Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Th~ Sundag Mail Child AI·t Speeial ,• ; Winner of the top prize in The Sunday M01I Children 's Art Competition is ''The Outback" , painted by Kelvin Foley, 16, of Ferguson Rood, Comp Hill, Brisbane. Kelvtn, a sub-senior istudcnt at the Church of England Grammar School, hos never been west of T oowoombo But hl.• set out to capture a mood of loneliness, searing heat and enervated stillneB . To get the fierce gold of the sun he squeezed yellow point from a tube straight on to his poinlmg a nd smeared it around with a bru,h. He wcceeded so well 1h01 1ud t'\ chos" 1t as the best of the record 2800 entries in this year 's contest and oword~d h,m the $50 first prite in the Magazine Covt"r Section.