Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

in court AUCKLAND ISp:c/al I , - The man who stoic the Picnuo nude ''Lo Bclfc Hollondai1c" from Quoonslond Art Gallory two years ago pleaded guilty to o thaft charge here ycstcrda ¥'. T II(' New 7.1•1t11111dcr Who . ,rntr lh e Pflllll lnu - ltllci nt r r rc1111·11rr1 It - 1s Rob– rt nonn lcl Htchn rn l'cr~u– ·011. :.!-1. l11 u11dr,, \\'Orkcr. 111 1\ uc-k ln11r1 tvlngbtrnlr ~ Cour1. hr. Plr'a<h•:l f.ltlill ,. lo '- ~:~~'i!~l"~C i~n! 11~~;ti't11 7q :,IOl~1l1lrj 1 rnm n hnu.\p \\'hr rc hr ,,·11:,, a cl11111rr g11rM. Ti1r COlll'I, \\'R'i tnlrl hr rr– l11r11r c1 t hr wnllrt With Sl:?n 1111rl n b11 11t·h or orcl1icl)o; 1nr I hr ho~Ic:,,s. The llln~h,Ll'll!C l't 1 ICR'iC'rl •'rru\lbOll 0 11 I \\'n \'Cf11•~ Pl'il , HHl011 nu r nncll!lnn lhnt IC ('Oll tlll11c_, 1,0 l'C'('CiVf" IJ:C,_\'– hin trfc trPn1rnc111.