Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Perth, W.A. ;- 2 JUL 1969 ... ART TEStS MAY PROVE OLD GIFT A TREASURE BRISRAN I•:. T oda \' : A H,•mhrandt ,.1 ,·h in.: owned h}' a T11owuo mf,a man, and pussihl,v wort h u for1111w, will he sPnl 10 the ~1,-lhourn,• A rt Ga l• l••ry for cx1u•rt a ppraisal, QLH'f'nslund Ar1 C nllr ry dln•(·lor J . \i\' iPrWkf', utter viewing lhc ~t chlng in Br ishurn•, said it appnarNI to be g,•nuinC!. Toowoumba husirwssn1an LJ-c1 Vcrwat P1' was given tlw t>ld1 1 ng hv a ramily fri1·nd in Hullund • 19 ycu1·s ag l1 a 11rl \\~1 s lnld 10 k1 •1•1, It h(•c ·au.st ' ii mlghf ht• worth u Jot uf murwy. M r \'f'l'Wa l" r plat cd the l•tdling hetwt•,•n tltt• leavns of a hool<, whf'l'1• ii 11•mai11n l uni ii a f PW W l!l'k~ ngu wl wn it Sil\\ tlw light ol cla y U).!Uin. Visil illJ:t :-:,,·is:... a l'I is t I l<•ini. S lf•i11111a nn p1•rs u– od1•d Mr \ '1•1 ,,·:i1,,, 111 ha ,•p an l'X (H\rl ins pt•t'I llu– work. Mr S 1t•i11m111111 !-:ii<l h,• \\'ilti t•xcilPd al tlu• dil>i• l'OVCl'Y, "II Is up In Mr V1•1wal cr 10 d1•cil1P wha l tu d11 now." he said. " hut he could IH1H 1 u wo rk worth a fortu1w. It mii:111 fe tch us much as $l1X),000 JULII' 1" :1111mr.ll (Sl,err•nml), lr/1 m11I Iii/Ii,• ,I,• llorne (llnr,/0,1). loukina nl ,me n/ llillic',i picture• in dte Ro,..,,I ()r,1•1•11•• '""''- "'' !!'Jcif't~·'• fU'tCl Ciilf1•r.,•• 1 119 11 ,, ,. r l~,IHfnrd Slrt•ul, 1'111• .*\od,•h ·'" nu,,, "'"""'' ,•.Ti,;. l,itim, will l,r ,,,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,.,,. ,,,, /111,· /.J ,,,.. ,,,,. ,,,,,.. rnliuu mu/ t~11ilurt1/ ,,frtiuiti,•1 Miui11t,•r ( Mr. n,1chrr ). Still li/r, portrailHrc nr1,I life c/nuea nre hel,I 11t tl,c ,;,,11,.,,. 1larce ti111t11 n ,c,eck, nr1d n lnnd1r.npe rlno w,ill w 11n,t In .-t1111111t. - GJUL L,\; l T hr callf•r·v hns aho rr- 1· t• 1 ,, r d r wo \\ ntcrrolnr. from her P."ilUlf' M ISS Lahr _\', \\ ho dlrd ln'il •\ u~u.,t. wn~ U\\'Rrcl.-•d Llw ""ot'lf'ly of Al'tl ..ts mrda l In 1945 and nn M .n F:. in Wfik fnr 'iPn ·1cr~ to n rl She \\ 11~ a ro1111rtnt1on lllf'llll)('f' of tilt• A11~tral1an Arnclr mv of Art, Joi n L foundn of rhci Q11rens1nnrl Art F'uncl 111ul u li fe rnem• br r of t hP Hoyal Queen1-1• ln11d An Sol'icl,1', Iler Snt11rct1n nrt clnssr s l>t."~1111 111 1941 \vPrr the nrsl •u1c1c· to nrt for manv <'11ll- dr1•11 . M1;-,s Luhry'!ii Inst pnmt• lni.:, k SIIIRII sllll lire. Im. hecn prcscnrccl 10 tlu- gnl• lery hy her sister. ~tri;: M E. A Denholm The l\\'O wntt•rr olors frnn1 hrr eslntr nre a cha rnclPr ISI le child study by dls– t lt11:u1!-;hc,t Nrw Zenlnn : I I s I Fn11ce.s Hod~kl11s. \\'llh whom :\tls!ii LnhP\" ·tw licd 111 EnTlnncl. nnd ii 1 1j~!-\~l1~h~'i 1 t u ... r.~:~ 0 P61~~: S()Jl, It \\'Ill he th" seventh \\'Ol'k by Miss Luh,•y Ill lhc cn llcry. Iler work I: T·pr.-sc11tcd In mosL ol Lht ll'll'\C'l(>lf nrt t;nllr ries In ,\ 11Mrnlln nnrt lu thc D:tr• nr ll Cnllrclln11 n1 Lhe IICCU:-tlR11Cl Unlvrrsltv. The three flUlllllllg; \\'Ill e on dls11lny nt Qantas House, Queen St1·cet. for b_out four weeks before 0111 Into the nrt aller ,. llrisb.ne , Qld. Through I.lie kl11dness or I.he IRtc Miss Vida Lahey, M.B.E., the executors or her estate hA1•e presented two fine watercolours to the Queensland Art Gallery. One Ii! a characteristic Child Study by the dls– tlngulshr.d New Ze,Lland ort lst France, Hodgkins, with whom Miss Lahey studied In En~IR11d. The other Is a sensitive portrait by our o,,n "'ell– known Bes.sic Gibson, rt l\'83 Painted during the ,ve11rs she spent In EuroJ)I!. In addition the gallery has received a small chan n– lng Still Life by Miss Lahey hcrscl f. lt was the la.,t watercolour plllnled by lhla lifted Queensland art– ist, and Is generous!)' pre– sented by the a rtist's sis• ter. Mrs. M. E. A. Den– holm·. The three watercolours wlll be on vie•· In Qantas House, Queen s treet, Brls– b1u1e, tor sevcrRI weeks. Brisbane bo.y wins top art prize has wan top prize in The Sunday Mail's 27th