Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

The "louch 0 exhJhltion 1 1 p ec I a 11 y desl,rned for V I• u a 11 y ha ndicapped people, was opened l"e5• lordKy al 1hr. Queen•land Arl Gallery by Eduuatlnn and Cultural Acllvltles , Mlnl•ter t~lr, \', ,J, Bird ). The R• llcry docs nol u,cRIIV •llnw handllnl( of exhibit, hul ror this ,how the nrt works were • pe– e I a 11 l' 1 e I e c I e d and treated to allow for ex– pforallon through touch. On dl,play " 'rre wood c a r v I n r, ,culptures, we • ,·lnJ, and macrame work~. Mr. Bird said the ex• hlhlllnn •hould encourare v I I u a I I y handicapped people to take up arl and crall work, PRINTS ON DISPLAY An exhibition of Jo5onese print, ta open noxt week at the Queensland Art ired or, Mr Raoul Melish, said today. Gallery would l,e • valuable yardstick for Australian printmakers, the gallery Mr Mellish said the etching, and Interest.Inc a lree public lecture on lourlny excha n ge exhl- combination methods the collection at 8 p.m. bltlon nr 96 original such n.s woodcut next Thursdny In the prints by 48 cont,,mpo- photo engrn,·lng. gl\llery. rary Jnpnncse artists '!'he prlut., nrc In The council orgnnlscd showed a remarkable black nnd white a.nd the Jnpnn • AusLra.lin rnni:;o In t.echnique nnd color, nnd rnnce from prinl exchange. style, from trndltlonnl pure nhst,rnct I.O pure The exhibition opens to modern. representntlonnl. on Wednesda,y and wlll The vcrsnUlJt.y or the Most. dlfler rnn.rkeclly run until September 26. ~rnphlcs would be a big from trnrllllonnl J npn- Als?, _on show Is the gnl- h oos t for Brisbnnc·s ncse nrt. Many u.rc lcr) :; permn.n_ent colJcc- growlng print scene. hi & h Iy experitnentnl. t!~! 1 • Au 5 l,ra ha n P uJn t- A cutnloguc preview Several nrr !illrrrnh'il. in g. shows thnt t he !.t'ch- the mode ol Snlrndor n I q u CS used by the Dall. J 11.pn11ese, who rnnge In nge from 24 to 67, in– clude woodblock, llth– o g r n 11 h r, silkscreen. CHAIRS FOR CHARITY Au ••~ h il>Uion uf •·hair" l11rourh 1he: ill.I'S •WIii be shown al :\lurl'is Ua ll, Ch urchfo on St•11lcmbcr 4 uncJ 5. lL \\i ll be )w ld Cro111 10 lllllll :l Jl,111. S.1111c OJ till' l'llHl l'S h uvo bctll ICIIL by fnmilles o f Churl'lur Uo~·s, 0 1hrl's: by Ncwi,tend J-Iousr nnll ot herb hy tllP q11t'l'n~Jn nct Arl Ga lh.'ry. Tltl' r·h a1r-. ,, Ill 111d11ch! rocking chnlrs, hi~h c:111111',o;, nrrn c·l111 1r ~ arHI 1!1,·n11s. D11 rl111,; , he- t•~l11bit1un n fil111 c.'tllr tl Tlmb r n.nd Tin lt•nt h y I h C' N1tl !lJllRI 'l'ru~I \\'Ill be shuwn, Tl1f' 111111 t rH1·e~. t llf' ell'\ 1•JopmenL of Q11c-cn ~lnnll nrch itt•c·tt1 n' f 10111 '-lt' lt l•·m c111 llny'i to modern t 1111e.'i. Aclm1.r:.~1un ,, 1 II Lr $ I for u1lults nnd :.me tur sLu– d('nts. An)' flltHIS r:-i l:,.,rd wi ll go School in Nuk\!'itlofn, Tong.1.. THE COURIER-~1- FRI DAY, AUGUST 27, 197 Art exhibition too big for Gallery By DAVID ROWBOTHAM THE Queen1lond Art Gallery could not occommodote the major Notional Gallery exhibition to be opened in Bri1bone neat Monday, the State Gallery Director (Mr. Rooul Melli1h) aoid yeaterdoy. ··The fact Uiat this art gallery Is Ul78 0&:.1979. gallery !1ad I.O reject the The National Gallery exhJblUon l.s proof o! Lile exhibition. valued ,., be- urgent need !or a new I ween S5 m · and $10 St.ate art gallery," he million, will 1m at saJd. the new Qu • Unl- ..Bul, the first sod was rersity Art , turned I.his week on Lile The Q site of the new ge.llery on Gallery Is • tem– BrLsbane·s souu, bank. porary-- Jliemlses w11ere the culturaJ com- on the ~ pr the p.ex IS Lo be lm ilt. M . I. If! Ann ·The lirst priority In Street, • the complex wlll be the~ _ ~-ly housed, new gallery. anrl the since t,.U,e old Government hAs recognf- Concert'_..• . mlses In sed th's n.s the gallery's Gregory. , , These hlsto1•i~. 1:\JWi,:: _, , pre m l1" e finally The estimated d te of Judged unsafe for both com Jetton or the new the collection and the ubllc. IT WOULD be hard to imngine two more contrasted showings than these cur– rently offered ul the (.}ueensland Art Gal– lery (MIM :J.,lding, rno Ann Street). That they htll'e In common the fact that they arc devoted to prints, in one form or nnot.her - etchings, lith– ographs, wooctcut.s, silk screens. wood blocks - sen·es merely to under– line the \'USl- gap UeLween them. Recently, n showing or J npnnesc print:, by one of our Brlslmne c-ommcrclnl galleries focussed o.ttcn– tIon on t,he superb work thnt hrL,; been clo11c nnd is being done In this lield by J npunesc nrtl:;ts. The dec1> Impression thc-n made hns hrcn reinforced nnd nmplirled by the QAG's Contcmpo– rnr~· J apanese Prints Ex– hihlt,ton. featuring the work or 48 or thnt coun– try's lending prlnunnkcrs From - nn exhibition to be long pored orer. absorbed nnd JlHlf\'Cllcd nt. Nol only Is the work technically beyond repr– oach - Indeed, II scls a standard unlmaglnable, say ::o years a,:o - but I h c diversity or In• te llcctual and lmaRlna– Uve approach Is a chal– lt!ngc to the viewer. D a v I d Hock11ey's 66 et chings nnd lithographs, devoted entirely to story– telling nnd figure dclt– nention, bot,h delight nnd u.ntuse. '.M a i n I y surprlsingl)' cconomtc-.ul In means. Mr. H o c k n e y · s work goes rl~ht to the heart or his subjects: sometimes mns– terpieccs or "lrndil ionnl'' drawing, sometimes nI1- pro11chtng the primith·c. "MERCURY" Prints by Japanese 26 AUG l976 Hobart, (Jur,•ni,.land Art Gallory director, Mr ltaoul ~ltlllsh, •tudlea the magnellc qu•lllY or the lllue World croawd by Jopone.se prJntmakt"r, l;-umiakl t"ukilA. Mr f'uldta, 50, or Tokyo, Is one or f8 l,op contt"mporar1 Japa– n~e artlsta represent– ed In an uhlbltlon Mr Melilsh said the Ve r •• ll 111 y or the print.~. In a wldr ran,::-e of leohnlque 11nd style lrom trodltlonl\l to abstract, wa.c;i 1\ won– d~rful lnNplraUon tor ,\ II S I r I 11 a n prl11t– m11kcrs. The exhibition "Ill continue until Sep– tember !G. Vlewln,r 11...,. are from 10 11.m , ln ri p.m, on wrekd11ys, and ! p.m. to 5 p.m, on Sunday . ..c•----- 500 art • prize offer tabU•hed Ht ovem er commemorate the activities of Andrew and LIiian Peder– sen towards the lurtherance or art In Queensland. The prize for print making wlll be held ercry four years• Other prizes to be conducted through the lllnd wJUbe !or sculpture e1•ery two years and drawing everyrouryears: Entries should be received at the Queensland Art oa1. lery by September 22, THE Qu•!n, l1nd Art Gal- All ontrle• ond Inquiries lr.ry I• orrrrlnr o prl,e orSMO should be addressed to the for 1n orlrlnal print, and Queensland Art Oollery 6tll artist, are Invited lo submtt fl oor llfll\l Building no more lh1tlwoprmtsfrom iTcmporary premises) 160 dl!Teront edition,. Ann st. Brisbone, 4000 : Prlzemoney Is made The Tasmnnlnn llluseum evelleble trom the Andrew d Art Gallery hasa limited and Llllnn Pedersen umber or entry Conn,. Memorial Prizes Fund cs-