Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

CLASS 2 - PORTRAIT Po, tr mt winner Robert Cameron, 14, of Deppe , Stree t St. Luc,o, Brt!ohone, toolrc on hour 10 do!oh off · M y Fovou11te Pen.on· o Jeff Batc -,sh study of o chortly colll'ctor who u~cd to coll when the Cameron fam,ly 1i,.,cd ,,, M lbournp Tht._• 1udges liked 1~e bold trealmtmt, but felt the eyes needed more wa d,. Said Robe,1 'I put a .fob on tht.• P VP\ lm 1 •hrnq, but the point WO!o sl1II wet when I hod to ru\h 1t 1n 1u,1 bt-for e •I I losed SomeHiir1q m,,,, hov.., qot knocked off on the way