Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

1 nP l,J ,,.,.n .. l;i r r1 1' 11 i, Pn ~ •r1"'' \ i>l'II!l~ ·n h;1 ·,. ,·nrnr •,, th,- '•"I '" J;:a n ,4 1 •,., •:•,-·11 .. ~ a Ji•' lf' ! l'llP 11' I 'lf 0,, l ,1, 11 n f. Ari,l , iii'\ ,. ..11,·11 l.i I•' 1 ,1•1~ pr11p'; a~ Q uf'rl\" rrnn An G •1,– !" r , n I pc·tor Jt.111111 .\lr llh,h, ,1nc1 l" n1· 1'1•.1 1 ,l r 1· h t ,. 1 t. J im \(ar• l'orml1·k ctn,rnin chf'fs' ha:-. :\ 11'1•• !Htlll Q llf'f>I." · (~Hirt t ·1111 r :--i1\ ltllll t1 -A ll h !1•11r n o!A cir c.1111h:1, r11u' h111 p"'II I', \\ 1:1 nr n ,nr111o11h! 1n1h r f' l'"l1:•. ,1:1\,,1J1rl ~01' 1 " )' ,rr.'" rlP11l J'11t )lr llh-k, ·":11 iH' 11., p111 1,nqr ... Th" .. rt •i n.: ·~ \1Hrl., .I '1 •1· .. "11.'\!t'<l'"('(I ! lltl ~ u , ~ 1 ~ l n A ,. ,l 1n 11: ~~P' rhb" ,,.. ,111r\ prtH'1 1 " :0:/'lf' " I\' llll'lllllf':·1. 11 '" anx1011.-. ·n ~ri thr fllf'~– ~.u!P ill l"'ll" 1 ll:11 111('\ It' not nprr~1 1n~ n R rari– llrd plr111P t,111 Arr ,11nph n IHW•ll1C hod\' hf'! \\ f'rn thP '.l!''I i::n!h'r\· nnrl thP puhlir. Thr,· h ll\' !hint:~ nn brhnlf nf ,·nu Ponrl 111,. for the j:flll(" i-,· And ~.'ll\" dnn ·, ,·nu R'n nJnni: '\flffi"• 11mr . lo iJl"'JlN'I whlll you're D(}t1µ:h 1 HE Queensland Art Gal: lery Society's barbecuei,;-the grounds of Walston House, Wacol, on Sunday, won 't be a plain old beer-and-steak affair. (i 1u •~ t.s 1·:111 ~pr:rn 1 11111li•r l11r -.h,1dy l,1t:.•1·:-.. IJS\l'II lu UH h ,•1·:11111\ Jllll'"-11' c:: 1 ';:'1\ 1 11b)~;:\ 11/. 14 /, /1~\ 'i 1 i 1\ 1 ;11't •~~\~:i'tt\i::~ p ap1•r a nd P"tle'II and ,ki t•·h ~rnlit' _.f t l11 I), :,ut1 111J -.111n 1 111 ul111g:-.. ' I'll• :1 ! l t'l'llt '' 1t1 l1 1111 !1i!tl li•'. 111111111' :1 1 IHll 'II \ 1 1ll tt •'-1 .... , ,\1 1 1,·11 ''.I ll Ill~ l1 1d1' ,I \,\!"It I \" nl d 1·l11·11,w ;1,111[ 1n11kt•d IJ\' :.lll'H' t~· 1111'11111•'! .11111 \l.11 ("111 l!l,11'1\. ,- . -:i·- ~ Art iu-dges 'satisfied' Th"' w1nn1n'1 point ing •" fh t rr.pr1::u:ntnt1nnnl uc– tinn of the Gnrden Cit, A,t Show 1atisficd the en"• dit ion1 ol it, acct ion, the two judge, 1aid yc1tcrdoy. ;\J r. H,;.i 1111\ \ lr lla-,h nml \ lr . ,JOllll Ri e b,· tcpl lr<i In n ltH'J.. ni b~· , hr GHrdc11 C11 ,· 111;urn:.:.rr • ~lr. Nr– \'lllr ~lnnt1on I whn .:,.11rl tha~ 1 h" pa1nt 1rn.: - '·\Vilh Hrr 8011(''"-.. - WR!- 11,n1- rcprr:-.r11t al 1011,1! T hr .1udgl':-. ., n!cl they look ~, ron~ r :-:ccnt1011 1n ,1r. :\•lr,rn :-ion ·~ rrpurtrd l'Om : .:-n t I hat lie op– po:-c... , 1hc1r dC•:'li'IIOn In H\\'f1r <1 1 hr rrprl!:-.rnta- 11om1l pnze tn M 1:-.s Nan– c,· r1r F'rr 11 :i . . T hcv ...aid Illr r1rf 1111- 11nn nf reprc• ..;cntaL1onRI an. 111 Mayer's D1cL1nnnry nf :\ rt, T enn:,; and Tcch- 1'1'lUCs wn."I .. Art, In wluc·h l"f'l'OSt1izablr nhjects, fi~- 11rr:-. nr cle men t:,; tn n11- 1,11rc ::irr rlcpictcrt. a.°' dH;- 1.11u:ui1'hNI from nn11 -'lb– ,1,:,t·1 1, r nr nh:,;lrnrt. nrt." Nam·,\· rip F'rcit:-1s Jrnrl rr1·r1al11Ml h1'' IISPd ! hi! h tl!IIHll f H:tll'P 111 hrr ('IWl1 1111~t~ lll;! lt,'P ;t lld f"l'P~t i\'P n•~,·. ;.11r :,.:1 1rl