Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

IT'S CALLED "The Red Telephone," is the work of Gundmundur Gudmundsson of Paris, and is port o f o d isp lay ca ll ed "Three Trends in Co nl empo rory French A,1" which opens at the Queensland Art Gallery next Tuesday. 7m,,i 1·111,e,·,11 r •:It c-11,- Th!" rxhlhiT Inn wJiic'h c n 11• au , w1\) nfllf"l::\ ll~· \\'Ill hU'IL 10 d a~'.... 1~ rl)- npl"n 1hr rll'-}'IA~ •irtrri llllO Ill'! OIH1 :,.t'I· .,,.,...,;..,..,.,.,...,,....,,...t;: ('11{'(', lll'l nnrl !-O(' IC' l y :nicl nrt 1111d 1mtur<' :-.Pc·• ton'-. Our or thr lal<':-.1 1 rl' 1HI'> In 111'1. IJ'IIH'l\f' ct\~p ):1\',:, llllll Tllill'I'\' ll !'I :l 11r! '-f' I• <'t1t.:r. \\'lll he :-.Pf' n :1 L ,11,.. rshihil ini1. 11 \\'Ill h ,· l llr" Prctwh nrl ct1~p111 ~ 10 he sr.rn hrrr tor n rtt•(·actr. Ac I I 11 g Prnfrs:-.or or F'rr11ch nt 1 he Q uer11s- ~ \ ~i\11~//1~:~;/1~ 1 ~· -:~~'i'i\'i\'i~ t1u11, 'l'lln·t.· 1'1rncts In Contt'll1f)ornn: Fr r n t· h 1\ rl , I!- pri'>M·ntly Oil .".!how :1t I ll!' Qt1('(.•lk,la11cl Art 0 :1ll1·n . S1·km·l', Sul.'ir-t \' N:1tur,· ur,· tu\ l'fed b\· tlu• 1•,l111J1L1011. l h c r1t<1 ll11t J1ir .,\iowt11gs LO l'Ollll' ln,111 Pl'ttlH'f"' !-.lllCl' 195!1, 11 'AIll be 0 11 :-.how 1111- 111 .1111,· 7. Ur fon~ con- 1.t11111n • lo ul hcr S lu t,•:,. By FPrDFR IC ROGERS Anybody inclinrd to bunt into peals of laugh. tcr at " Nano" should take nnothcr long look ond then rclnt(' her to the other 67 pieces in the current ex hibit of " Th u~c Tre nd, in Contcmpororv Fron eh Art " ol the Qu ccn,lond Atf Gollcry fG,~efory ~ N;ncel. '.\. n l f' \'l'l',\'lin d \ I , t.:OIIIC !11 11i> r1 1rr:1· 1r'f't~ 11 , r, rn 1 , 11 , 1 • ,: 1 -- n•· 1·011... 1 111r· r n1 1 111 1)11, ,l)n\\ 111 L'. 'fl!l\l' \ I,~ l,1• ni ••.1~1 nr 1a ll,v , , , •• 1·11 ,nn, will h<' rr.111i-:I\ ,·n111tl'•i•d Jrnn1 11 1111• 1n 11111" (1 1111 '' ill 1,.-. n•,·:, ,·t! 1111, nil 1111 , .. • :1dnu1 r t1, . ·111 ,1!11111111 n f llll 1'\ l11hJ! l', :11 11!\ oh r• Jl ·n1·r11•n JI\ " ' ,. , \ ui.,11ff,.. . •:i··r 1 ,1 01 , •1111,·111p111n r\· a :1 ' 1 n111 ~1i,,,~!' :1h•1 1a 1·1 l.•m rn Ill ' If ,•,n '1'1 \ Jt!q't' I "I' Ill \ ,,, rl1.1' I " , 11111,t 111·•1' 1 1 • 11 : /'I'• ' Jl'\\1 111' ! Ill' )1111• hr rnr,• 11 1- "lo ~ 1 .ir 1• 11 1 n11 .l nl.\ 7 !I I'- ll ,t Ill'! "' f' \ l111J11 HIi i 1111 l</f'/'1 /I JI\, 111 /1111.11,, r .nn pn1111111·, !11 1 ,.,,,.. 111 c r!ir •. ~hn\l lh( !.?nlJr n a 1111!,1r. I' ire, lnl\ ,.. rfr r 1dr rl in "l"'fl 111" h 111lrl1 11 c 1111•11 11 n 1 1 11, k '•lll'-''",W....,.,1 ~· 1 •:•h\ ~ .. 1rt..rl~,· :'\11(! T h 1 -.r n, Provocative l•1111 r ro·u,·111•:1 ll1·1• 11111111: n1·t1 ...1, - th r1•1• ' frn111 ~ ,·t1 11,. , . rin,t 1111' r,om ;\l r lhou r 11r - 1111,·r a m l~ lt11•,. 1,r 1 ,1,p :irl ; 11111 11 , arl a t lh1• Our _ Eli•, .