Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

CHILD ART £The judges in The Sunday Mail's 1969 Children's Art Competition, particularly enjoyed the entries from the youngest children - in Class 8, for those under 8. \ But they felt that the standard in the portrait section was not as h:gh as it has been, and suggest that next year's competitors should consider this section more seriously. The J u d g e s were dard as previous years, Quecnslan:I nrtlst WII- especially In the Corer liam Bustllrd, Queens- and the Portrait sections. Jnnct Art OaJlcry Director COVER: The cover de– Jnmes \Vle11ckc and Inn sign was made inter- ~1\',\I ~~.T~:;,,?i~~t{; 1 ~Inll esllng by Lile decoraU,e This Is 11'11:tt the Judge.~ tr:~~"'. 5 en~~r t~.5u 1 ~r::d snld nbont Lhclr work,- cracked earth and the M.r. Bustard ~ 1 ;,1~da~!11n~ei1.r~t~r~~~ Generally the entries or this )'car·s competition weJ"e not as high n stan- la ndscape. CLASS 3 ,o..rrn): The Winner made good use or t.he texture or the material and was Rl~o rnore bold In treatmenL ol the motlrs used. l;J,ASS ' l"Men On The Moon ", "The Dance" J: Here was a subJect to delight t,he heart or nny child or to– dn.v. The winner or tJ1e fire dunce by t,he natives in L h C Ir p n I n Led tribnl markings was a good PLEASES JUDGES piece or work. vigorous and full o! color. CLASS 5 ("Bike Race", -"At School"): Here was a < 1 ,oice ol two very popu– lRr subjects and they ccr– tolnly did Ju.~tlce to t.hem . Cl.ASS 6 !"On The B e II C h," 0 Havlnr A Ullllt" J, < I) A back view of a girl In the bath ex– ceptionally wel.1 trcllted. , 21 A decorative elfect of e. couple or persons un– der lnrge beach um– brellas. Quite elfectll'e. Cl,ASS 7 i"My l'arnur– lte Game", "Bedtime") t I , Very s 1..1·011g trc1ll ~ rnent, well desl~ned land– ,,, !Ille Bild 11ooc1 bold Lrcutu r.nt . ,2 1 A charming fanln– ,w nr children plnyln~ with bal loons treated In e. vcrv free style. ( I.ASS R 1"r.hrlslmH D11y''. 11 1'oyland'' I: What su1·p1·lscs we nl– wuys get rrom the tiny tot-s. 'rho wmncrs, anc1 111 fnn, u !I thc~e entrif's wen• well trenlcd In rhr1r childish WI\Y, Mr. Wieneke The •elected work In the Spccln.l Cover sccLJon Clas., I was n thoughtful nnd warmly lclt outback Iandscnpe of strength 811 1dct~u,~~te~~;'ink the l'or– tralt Section this year lll\S qui te up to the best W?t'~c 0 6c~r:~ ,::~ itrtnln l\laterlal a ttrncted many e n t. r I c s but generally fl:~~ k~t~fd; ~l li;~l~ra r~ 1 1'~: tlonshlp and design - p I u s lmoglna1.lon -– would h nvc st.rengthenrd this secLlon. The first nwnrcl In <:lnss 4 :\l('n on t ho ?\loon or :::ncr-r1~~~,<1~~~:~c" i!\'l~ci ..lfil\'thmlc Dust." The mot•Cm r nt. orclC'r nnd 1·n1. 01· tvl'rc \'Cry succes~1111ly hnndlcd "Bnll Gurne" nwnrdcd first pl''7.e 111 the At School or Bike Race Cluss 5 had both rhythm and vigour and It was ca– p a b 1 y composed with good contrast or tone and c OI or. The work In Class 6 On the Beach or Havln~ • Oath revealed some run– ny benches and some ex-- ~Jt°"~J:~ar~;,i~~~t,;u~I~fr~ was a ch1U'mln11 ~l'aw,ng, A strongly rrndered 1 an et s c n p e ''Under a Night Sky" won I.he first nwarcl In Class 7 tunder 10 .,·cars., l\ly Favourite Game or Bedtime. It. wa• nn unusually confident and a g r c ea b I e com– posit ion employing a re– strlctcd palette. Those dcllghtful con– trlhutol's under 8 years as usual went to WOl'k \\1th n will in Cluss 8 Christ– mas Day or Toyland. 1\fr. Gall The hot baked west Is pal111ccl Into the winning picture by Kevin Foley. SN·otul pince went. to a w n I e l'•C o I or pnlnting, l'rcri)' and courageously hn11dlecl. ro~/~id "1~~rlsJ~:lfoncor4 "The D1lnce" and 11 Men 011 the Moon." StrlklllK Icnn fl~urrs 111 ~~l\o:~·n,~,.fJ)~\c:'~gedg~~t and the heat. Second prize gave an 1~~•S~!~~~":urf~~Pci~ar?! Ing some small figures and n spuce crart Just ar– ter lnndlng. •·n\l 1 : urL~~~.. 1 'o;ecu,?~i ''Sch0<1I" attracted some 1,WOCI 1 •1lfrle.ir ;, Tile li ttle ones. under Ri-. as 11~11nl pnhlll'd well RIHI \\ Ith La lent. so even the JrnlAC" hnd rllrrlculty 1t1 rend1lni:t a clcclslon. ALL priae • winning entries will bo published in full color in neat waok'1 Colo, Mo901in1, 29 JUN ·t009 Child art • winners -extweek Wlnnert of the S.nny Moil Child Art Cq111pet1- tlon will be on'nounce4 nHt Sunday, A record 2800 · entrlea 11:ere receh•ed lfl Ute com– pet.ltlon, In the eight sec• tlons. Entries came from many country areaa, the city, and other BtRtes. Paintings In the com– petition wlll be shown In the Queensland Art Gallery from July 12. On Aurust 7 the Peter Stuyvcsant Trust wut make another conlempo– rary show, Art of UM rg:c:al;:,~;. a allable &e The art or the Prlnt- :~·d ' c1f;r~ 11 ~~1r: w\~r°~~ seen in '!leptember when the Print CouncU of Aus– Lrnlla 1969 Selection, to• ge1 her with lhe Queensland DIvision or the Austroltan Commcrclul anrt Industrial Artists' Association dlllptay are exl1Jblted. In mid-October, entrlea In the gnllery·s richest nwnrd or $1000 !or the H. C. Richnrds Memorial Prize to.:cther with the L. J . Hn rvcv Memorial Prlu, l!O on show. This will be rollo~ In mld -Nol'ember by an exhi– bit.Ion of 90 pnlnttnp and t~~~~nA'! ,cs.by Queeusland