Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, Old. Seekh1g obscenity 1'HE reaction or many people to the ruling of a Brisbane maglstra le tha l copies of a Beards– ley 11rint should be destroyed or forfeited to the Crown doubtless will be to kee p a cau tious eye on their own 11ri11ts a nd objets d 'art,. For if this Beardsley print is obscene so are countless others by rc n owne-cl arLists, not the least of whom would be our own renowned Norman Llndsay. Many such prints (or orig– inals) hanging In hundreds of Bris bane homes, in galleries, and available in libraries are wlth– in risk of dcstrucLion or forfeiture as a result of this decision. Their owners will hope that the ruling does not result In a wit.eh- hunt by obscenity spies, well-meaning or otherwise. It appears that It is not so much the possession uf a picture which possibly might be deemed obscene that could land one In to trouble. It is allowing people who might be offcnclcd to see It. For they might make a complaint to the police. If this were noL so the police surely would now be busy visiting the Queensland Art Gal– lery, the Queensland Public Library, and muni– cipal llbrartes, not to men t!on the Vice-Mayor's office. With such a four-letter word in his tit.le and a Beardsley book in his libraries, Aid. Walsh would seem to be running an extra risk. Brisbane, 13 .JIJL 1969 rial performance QUEENSLAN D ,I n Gallery d irector Mr. Jnmcs Wlcnckc is prcpa1~cl 111 ucl1111L he nughL .iut:11 possibly he unrtcr•cstimo.tinl,! the youngstel's of Brisbane. 1,ers ·~~ ?o~ 1 ~~i~... \~i"?;oi:nt'!l,~~c eJ~!,~);~ 1 ~ 1 ~W. 0 ~j:n: dren's Art Competiuon for 1H69 · try 6~ :'J~~f~r~\,t: t{,~g~'.fn,~!~t°t2 1 ~}\;~.\~\\e~\e~'.' 1 lPi~; afternoon. the puppeteers a.re scheduled to singe one performance, beginning nt about 2.30 and laslln~ about 25 minutes. The Gallery ha.s tentntively arran~ed seating for about 30 children. Thirty·/ I<now111g kids and puppet shows IL could end up more like 300. "Frankly, IL's nn experiment," said Mr. Wieneke. "I! we get more children than we expect. we'll he deligh!A!d to try Le arrange extra performances." "BULLETIN" Townsville, Qld. y_ 11_ \~~-~- ... . ---'---- -- =---"-------- 17 JUL196!t Need old buildings A city w I t h o u t ill fcolously p,ese,ved old buildings of historic• I 1ignlficonce woo like a m11n without a memory. Brisbane Rrchltect Mr eter Newell said this las lght nt a meeting or th ucen~IRnd .".rt Gr1 llrr Sol!tctr He suid that Ii: the cities rogress had been the main enemy or preservation. High land values, mean llgh buildings, Old bulld– lllg.'i became uncconomt and must go unless pro tected by a powerful publ! sent iment.. "History 1, 1 he rerncm bcred pnst and old build– ings n1·e ,·1slbtc history .. Mr. Newel! nddcd. · Mr. Newell Is the nuthor or "'Brisbane Sketr·hbook"' n 11 d "Gold Coast nnd Orcc11111ou111 Sketchbook .. due ror pub!Jcatlon In 'a ntonLh. Health Week Competition BRISBANE, July 6.-Primary and second– ary school children in Queensland will have the opportunity of trying out their talent 01 amateur artists and vying for pri:s:emoney later this year in a Health Week paster com• petition. A total nl mnr~ thnn Inc- to the $.100 In 11rl1.emn11c)' will ~rouo~. he offored In the com- Tn1,h•~ on which chllcJ.. IK'tltlon, whh•h wlll . IK' ren wlll he RMkctl to t,u"o ~1•ommr,,,1 hy Ulc Queens- thrlr druwhurs wlll In– html 111 1 111th l~dm•11tlnn nl1ul1• 1.wrmN, ('ornhntt.111,:- Councll. "I J t t 1• r h u It M.' 1 food Hcu lth ,veelt th\1:1 v~nr h~·,:-lf'11n nnd nntl- will be October 19 · tO 2fi, cla:urf'th-, 11mrnkln2". nnd the no:-:tor c.:nninct1. Pr lzc~ or $!i. S2 nnd $1 lion will be conducled in will be awanlecl to the conj1111~tion with othel' nc• fir~·t lhrrac n lnccg-cttcrs In t.lvitll'~ ussoclntr.d with cnd1 sect.inn nnd thrl-lf' thc woe.de . will be nlloted on a school Children from nil over dl!ilrlct bnsls. the Stnt,.. nrc cxurctcd to Thcst! cliatrlcts wlll hr t.nko Pnrt In the comI1etl· those Into which the llo11 which will be dlvldcrl Edu,~a u o n D cnarlmcnl ln1 o four scclionA eccont~ hnR d l\·ld od the schoolP - Northorn. North-We!'ftcrn, Cf'ntrnl. Wide Bnv. So11th– E:n ~tern, Sout.h -\Vcstern 11 ncl Dai-Jing Down~. 'fhP winner~ o f h\J.:-hlv comm ended w ork would )),, ~rnt to Bl'lr,;bnnf' t.n cnrnnct c in the final of thf' com1>f'titl on , su ld thr. Ht•nllh Educat Ion COUil· ell'~ chl1~f offlr f'r l\'fr. ,l . E. 1-foll \c-lnv. t o-dn v. Prizf'H in th" flnnl wo11ld be $20. $10 nml S:l for fi r~l. i-tccnn11 nnfl th ll'd l'Cf.Pf.!r t lvC'l v I., cnl'l1 or th~ fo ur ~f'clion!-1. Thr s~ orlzrr,: would no! h1• nwnnJr,d on a 1whonl cl\~1rlc t. h11 .~-1~. l\lr Hollldu \' ~n id ll wn~ hnnrod locn l a11thorlt lPs would conduct the pre· Jl111inn l'Y j11d c hH? n nd for • wnt(l thC' lr s rlectlons to tile council's offi ce. Director o f the Queens- W!~n W-,;~Jlr·~-.. ~~-. ~r t.hrce Judia:u to decldo tho h••t drawlnir• In the final. Drawings Oftd paint– ing, ~, child,en of all ages are a feature of The Sundoy Mail Child,en'1 Art d i I pi o y at the Queon,lond Art Gallery this aftunaon, In conjunction with the dlsplRy. there will be ~.fou~~;,t •how st.artl11~ at The -.hlbltlon "'ill b~ open from 2 p.m. to 5 .m.