Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

t r,•'41.\ 1L.\ c:erta111I; 1Juou1rs an,t thr r1rn11.-s., 01 ~l \t II •' , HJII) I, t)• ,I.; P.>: p h111•q ,II fll i4 1'• ',\ n , ·• ln,, •' \t,lllli: ~.\11 ,0ll !Ull ,\dHnlur, tn ~\\t'dl,h' ( ii,&\.,.\, llO'A 11n \ lr '\ • f 1:• l_,111•1 l\~11Ulil A!'! (.,11, ,,l'f \ l'• rn plete frt:t?dom ,,t Jdt•,, , H/H1 l ccltnlral (' \ l>t'fllll1'11I Kt!r'lll hd I t: i.ullrd .·1 tUl --m • 1.n~1; \ ,i r ,J 1\ <•r h.11 ,f 1,:l.-,.'i B t r l \ ,d .. 111•11 hi.\ r r • .\ 1 ,, : r I l rt drra.m lr 111,cN1k .,, 111,, h bt ii' M,lll V(\t l..1 t,l!r ,i; ,4\ •·ttuu~ ul l hr t 0\1111r Ur• & o n ·' ,,. "( 't slJal ,lnurn, \ ·, t-.1111." , • t .:,l111lt" ll\,H,., \\ Ito t.'6'Ji,._ IW, ,. ,.,,, v,0110 " ~o – larh: 11111.,.,t:.. tJl lno .. 11\lo It II. '. ~l er., 1, , :11111l1IA ,, t rian ,;,at,., , m,,, ,.men1 fl ll.·h rlir1 111 . , 8 l k t d 1r.l1~ ;\· tht r, 1,•11 q,, •• .., ' 1t ll \\ ,!' :: , r 1 , I .;.,,\,'- .,, .. p l ,I ' ('\ , \4 11 rl k , t'll '-t• ' (> , 11. ' l11r, u,,"' n( IP'JUllllJ lift, and h i r r<ll"lrtd d111hes and bnt.•J • ·1· h thia1r .!ilmple, '}'O\• bt" 1 1 dttorat1on& hll,, 1 " "nd~rlul 1Lren,th. Mr111ra B1ck.,1 ron. Is mo!I ,,.n.\Jtl\•t lo natl.ire fcirm.,. .... • i.ir , .,. it .. . r op,1q11r , ·' ' r,,.. IIQhl _., ! I ra c. flil :-,.r.1 and : 1,.~,. ~,,11 ,r- 1 : ni r !- ,1 r r , 1 ,I ,, i ,. arour~r1 th.n ' 1 ,r11 :• * t·j,:-1c11 f! · il1n~1. - \'Jt ,- 11,. 1· 1,,., ' ,1 1 1 •11;:r,, , ·I r,,rn • \Ii, ,. j , , , na1n1. f"'<1 rjl"p 'lrAI. •1;\ "-1,lf' f"ll ,H 'l~l o; •·~:r ,l f'ci I 1h1 , I• " •, ' .., ./ ,,. ni•··r c , r I ' f ,,11 ( • 1:lr • f'r • . '·' ,I· \l , .1, , ;••• ~ ,.~ ~ 1\ ,. 1 .r: "'A of l h,. hf" 1 ,,,. , ,,.•k ,.1' r ,.~\ -•'1.d .•,, r --; !l ll i:: la.• ~ li t ,11 "~t :t l 'l ,-1 ir.· ·1 ;1 · .:1 :-• r.; " , ,'I"'- ,.,.. 11 "'-' D1J b h 1f' ,-:1,r·t ,. Sweden's reputation is THE wife of Sweden's Amba11Sador to Australia, Mn. Per Lind, (left) aays Sweden'• reputation as a permlasive aoclety la deceptive. "Aultralla II u permlulvt u Sweden," Mn. Lind uld. "In fact, In aome waya, Sweden la more formal and strict than A111tralla. My h111band and I really prefer the Informality thou1h. "I have noticed that men and ••omen -m to be more 111191ated In Australia. "At 10elal 1atherln11 1 often aee men Just talkln1 to men and women to women." ahe • aid. 'The women'• liberation movement la 1tron1er In Sweden than It Is here. thou1h It II not u 1tro111 u In the United Statea. "Thll ml1ht be becau1t more women of au a1t1 work In Sweden than here, "To IC>IDt extent they have been preuured Into workln1 by tht Oo1•1mment. 'deceptive' "When there weren't enou1h people In the ,r,10rkforce, the Government made It attractive for women to work Uirou1h IAx conceulona. "The new1pape.r1 alao atrongly aupj,ort 't\'Om• en'a liberation. thou1h they have not 11t women' • paau u they do here. "Women are not 1•ery lnlluentlal poUtlcslly but there are many more ••omen parliamentarian• than there are here. Three cabinet mlnlaurs 11N women." Before marryln1, Mrs. Lind •·orked u a NCl'I• tary In the Swedish Forelsn Office, where ahe mtl her husband. After 30 years of truellln1 with her hua'oand and brlngln1 up her four children, ahe entel't\l tht workforce apln, M a Red Cross aoclal worker In Stockholm. . "TELEGRAPH" lrf11Mne; Qld. 2.1 JUN 1976 five's full o' frill W1NTER '76, and the after five fashion mood is all frills and flounces, plunging necklines ond trails of wispy chiffon. Even very ,imple, unadorned styles will be given a frivolous air this winter, with the addition of strategically placed artificial f10V1en or occasionally, mod feather boos. After the severity of some of the more austere and masculine trends in day wear, the ultra feminine look in after five fashions hos added impact. Colors run the gamut from dramatic hot pinks, bright blue, and red,, through to the pretty pastels 1 with pole apricots and peach-pinks being fovorites in the softer shades. When it comes to design trends, handkerchief tiers and cope effech ore b,g news. The cape influence ranges from a single layer of ct,;ffon attached lo lhe body of the frock at a hig~ rounded necld ,ne. to large cope-collar\ falli ng from d eeply plunging ncckl1nes Th setting for to day 's elego t fo sh,on \lory 1s h1slonc Newst~ad House Some of the pieces of fwn1tur 1n the library, which wos recently re\torcd by the Friends of Nt>w,teod, ore on loon from the O veen\lond Ar t Gallery The Fr1ends of Newstead u the comm1ttce fo, the restorntion of New\leod House l hr a owM featuu•d w,., ., \llppl..- -'l b) 1 CII f o,h1on Hou\P\ a nd c•1p ovollo l.,I"' now ol the ,e.,.c-n l torn bou11qu,•, ,,, Allw,t S1r"f'l, l11dooroo pdly Shoppm nown Gordt•n C,ty Shupr1nq Cr-nlr, Bra ,~,,rl1• Shopo1ng (('11trP l hf" Vo 11 t > u• ,.,, S111 ,,1 \'10fl\