Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Toowoomba, Etching here may be Rembrandt's art What is believed to be a Rembra11dt cl ching, owned by a Toowoomba businen man and possibly worth a fortune, will be sent to the Melbourne Art Gallery for expert appraisal. Uirrdor ul tlll' Our•t•11,-(;111d \\~l• .., lolcl lo krl'p it "bt•t·nll,"' Arl Ualh•n \fr. . J. \\ lt·11,•l,,t•, ll 1rngllt he wn1 t ll ., Jot nl who ,·i1•\\1·;I 1ht• t•frlliluc In 1111,11cy." Hrl~h:uu• 11111:,, . ~a id It up- '.\II' \',•n,a 11•r p\11r1•rl 1t11· JH·ar1•,1 Kt"llulw•. t•l l'illll).! IH'l \\ 1'1•11 Liu• 1"1\ t'."I "Thr ,.1,•l1Ju11i·111• 1•,dl••ry 1., I ~t a Ito~. l~~!t•~::./~/'or::'~: 1 , 1111 - prohuhly till' • 111~· 11111· 111 1 t1 im 11 1 K At1slruh11 \\ lll1 t ilt· ~o phl:-.11· Dated r11 1rd 11wt\1111•s 1n ,•,•;1!1111 ,. lh<' Pl l'l ld ll;; 111d Jllth·•· 11., t\ , 1~it111~ :-i\\ t;-., ,l l'l bl. 1631 ,,·onh," hi• :-;nHl. 11,•1111. s 11•111111.1tH1. \\ ho :,a,, :'\l r. I.co \ 'l'l'W,, II l', '' 1111 llll' 1•11·!11111:. fln :1•d lti3I , p,•r- ~~11~~:~!::., Ollll~~ 11 , ~::c:~\~.\'~lli,~ ,,'1ftdC11 '.\1 1'. \ ·1'1'',\ 11l1·1' l tl h:1\l' Ill! •'XJJl'l't l11!-.pt•1·1 la· \\Ork 'fno\\1Klmh11, wa., 1,:1n•n tl .- · Tndn\' tl<> n \\ Hi•, 11 1 th•· etrhl11~ hy :1 lnrllll) 11 lt'llfi Ti l Ai·L (.i HII ·ry \.\lr F 11 J-101ln11d IO ~·,.nn, n1~ 11 nrt , O nrdir1t•r , nnci :'\1i S t1•111• 11rn1111 lCklk tla: (•tl'lllllt.! lit i\tr \\' 1l'nrkc for uppl nb nl. Mr. \Virnrkc ~xammrcl ll n1 1cl Ml~~C'~l r d tL bt• lnvrsti– ~alC'CI ful'lhrr. "It aJ>pear~ tu he: ~•Hui and ,•trnld he one of the finit prints uff the etehlUJ: plate.'' tu: ~utct. ~1r. S L1•ln111u1111, who ~nltJ Mr. Vcrwntur rould hn\'1• u worl: \VOt"Lh n 1"1.lllllt:, utd : "It ml~hL rer ll llS much as SlU0,000 Oll Ilk Alllfll('HII Ill E11ru11eR n mnrl: ... t ." Ml'. Vf'n \ .11,•r :.nlc1 \\ 111110 t :, kt• I h1· .-.t11l1,H':-.ll"'ll }.lt. 1 p, to 1111\'1• t ilt' \\ol'k \'t'l'l – lt,,d Tile r lcllm~. ut (l \\'Ullll\ll, will be (Ill db plny llllldcr guard ! at the Tia Gallery on Saturday and Sunday. Hobart, Tas. a ery seeks art contest entries ENTRIES are invited by the Trustees of the Queensland Art Gallery for two art competitions. They ore the moo H . C.I The prize fnr this wlli br 11 0 1 :' 1 \~-l;~;h ~l~~,;~r~lu ri:-~z';.:1!~g1:ir 1:: ~:~;~';',',~~"~~- Rily r, rlze of $1.000 for n painting I Entries for 0 hoth compell– n nny subject in nny me- lion, close 11t 1hr J11llrry on r1111m. nnd the L. J. Hnrvcy Frlrlay, Srpten,bcr 26. Memorlni Prize, 1060. NoL 111orr r,lrnn 1.lln'c en- tries may be submlUcd for the H. C. Rlchnrds prize, nncl not morn limn t,\\'O for the L . J . HRITCY prize, h~~,iJ'~~ 1 !::1f:h 1 1~; ,~1,•;.~I~~~ ut drawings need noL be framed. The Judges wlli be the Directors of Ihe Slate Gal– lerlcs or AusLrnlln. whose eclslon WIii be flnnl. Tl w <lti.pln,\ of Th" S11111111 \' :\lull Cl1lldn•n':– ,\ r1 C'nlll ,..~il C'llll'I('$ :1 1 Ille Q11r1•11.-.J:1 11d Art Onllr r\' "di ,·nnl l!HIC' 11111 JI ,.o\11'– ~ll.'- I :i. Jrom 10 n.111. to ,5 , pm iV1oncla\· 10 .Sn turrlnr • :w<I ll'Olll :.! p ,111 In !i p ni. 011 .~und:l\',-. MELB. CHECK ON ETCHING An cJching believed to be a Rt>mbrondt which m,ght be wo,th a to, . tunl! will be u i nt from Queetnland Jo the Mel– bourne Art Galle ry nea t week for c• pert apprai,ol. 'I Ill' ,., , h111: I• O\\lll'd IJ\ '1'1111\\(,0ltllHl I IIIIIIHtll\ 0 1- n·,••1,r \It I 1•11 \ '1~," .l lt' I'. \\llli \\ a, J,! !\ ,·1 ll Ill Jlol – lurnl \ 1 1 \ t'III " U~ll T lw pn-.,1hlt• , ah11• of Iht• f' lrh11 1~ \\ .1:, 1101 ~ll'llt'l'I NI 11111! ,I \l~llllll; S \\ l\."i n r u,1 , li-:l,;•'' ' 1·,t n 11111.:hl he worth n.., 111 ll'h a., \ JOO.OOU. rhf' rt1re,·1or or thr q 11·,•11~1nnrt :\ n 011lle>rr , \ l r J \V1rnnkr • said tl1e ,-.1c-h1111,; 1 p1wn1·rr1 10 bp 1ht> hf',t Ill f'Xl~lf' lll'f' lt fld ttd – \ l:,.('r1 \ l r \ 'f'l'\Lil l'I' 1n !wild 11 1n Mrlhnu rrw 1n1 R final c•tif',•k R' 1n 1111T hf'nJ 1C•11, 11(1 ff11R111 \ "SUL ETIN" Townsville, • J • "I Rembrandt Etching f ouno ' I T b le1r hln11 to Mr. Wrinekl n Oowoom a 1,ir nunrnisn l. !\·Jr. \Vein• ' pk r f'Xa miiwd It a nd SUJ.!'• i.:1'Btl'll ll he mvestui.:ated (u 1ther. IIIIISIIANY., .(111)· I. - .. ll np pcars to he i:ood A 1lf'mhr111111t t•h·hhu: nnd could bo <111e , f t hr1 owm•,I h.\' a T111m11u111h11 (11 st 11rlnls off 1hr, etch• hu~it11•..,,.mnn 111111 111,... 1111.: nla t,•,'' he sa id. i,il•h· ,,,orth a l'urt urw ~lr St t >inmu.nn wh•i> ~nhl \\ill ho 1k•nt 111 1111• ,1,,1- )tr. \'1•1w11trr could h ll\'1• hourntt Art t.;1ll1•n f11r 11 wo1·1< \\'nrl It a !r1rl un t"XIH•rt ull(1rnlsul. t=nid. ·•11 mii:-hl !ct..:h as n1rP1·1m nf 1h,• Ouecns- mud1 1L111 $100,000 on the l:111d Art '-'n llr\' , Mr. J . Anwri<'ftrl or Eur,opean \\'1,·n~<!l who vir\,rd the mn rket." ,·tl'h im: In Bl'11h111w 10. Mr. Vf'rwatcr :mid he dnv. ~nld It RllPCnr cd sl cris tn hu.ve tho wurJr Ct'll llilll!, \ 'f' ,' "Thr ! ."llini1rno i:nllr ry is 11rohuli, · tho onl.v onn in Auf:tr \Ila with the eonhlst kn t. r! / nclll llrs lo C\'nlunt n the c1d1lnu 11nd Jmlcf' 11.~ worth." Im 1nlrl. TIii' h11s lneHn1Hn Mr. Leo Vf'rwatc1·, w n!i 1,d\'f'n lllp f't<·hlnl.! h\' ff (Rmll\' frirnd In Hnlln11d lfl vrnrs nco nnd wn1t told 111 lu•1 II 1l " bM•1t11~P It 111h:ht hf' WO! I h n lot n ( IIHHW\' " Mr, Ve,·wntf'r i,hu•f'II lhf' rlchlnc hf"IWCCll the lf"n\·e~ nr a hnok whN'f' it l'f'lllH h1N I 11111 I( R (C\\' ,,·.-•ek~ nco. A \'l:clllnc– Mr. I l,•ln7. Strlnmnnn, who .rnw the etch tni: ucr·• l'IUHded Mr. Vcn,·ntf'r tn hnvo An exr,crt lrumcct tlw worJc. 1'o-d&\', the Dlrcc·lor n( A. ToowOombR Art Gullf'I"\'. Mr. F. Gardiner. Rncl Mr. S r lnmRnn hrom:ht U1f• YOUNG ADMIRERS, sr srers Kim , 10. and A lison A ,dlcy, 5, of Highgate H ill, inspect entries in The Sunday Moil ch ild arr display yesterday al the Ouecns lond Art Gallery 1ho11, a nrl n l hr mo!:T n111 c:pn\~f'!l t1 1' r nttc·s \\'Jll hr \1 '-ltllll! ' tlt Q11Pr11.,lri11rl Ar: , ;,t! ,•. , 111 1hr ,,.,1 1,111 \\1'1 t.~ in 11\'-l'f'f I I/ ''" 11,p!n :Vl nll\' "111 IH' 1()(11,1 .c ;1 r 1hr 1r 0,, 11 ,,nrk .\ II "111 hr mak rn,c r l1r1r "" 11 J11rl~l1H'lll ' Of IIH• Jllllll i · 1111,?!-i 0 11 rl1,;;µla y. T hr f'l'II IC'"', f'llllrit r n Alld trrnncrr~ \\ ho ()n – trorrrt 1hr 1·0111 ,H,J or wl1n n.re Ju,L lntere,;1,..d 111 w" ,11 nlhf' ••,;; lll"ir :1t.:f' 1'Hll d 11 \\ Ith 11111111 " :m rt !, ' , ,1r llllllfo:11\111 Inn \\ Ill 11," 1 :um ,,nr nr!- 111 t hr l'ntllpr; jl 1"11 I 11 : ! ' f' r111111 ~HIUI \l)f,l1j'.! lll\l._. \I• , , f'• 1·r !\NL h11· 11,,, 1 ;., J 1•1\ h :t" room 1n d 1 p!n \ 011:, .inn dtlr 111 tlw Cc,!or Maga 71 ll•' \ d 1 p.. 1~· nf p11ppr1 r~ 11 111..: lwld II\ rOI\ JIJJ!C'l!On \\1 111 lht• t'lll!(l!'r 11·~ lll'l 11,,\, ,., 1h, -..11•p:-- 111 11ink - 1'1:.! p· pp,, r:-- and thr rlif I"! ''llf 1n1 m , nl puppl"I I'.\', Tncfn\ nnr1 w•x1 ~un rl:n· a PIIPP" ' ;<;hnw will hr hrl,t nL tlt1• O :illrn flt ~ p Ill rh,· 111..p h1} Jui)' ~5.