Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

266/AUGUST QUEENSLAND AllT GALLERY EDUCATION PROGRAMS CWMIMartwErL'tld• A special education exhibition of the 13 works in the Gallery's Collection by Conrad Mancna ia on view UDtll 22 September. Martens is an important fiaure in tile history of Australian art and the exhibition 1pan1 over 30 years of his career. It beains with English Town, painted in Enaland in 1829. Manens visited what ia now Queemland for a few months in 1851-52 and n reconatructlon of this visit wu prepared for tho exhibition cataloaue by Dr. John Steele. The cataloaue Is available at 2~ centa. Slw. ........ Prapua Tho ftnt two allda Nb of recent Auatralian Palntina API and AP2 (u noted in E.O.O. April 1976) are now available. Two new sell EPI (European Paintina– Plcuao, Depa, Renoir, Vlaminck, Pluarro, and Lolacau, 10 alldea) and AP3 (recent Auatrallan Palntina-Whltcley, Ball, Blackman, Lynn, Kemp, French, Full• brook, Mltelman, Olazamkl, and do Groen, 10 slldea) will be ready by tho end of July. A further two acts Cl (Australian Coramlcs-Gazzard, Moon, Boyd, Pcrceval, • Palmer, McCoDDell, Barnes, Blakcbrouah, Huahan, and Travis, 12 slides) aod AP4 (Auatrallan Paintlna of tho Antipodean and Social Realist movement artists-Brack, Boyd (Arthur and David), Blaclmao, Dlckenon, Pcrceval, Tucker, O'Connor, and CoUDihan, JO slldea) will be ready by the end of Auauat, All sell are $4.00 each plus 40 centa per set for JIOIIIIIC and pncklna. Orders accompanied by i& completed Form A Sales Tu Exemption arc entitled to a sales tu rebate of 45 cenll per set. To order: complete the form at the back of this E.O.G. and forward with rcmittaac:o lo the Education Officer, Queemland Art Gallery, 6th Floor, MIM Bulldlo1, I 60 Ann Street, Brisbane, Q, 4000. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS QUEENSLAND STATE l'RE-8CIIOOL TEACHF.RS ASSOCIATION The Queensland State Pre-School Teachers Association in conjunction with related bodies In Toowoomba and Townavllle la holdln1 a Nriea of R.cglonnl seminars in September next. These seminars will be open to all and will be of particular interest to tcachcn of youna children. Tbo theme of the seminars will be "Towards Humanity, the role of the tenchcr-cbild Inter-relationship in the education of youns children". Millicent Poole, Senior Lecturer In Urban Studlca. School of Education, La Trobc University, will Rive the key-note address al each seminar. Ms. Poole has researched various aspects of early childhood development and has collaborated in the publishin11 of two books on Early Childhood Education In Australia, as well as contrlbutins articles to journals and books. At the Brisbane seminar there will be two other speakers, Madge Horan, lecturer in Psychology at the Queensland University and Elin Jenkins of the U.S.A., well known for her work with children In the area of music and rhythm and also for her recordings with the folkway records. The dates of tile acmlnan arc aa follows:- Brlsbane-3-4 Septembcr-Sccrctory, Ms. G. Halliwell, Curriculum Branch, Department of Education, O .P:O. Box 33, Brisbane, Q. 4000. Telephone: 224 2914; Toowoomba-S September-Mrs L. Choun, P.O. Box 38, Toowoomba, Q. 4350; Sunshine Coast-1 September-Mrs C. Golding, State Pre-School, Queen Street, Caloundra, Q. 4SS I ; Rockhampton.-8 September-Ms. A. Wegener, P.O. Box 138, Rockhampton, Q. 4700; Calrns.-10 September-Miss J. Brady, Balaclava Pre-School, McCoombc Street, Cairns, Q. 4870; @-PP-, CAZ Gfrz. - TT~ 1 ·7 8{ ~ ~"""'~ I Cf")fo .l 6Co. ) ,' ./