Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

JUL ~t,r Keep them interested on vacation MID-WINTER • chool holiday • are but two week • away - and 10 are tho • e horde • of hou • e-bound children. For parents who hnven•t~l-e-ry __ T_h_e-gatlery wlll dis- ought of ways to keep play an made or moving their children occupied du,·- shapes and nashlng lights g the holidays, here ls an which should Interest chi!· utllne o! what Is bel~g drcn. The theme or the dls– anned by vanous Brls- piny will be "Art or the ane organisations : Space A~e." TRI PS The gallery ls open rrom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday All-day trips organised to Saturday and on Sun– by the Y.M.C.A. for prtma- day, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ry school boys and secon- INDUSTRY ary school boys and girls start from only 80 cents tor A tour of the NorU111at members. Cannery wtll take one an To become qualified to a hall hours during th pay the same tees as mem- week days, There will be al bers, non-members may sessions dally, pay a registration fee of $1. Those lntereated should There are nine days of contact the senior hostea day tours tor primary at 80 6161. school boys. The boys may Eaiier tee cream tans attend as many aa they have already booked out wish. the tours of Pauls Ice For high school students Cream factory there are five clnys of tours Peters factory however. tn the second week of the tn west End wUI take holidays. bookings !or 01ie hour tour• The activities on some at l0 a.m. during week tl1kpstl wlllb tnllclude flsrlotlnlegr days, Ring 4 0121. s a ng 1 ow ngl 1 , FILMS awtmm ng and nspectlng factories and scenic areas. Town theatres catel1ng The 'Y' wtll allo run a for children during the camp for boys at camp holidays wlll bf! Metro with Warrawee at Petrie from "20,000 Leaiiues Under the August 16 to 22. Sea," Valley Town Theatre Programme director (Mr, with the children's music• John Brace) can be con- al, "Chitty Chitty Bang tacted at the Y.M.C.A., Ed- Bang,'· and Regent with a ward Street (2 0&08) for de- western, "Su~rt Your Lo- talls. Cal Sheriff' and a Bob C "-MPS Hope comedy, 'The Private "' Navy of . Sergeant aJt~~~g ~~:~\~~~ :;nl/:: o~~re~i~ter Garden wlll National Fitness Councll. show "My Side of the Boys and girls from 10 to Mount a In'' and "Hello 16 years mar attend camfs'. Down There" - bOth for ~o~ott~R'US 9-18 or 18· 3, chlldren and young people. A tennis camp from Au- PLAY gust 18 to 23 Is also being The B r ls b a n e Arts offered wlt,h coaching by Theatre on Petrie Terrace Vince Kelly and Fay Mui- wlll produce a new play le~r further Information "The Magic Bicycle" sutt- rln th N ti I Pit ' able for the four to 12- r e a ona neas year-olda each Saturday of Council at 2 0183, the hollda at 2 p.m. ART and DRAMA A drama workshop for nigh school students aged 12 to 16 wtll be organised by the Brisbane Repertory 'l'heatre during the second week of the holidays. The classes wlll be held from Monday to Friday at 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at the theatre....... Those Interested should nn1 38 2298. ftlm Chl!dren may attend fl'ee afternoons at the Queensland Museum. Films, cho.~n by museum education officer rMr. J. th Hodge) Will be shown tn e second week of the olidaya In several aesatoM from 2.15 p.m. Monday· to Frldalc. th~ht dren may also vtatt I,. I I I , /' 1,, \ /q ,,, 1 •r/1 ' , , I, !, 1 r JI ,,, \ /'I, ' . ' (!, .,,, 1.,, Brisbane, ANYONE planning a restful visit to the Peter Stuyvesan t Trust's Brlsb·nnc moves an gurg-/es Show Weck art ex– hibition should re– think qtdckly. Populnrl)' dubbed " I.he ~ •1 rl11 ·:,; noisiest art sh1 1• · , Jt Is anythinc b11t rcS1 ful. It clicks, gronns, swny,'i, twinkles and !lashes; light.s up screens 11 b z . ,.. ur 'le:-; clcc Lronicnlly, boinks whirr:; nnd whirls. Entire ly new to Arn;– trn Ila. the kineLlc urL hns proved trcmclldousl.v popular In southr rn sal– lC'rics. A Lt cndancc re– cord:.; h nve been broken wherever the dramntic collection hns nppcnrcd. And. a lthough so new, It Includes II Da Vinet op piece, nnd nn elcclrlc item cnllrd Rotorclicf by the Frcnchmnn Du– champ who first drcnm– ed up kinetic art half a ccn Lury ago. T h • 39th Parliament of Queen1land will be opened by the Adminl1- trator (Mr. Justice ShHhy I on Wednesday al The exhibition Is be– ing brought to Brisbnnc during showthl)e especi– ally so the man on the land cnn sec it, n Tru.sL spokesman snld. It O))Cns at the Quccnslnnd Art Gallery on August 8, and continues for month, Admis.slon free. 2.30 p.m. On Thursday, the Ad· mt nlstrat.or will ope11 the ''Art. of the Space Age" rx. hibit ion nt Lhc. Q11eensland ArL Galler; . ~t r. . Jw~11t·r ~hcelly nnct l\l J'."). S h rf•liy Will mceL the Duke nnd Ouchl'ss of l<ent at Brisbane Airport.. on Au– gust. !l, en route to North Queensland. On August 10, t.hc Acl– mlnlsLrator will attencl a FcsUval or Thanksµi\ i,1~ at the ExhlbiLlon Grnund. f 3 AUG 19G9 Wink, blink, boink Today aeOI the end of The Sunday Mall Children' • An CompeUUon exhlblUon at the Queen1land Art Gallery, Alons with the pup– petry dl1play and free puppet shows, also fln– llhlnr today, H h.. deUrhlA!d Gallery offlclal1 by the crowcll II hu drawn - not Juat In num– ben but In type,,, The exhlblUon WIii atnlA!rlcally placed et one end of the pllery. Famlly sroups who came In Ju • t for the children found lhe-lYN 1ldetracked Into cetllnr aequalnted with the Gallery's pennanent colledlon on lbe way In and out. Al crack of dawn tomorrow, ataff • Ian ~=:o':.\1t h /e~ ..l~f!y!:.nt th8 T~~~blyeol't!'c.~: which hu Ila ottlclal openlnr on Thundai nl~ht. It root even further, out than the recen po11ular French exhibition In works of art which click, • way, tinkle, wink, flash, l'Ul'sle and bolnk. Gallery Director Mr, Jame • Wieneke uld y011A!nlay: "Where the French exhibition had a :"!eeJo~n~~'Affe: tt~n~~~Jd%n~: 0 1h'::k!':." !~= 1h11, one wonders whether &lir old Gallery wtn ever be the • ame •rain," Brisbane, ~r ., 1.. . ~. . . NO CASKET FOR GALLERY T h c Trca!i.urcr, Mr, Chalk, sahl today lhnl he ~•a,,i; not prepared to use proceeds from the Gold- en Casket toward• the conslnictlon of an Art Gallc,Fy. ~ Chalk said that U1e procrcds or the Golden Casket Art Union were cr~df~~ r ~ o J1Jenn~ 0 ~~[t/ cl!nre Trust Fund. Mr . Bromley <A.L.P., onnnnJ n.ske<I the Trea• surer whether he would au– t h o r I s e the appropriate Government depnrtmcnt to ~g~du;~.:J'seclg1beltt~t& crecfa new Art Gallery,