Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

CLASS 7 - UNDER 10 Under \0 winner, Paula Wyllie, ·9 wa, the ,econd win,:• r fram Clayfield College, Paula,· of leam, Rocd A,pley, lri,bane, had trouble getting ,tarted with her category, ""Bedtime". She tried a child and puppy in bed, but it tumed 0 11• _ ,,,,,ly blanket. Then, one rainy afternoon, her mothei: took her for a drive out , toward, Mt. Gloriou,. The lighh coming on In the farm houMl ,uggHted the JCene which charmed the judgn Thi, vivid painting of "'Toyland"' won th& first prize in this section for Maxine McArthur, aged 7, of Kieta, 8ougainville, Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Maxine went to Bougoinville recently from Bri,bane with her parents, Her father is a resid&nt consulting engineer for a copper mining company there. She pointed the picture one afternoon when she was ill in bed, taking about two hour, lo do ii. Thi, i• the third time ,he hos entered the competition.