Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Sweden wants our • uranium SWEDEN could buy Queen • land uraniu.1, Sweden' • Ambo11ador to Au • tralia (Mr, Per Lind) • aid in Brisbane last night. Mr. Lind said Sweden r>eeded uranium for its atomic energy programme. The Swedish Gol'ern– mrnt hR& Rpprn\'ed pro– posnls for 13 Rlomlc re– Rctor~ - ftve Are now ln operation. Mr. Lind snld Sweden had mnde contacts with Au~t.rRlin About uranium 1'hrre were nl.li0 tnlks hr.– t.wer.n Sweden A m1 A 11~– t ralin. nbout QuPrnslruHfs cont nmt nickel drposll~. Though cli!-tnnre Rnrt freiitht were R prohlPm Swedrn nrcdert rnore c·oal for it!- nnrthern ~tcrl mill proJcrt!-. to gn nt1c,tr1, Mr. Lind sal<I. A11.~trn lrn, wns Swrrtrn'.'– leadln~ 1rncti11~ 11nrt11r r ou tside of EurnpP nn R J)f'r cn pltR hn....1~. ~tr. L1nri M id . B• h '. n d th• llnltP<I Slates, C1rnnrin ArHI n r:1- zil1 Au!!: rnlln wn~ Swe- den·., lorgest non-Eu• rope•n trading partner. Austrnllan exports tt Sweden rost 6~ r>er c!nt 111., t vcar, but the balance of trad• wn5 signlflcanll) ln Swedcrl'5 rnvour. Mr. Lind and hi• \\''lit Rre on their flr!-il. ,·1slt, to Quecm,lnnd since they 100k rr."1drnre In Ctrn• herra lnsL Ocloher. Mr. Lind will f;!:IR~o; rxh1blt lon QuPen:-lanrt Art Ill 6 p,m. !Oc1Ry, Th• exl11bll lon " 'M prochWNi b~• lfi ~,A~~ tT~ fl.0-111"11 wnrk llU? fn r !=-- w r c1 r 11 • ~ l\\'O 1:tnzr.'it gl:1.$!- 111:u111f~rt11rrr~ Ko~-– ln - nnclR nnrt Orrrfnr~.