Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

l'-'v. '-IIL' ry show pu ts c1 1rnu1s10n in a i l s Display doubt T n r1 t1 \ " M'hrct11lrc1 01 w 11 111~ ol R11 An.• trnl IHI Jewellcrv ,. hihil ion . R 1 lii" QHf'f' ll.~l:md Arl ( ,;tl· \Pr\' 111a,\ hP clfl l;\yf'cl hf'– c~•• l-4' u lhtrcl ,1f thr f'~• h 1h11,c h HVf' hf'rn hr \_<1 IIP h\' (lntiri."- 111 NPi.-.· Snuth Wnlr.~. I' .. , 11 l, ,1 I\' •I ' t ,I 1' I .\1 , t1:,1·,' ,,1 " . lh, ,I · ,! , , I 1, · , ,, . II II\• 'n•• • \ ~ , t 'I ,, j I1 ,1 • 1 • ' , • 1 , ' t t < I r1 ,, t • I II •l • I '1 I I)' I' ' t. l QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 5th FLOOR, MIM BUILDING, 160 ANN STREET, BRISBANE FREE PUBLIC LECTURE "Modern Jewellery Making in Australia" by NORMAN CREIGHTON, Melbourne Artist / Craftsman in Silver and Gold 5.30 TONIGHT ALL WELCOME egrees • to artists UNIVERSITY DEGREES were not necessary ~ artlsta a Melbourne teacher and lecturer •ln' sold and sllver-smlthlng (Mr. Norman Creighton) said In Brisbane yes terdRy. Mr. Creighton Is In Brlabane with an exhibi– tion Dy II contemporRry jewellers prepared by the Craft.I Board of the Aus– tralia Council to tour St.ate and restonal pl– ltrl11, fo~:.n ·~1,[e:1 .. 1 t~~ 1 ~{ the work bench, and with other artists, rather than In any Institution. Mr. Crtl1hton lectured • n m o d e r n J e w– ellerv makln~ In All.\tra– lla at a public lecture at the Queensland Art Gal– lerv yesterday. He work& with gold, 1lh·er. stainless steel, tll· a.nlum, pl11t1c.,. acrylics, and resins, Brisbane, "But I he medlum Is not the important th111~. l.s It Is the message brlund the medium,'" he said. Mr. Orelghu,n holds a ~l 1 ~';;~'1esl dtp}~~~ 11\~ Melbourne Fnsutute of Technology. All his tntrica~ pieces have a theme, m1rn~' forms are or landscapes, water or sky. He was crlUc·•I of "buying: arl a.s n.n ln– ve~tmcnt.," or a~ a "heci,ze against 111flat1on ·· 1 1 ~rrF> :~ r ,., r~ · •• ,. r 1.: an orname11t I✓ 1•lf>:1: -' nd ·n t. '- r,f • :11 - • I ' ' . ,~. A COLLECTI ON of con1emporary Au st ra lian jew·Pllery, w1, ,t·l1 w·:is p11rr l1 a,ecl or ·comml,,lnn ed b·: t h e Crafts Bo:lrcl. 1; ex h ibited n t he Qu eensl :i nd Art G:il– lery. Elf" \ Pn lPRrl1r~ tP"'"llr-:-.t nr e r~prPl!-Pnr r d :\ht"IU' :1.1 .: nf thPm h ,l\'P brn•,~h· fhP.:– t ~ I ,. n t ,; frnm F.11rnp,.~n r rHH1tr1• s t\'tl h lhe1r 1rar.1- 1tnn of Pxcel lencP 1n r!,.,~1cn nnd r1•nf1~n,:1n.~h:p. -\ ;-t1T,i\:-~: nn· 1n·t1 rti"rl t'"• nb.trllr" ,ht evP!l,.nre C'lf r h E' n · n P. r ! hti :·,.. whri :rA:n•ct tn ,.\ 1u-tri\hi\ Th,. wnrk~ n..:-r !:u ;p ,i.--:– h1t- ·11-in p:"rP.: . pr l.110·,ms r : "1. rt ·· th,,, r .r,,.,,n,1; – ,irn IJ1·PE. a~ ,, ,..1 r:i ble rih1r · t· nn: nrrru,1r11· tn – lfn<ird ,.~ "1"T" l''t.n;1Jl1Cl1I S for I h!' ll'r.uer. T t: r ·• ilrE' rP:i1 't1r! '•1 c,-1,,r"1 rp rir r.1 :n11n ~ ~l'l:l't' :nr a:r1 nn vr .1:– tPrt 1ri11 ,,nrt ~-->:nP . ,,.,, .P :n nr Pmh orl\· mrluHrJ.1.l !Mm~. , A r:-· : ,- ;. ••~r :- ~ri~r. ,:-r. P -- •'"1 :- .,.1 ,. 1-,-t>:, ;.-. r,r Pn (,rn,, !,t r-r,r ft i "" ll "'1 • rn• b-'-; ·1- u:, • ;l.. r-1r ""mr1"' in R , '- < 1 - F,;· · · h ':1- h PrP · l," ·:t' 1:· 11 11~· •rrn ,"'If ;, n-.. 1:11!"- ·, !-:u :'rH,p:rrr1 .1n ,.,q 11.:.. : P dr-:.i ; n p rr •.;-,:,c nf ·}~..,. ~ni:~,., H1 .-'r"ln 1r Br1<1; r 1n1 1nr 0-:1 ;-i=ir.1 H--... r 1:-P e:nnr-r11P'1 :1 prnrh .~·-· t" · L1 ::w1-; .11~d P'\ Pr.'-. . ln~t nf 1!v•~P ;,:-• 1·– _ip•1 r-::,~ r: r -i=i~11:- •• ,...,n_,., •• 1·. ll ·-b.l ~Prl !,"r-i-.. Snmr p rP~Pr r; ~· .s.n~r,',,•il' :i ~r ,·:nlP · , :-rl, .-,,,~-' ,1: !rP.~ in the rnr1 r :- nf m:n:tr H;i_n- • ! ! •. J ,, t 1, ·,1,•· ,,.\, :,,": ,•• !,.-:·· n 1rh ,1;, ._, rri:-;• n pr, :, r n,~ ,.I'> ,·,•. ·.~– rl' "7 ·; :·11(1 r, • Al:P • ,:,'(•I 'j 1' ( \ n )'\A:"!'> ,. I',; 1 r "" , . ·\r.1rh .••, 1, m -''ll h •I 1 ;·,,;, , ' ,:)r'P· • •.-.~ ~\ h1h1- ' 't. r·,· ·.,· .. 1!", ., i·r ' 11" P , . :1, • • 1n:, , : '' i' 1nt " : :-· ·•·liir n ::- $' .:.ii;', I•··· '\I t ' ,.. G .1,ir:-· D,~r·1· M fl ' thf" :=-1 11.,. L r nr J ,- ~-.- ~_,n ·,· - ~--.~ f,1r.' .ni:lf' ;-ir,;· 1 ~ ,· ' · •·• .... 1m Bllr,'- · •1 i'r -11", · - ,i: 1·• . tl~ • .c. frr prv m-' I' Tli,.. m.h 1/r,1· The- 11 \hlbl' ·,n ., hirh hl -)F-r-;, :r1i•' ,. 1;' 11" '" , .. t h" 8-;· h c(\ 1,ir1l. ·nil r,n ,~n .l ·• (",·, '·• ,, '.-, r; .,.,1r 1'1Pr ii , j • r· 1, 1..-,r,1n