r:.t1 ., ,ul 11:; , nlo rlng. 1l14• 111 ,, p:q ,n l't' lll'OdllC• 1ln11 ir11 1 i1 ;, II·:- th :1L lhf' rr~ ._,1lt ,._ 11 • 11111 \•,h:11 I tllink r••pn•"' 11' \ t r fi n 11nn . ' \1 \' n 1111• , 1n 11 1.'- 1lu1t. 1lir l ll.!111'• I 1 110 tll r.·· :O.t 1s:,; \ ] , (',, l I. II•! •.ild Brisbane, Old. \