Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

5th Floor, MIM Bu;lding, 160 Ann Street, Bri,bane FREE PUBLIC LECTURE TRANSITIONS IN CERAMICS BY JEFF SHAW Srntnt A11 Lc c1u1rt ond ,,,,.,,c>du:itt Po,t P,iiudcnl Croh Jt.uorlehort TUESDAY, APRIL 13, AT 5.30 P.M. /Il l WELCOME f " ,.. tl-1,- f"l.,.t 1 I' ,1 1•-r,• I~••,-, p .-~n -,IU I\ ll"'lt,,I~ I ' /1, I ., .-, 1 1 I!•• ii' I ,,, r,,- • ,,. .., l'"r tt p A p •I <.,. I lrt ! , ,- tlf'f11 It. I!"! I ,,, h i 1~,i• • ~'1'14 " "' 1'0'1 ,- rt 1"n •,. ,a11r1 • een on ceramics T he Fred and l\lary l\lart•r Collec– tion of Ceramics, brought from Ame– rica t1uou1;h the Ini– tiative of Cralts Board, Australia Council , and now showing at the Queensland Art Gal– lery, Is an Interest– Ing collectlon In– deed. It reflrct.s Lile cn– thuslnsm or the collector, n.,; wrll ns 1.ht.1 r1•,•olullon• nry dc,·clopnl<'nts 111 pot• tcry on~r t,l1e lo.~t two decades. (NOL thaL Au,– trnllan poller.~ ha \'C not taken part In these, und It will be lntcrc,,tn~ to compnrc an exhibition or AusLrallnn potters com- \\;l/.., l~eatff gallery lntcr The best here Is very vita.I, \'cry fine, Indeed. ex~r;i~:~~~fi~;11Y,,·I th l\\: dynamic figure or vot– kous 1tnd 1.hc nrtlsts who g1 tJ1ered around h11n in thr fll ll<'S to nnnl\" 10 wnrk 111 day, t.hc i1hilo.,;.n– p h y or nbst ract. rx · pre~stomsm wll h tts em– phn~i:-. on frcect01n. nctinn nnd Ille physlco.llty ol mntcr1nls. The llbcrnt In~ In- ! I u c n cc brou~ht frrsh ideas nbout. pottr-ry. ln– <· Ju c1 in~ tcchn tcRI 111- J10\'at10ns. HowC\'cr, the collect1on Fhnws a wide spcc1 rum nr Ideas. parallel to those In the fields of U10 visual arts. So we flml ceramic nrt bctni used for witty com– ments on society or other art forms, pop !dens. fun– ky nrt, e. Joi• In the ab– surd. or Just tlle creation or exciting forms, glazes, decorations. l n nc1d1t1C'n to the Anlt'rlcnn West Con::it pmtcr:,, .tl... o uwludect or':! out:-.tnnding p1rccs hy contemporary J:ipanr::.e J)OllL'fS, * HELGE LARSEN and DARANI LEWERS, well kflown for their original ideas and cxquhitc croft• 1monship in jewellery, a,c holdinq on c.hibition ot Crafh Auociation Gallery. All the 11lrce, in 1.111.s ~l1nw nrc cons1rul'tt 1 d or lmkNI 111m·1hl parts. Snme rlnJ,:S nnd n b r nc e 1 c t. are M rirt ly ~~~ 1 ~~~~-~~r~~1~flo~~~n 5 1-~i~~ .,tructlni; movnblc ~ci.:– m<'ntrd spheres with ex– p In r n t I o n of posttire– nccnll\'e form. Some pendants nnd broo<'11cs nrc cicslcnrd nround nn Rrchltrct"urnl motH. ThL~ is somet11ncs jusL a cut-out from a 10strnrd, "-' In the pcnd• ant \\ 1th the Ei ffel Tow– er, ht1t Lnrsen-Le\\'Cl'5 nrn nngP to r rC'11te sornr– th111~ cle~nnl ('\'CO \"'llh a cnlnr JJhoto nf a kookn ~ hurrn tmhcdcted 1n a sU– \' r pcnct:1111. A benuurut brarrlet rnnMrt1cled with link.Ni fl'C(' rirrle.~ In Sll\'Cr with 111.<,r t.s of !?Old l'C\'('Rls tt.i; m tricntf" clockwork - like l'Ol\.'Jll'UCtion llt ltS back. * FRED GROSE al Bu"• dabc1g 1 a 1tudent of the fly;"g Art School, ex• hibits endearing drawing• and watercolour, ot Do• sign Arts Centre. lie has a. renl elft to rxprcs~ with n. mtn.UJ: 1um of lmc the chnracter or moocl or a. person or ani– m:-il. Jn his moist. rrcc-!lnw– ln~ wntcrcolors he oflcn C\'nke.s whimsical Iyr– k :sm.