Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

uth Australian service vans. Gentle art of handling priceless treasures A bronze and a stone statue were among the treasures entrusted to Chep Equipment's gentlest care in helping to set up a visiting Sculpture of Thailand exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery late last year. The Gallery called on Chep Brisbane D1v1s1on·s resources ol machinery and experience for salely handling lhe sculplures /n the Chiangsaen (Northern) style, a bronze water vessel In the form of Hansa, a wild goose, dating from the 15th-16th Century. lormed all manoeuvres and lifts ,--------------------------– impeccably. and arlilacIs all priceless and irreplaceable loaned by Thailand"s Fine Arts Depar1menI lhe Royal Family and lhe Bangkok NaIional Museum The precious objecls many ol 11,em very heavy (up 10 720 kg 1n we1ghl) had 10 be unloaded 1n lhe underground car park of Ihe MIM Bu1ld 1ng In Ann SIreeI. uncraled . lransporled upslairs, and posil1oned 1r1 Ihe 5lh-lloor display area the Gallery·s temporary home unlil its per– manenl premises are compleled in lhe new Queensland Cullural Cenlre The Chep people . no slrang– ers lo handling lhe mosl dilf1cull burdens because ol fragilily or weigh!. or awkward dimen– sions approacl1ed lhe lask wilh full confidence They pro– vided a Lansing Bagnall eleclric lorklifl which lhis lime. was driven by Neville Jol1nson. Chep·s Brisbane sales supervisor Despile headroom often prov– ing a crilical laclor. and despile a daunting sense ol responsI– biliIy. Neville and machine per- And al lhe close of lhe exhib111ori"s successlul season he again performed laulllessly In repacking and reloading lhe exhiblls lor sh1pmenI lo Soulhern cap1lals A21.2 cm tall bronze Crowned Buddha /ram the 13th-14th Century. The Clark in action at Lysaghts. ~ steel loads easy for Chep big ones Chep Equipment have helped John Lysaght over– come the problems of moving heavy steel materials around the company's Cold Strip Plant at Westernport in Victoria. O f lhe I0Ial s1Ie area ol 1220 hecIares lhe Cold Slrip Plan! covers 1I 1 heclares Lysaghi"s has on hire lrom Chep II1ree Clark forkl1lI I1ucks of diffe renl capac1Iies and lwo Milsub1sh1 machines working oulside and 1nsIde the Cold Slrip Planl In lhe Planl a Five Slane! Cold ReducIion Mill reduces lhe lh1ck– ness of processed sIeel sIrip p rogressively Ihrough Ils five slands Tlie lir1Ished producl is in lhe lorm ol eilher sleel coil or sleel sheel Chep·s forkl1fl Irucks move mal– erials InI0 and around lhe Cold Slrip Planl ancf lhen load lhe finished producl onto Irucks lor Iranspor1aIIon lo !heir desII– naI,on The largesl machine is lhe Clark 3003 which l1as a lillrng capacIIy of 13 608 kg II handles loads inside and ouIs1de lhe plant. hf11ng and moving heavy coils of processed sleel coil and pallels of sleel sheel The IWO 0IheI Clark machines of 5443 kg and 6350 kg capacity perform similar operaIions Tl1e IWOM1I su b1sh1 FD60 unils have a capacIIy of 5443 kg and work inside lhe planl loading and unloading Irucks \