Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

• "SUNDAY MAIL" 14 APR 197b lrlllNne, Q. France inspires THE title or the month's "temporary" uhlbltlon at the Queensland Art Gallery (1'111\1 Bulldln,r, 160 Ann Street) - "Tbe Romance or France" - ml1ht su11est a survey or the work or French painters. Not so. It ls even more must be, as the aproned lnteresUng, &Ince It In• ho1t or the famous con• cludes lmpressl011s or the dlment • maker has It, French sceno by a diver- run or zest ,nd piquancy. ~-fi~n~r afeal~te~~m~~~or:,f M ~~Sn ~~~"'~t I r: r 11~: Aust.rallan a n tstll. (Rowe's Arcade, 203 Ade- T L-n, are 11 ,.,._at• !aide Stnet> la devoted •.., oL•wln• mainly to landscapes In r:..;"!.L~':!:i. "i,; U.: traditional reprmnta– leehalque of the>• lll'Drk tlonal stfle bul the orig!• and In their a.i, ptatloa naare'•,Jfbehr:•nJa/ii~1~ ta &he atmoallheft o1 the - ,L rorel,rn -ae hi a eba!; scattered part• or -• aclerlalla .. YenltJ .. globe. • IJln. FlOcn the Contlllfflt, Taken as a whole, this !~~ t"f~i'!iti~~tac:n~: ls a dellghtrully relaxing rrom · •Ide o~n~ace• to 1 h O w I n g or the In- • ,- ol 1 p Ira t 1 0 n Prance baa crowded eltybee r. b H 11 • been to ar.tlatll the world :m:~ hU~ruah ~d ":n1; over, 1 ht now Jiu ret.umed to hJa It Oo,.i>er waa r f adopted Brlabane alter when he wrote "varle y•~ almost 18 monthl work the very spice o! Ille. James Holinyard'a da,s overseas. APRIL/183 The course is intended for people who have been working in this field for several years and have acquired considerable experience in ugricullurul vocational !raining, Application forms may be obtained from the Records Clerk, Education Department, P.O. Box 33, North Quuy, 4000, nnd must be forwarded to Berne. Switzerland by JO May I976. QUEENSI.AND ART GALLERY EDUCATION PROCRAl\fS The following exhibitions will be at the Gallery over the next few wccks:– The Romance of Francc-2 to 29 April; Freel a11c/ Mary Marer Ceramic Collectio11-l2 April lo 3 May; Circus Posters-2 to 30 May; lntemational Children's Art-2 to 30 May; Acll'rnt11rc in Swedish Glass-24 May to 14 June (n 12-minute film on glnss manufacture is available at the Gallery during this exhibition.) Concurrent with the lempora.ry exhibitions is the permanent exhibition Ausm,li"n Painting-From Co/011/a/ to Contemporary. Audio visual programs.-For primary Schools the slide set with accompany. ing lnpc lnrrod11cing the Q11ce11sla11d Art Gallery, duration 9¼ minutes (suitable for grades 3 lo 7) is available for loan. The following audio visual material is available lo secondary schools visiting lhe Gallery and for loan to those schools unable to visit the Gallery regularly because of distnncc:- • Antipodeans, duration 14 minutes; • rh,• ArtiJ·t.1' View of the Di.,ca,·ery and Early Smlrment of E(l.!/em A11.11ra/ia, duration JS minutes; •cm,.rwbl,:-The Nmural l'aintt•r, durution 30 minutes: •Graphic Art of German Expressionism, duration 29 minutes; Modern /1111.rters-from Manet to Mmis.re (slides of the exhibition or film strip); Tmtds in Today's Japam•.re Art '75 (slides of the exhibition) . • Slides arc accompanied by a taped commentary. Slitlr Prod11cti011.-The Queensland Art Gallery has begun photographing in slide form major works in its Collection. Duplicates of these will be available on sets of ten (each , cl illustrating a particular period, style or theme and including hiographical information on the artists) . Set I includes works by:-IJillich, Dumbrell, James, Lai•cock, Malthews. Olsen. Rankin. Robertson. Rose, Zusters. Set 2 includes works by:-Black, Cassab, Daws, Goddard, Jay, I.ewers, Piggoll, Shannon, Smart. Warren. These will be available April/ 1\foy at $4.00 per set plus 40 cents postage. If you would like to place an udvnncc order complete the coupon on lhc back pa~c nnd return ii lo the Gallery's Eclucution Officer, 61h Floor, Mll\f Building, 160 Ann Strccl, Brisbane. 4000. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS A.C.H.P.E.R. Qucenslaml is the host Stale next year for the Na1ional Biennial Conference of th,· Austrnlian Council for Health. Physical Education and Recreation. The Conference is to be held al the University of Queensland, Brishane. from \I lo 14 January 1977. Scvcrnl Sfleakcrs of inlcrnntional standing ha ve been in\'itcll nntl lccturl's will he supplemented by symposiums. panels and special interest groups in all areas of Physicnl Education. Health and Recreation . For nny further information plense contact The 1977 Conference Secretary, A.C.H.P.E.R., Queensland Branch, 1st Floor, 25 Baxter Slrccl, Fortitude Valley, Q.. 4006.