Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

UNDER 17 Dt"\ •Qrl H• ... 11">11 ,.,,n,,,., M ,r ht.•lc Loyf1t•kf, 1.5 o f C, t rnt,, nt Rood, K,•d,o,,, B11\I.Jonr, \tw lf•d out tw, pmnt1,ig O\ o ,. n lr dL•cor 1,on for :JII oun• " Sydnt•y V./hcn 11 wo\n t ""•\ht•Cl 111 h m i: IO IO~t• "'''" h ,•r r,n \Ctiool holiday\ ht'' w t tt•o c.'ht.•r 01 (loyfit•ld CoHr•:w wgqt•\tt:>d 11 could b,· ,...,,.Jo1>,·rl 10 11 1hc Dc-.1 n lo• ~., fchen C u r!OHH Cal••go1 \ M 11 h,•l•• pointed her teopoh with feh ptm\ on French conva \ , bouqh1 from a habe,da\hc,y Unde• 17 winner Robin Mcilwain, i \ of St Hilda', School, Sovthporl l1kP, re h y " , omc! ,nq 01.,t of the o rdina ry" Thr st>I rnb1cd wm Th"' Danc e Im.lead of a ballroom or • ', • \t "'"" ,h,• <'HH • ,J r)irQbor1>1•, wh1c.h tht> 1udql'S foul"O vigorous arid fu11 of c.olo, Robin, daughter o f Gold Coosl Aldcnnor'\ Joel,,, Mcllwam, ho s been pmnting ser>ouslv for n year She hod no models for her dances and says 'It\ 1ust lucl.ty that day I wo , 1n on