Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"Lt lelle HollondaiH" ., Pablo Plc11ao, c h ~ 1 k, 1ouache and oil on .,,. ~oe, d. J0J" • 261", Thl1 '. 1 th • - • t ••luoltle paillt• on1 In the Collection ulll wo1 donated lo the Gallery In 1959 lly Major H Ill V • hl Rubin. Plcnao o,i 1 1,.~ • 1!Y •••e tloe pel,otl,01 to a froe,od, Paco Dulllle who hel,-d hh11 i,o hll J,,. 0 poverty l,o Mo,otllllftro JJJ . ~ Pioneer honoured LOOKING nl Ill<' r!'ll'OSlll't'llVC' rxl1ibttio11 or lhC' pnln tln 'S or Grncc Cosslngton Smith :i t the Qnrl•n s ln ncl /\rl Gallery (Gl'<•gory Terrnct'."I . It sc'l'ms lm'l'<'cl illlc that silo> s honlcl have tm'cl to wail nlmost r,o y,•n r, brfon• nny g;,llcry co nslclrrcd her wort hy or rc prcsen lntlon 111 It., c·oll!'l't1tn1. For Grm·r C"ov,11\l:ton S111l1h W:l.'- a p iOHCl'l" - Ollt' ol :t :,;. 1111.tl ·-rru111~111po– rnry" ~!"01111 WOl'k \111! 11\ l h l' 1£'C'II:- ,,r 1111~ r cnt.urv - ,,1 ,, 1111.• 1111.a. t·onw lo lu• kJlow1\ :15 po, 1- 11n pn•-..-:uu11MH Anci. wt11t'11 1!'- 1mm' 1mp<-.r1i111t :.II" wor1;ccl ·•' t ru111 1111 1111H•r ,·on \ 1r11011: nut n:,i. 1111 111111 :i tor 1'hut 111uy lw ..,,,,·n 111 t h•· 1•.11 111•-.t \?t1,;:ie ~ ·~1 1 /~ ' \'\;~~ 11 ,:·,, : ~ 1 , \~:~ ,./'<'~;:·,\,,;}.~;- puhllr!y , ··~,11 k 1, 11111 ••1 m t!ll~, us 1•lf'arly 11:-. 11 a ppr-,11, 111 11,,· 1,,,·(l11-– li1-tht - 1i11t-tt p lf'l't'' t\11111' tlllt"II H! 111,· 1111 - m erii;,t('\\' J1!1SI d1•1·ad1• The t• ifr1·t ot ,, ,t1k111l! 11111 1\w 1);1\' th~\'Olf'fl 10 \.111•1 \\111'k, - h rtl\1!"1 111. w•f• lo\\ 1 - rto11111•1111•d , .........,, :-. ,, 11 11 i,R1n1 t'i1;lrtll'l l"l h ll•·all ,· 1t11d on Ill f ll'III. -.111,n ltrW,illlh! - h C'OIHIJRl'llhi(' In It.-. !i h1\n~t pll\ Mf nl ('X(' tl('II\Clli ,., 1 lu• ru111rn,, C • lll:1\11r 1•11orrt in llnytl11'r;; ,;c1,•nt 1on" 111 l1f'I' own \\on l~. "Al't t.i: the- C'-– )lrt"'•"'10 11 or \\'lutH,oM·,•r thlni:;s ure lc,\'t"- 1~·. 111 1tw .;:amr time rxprr .. slni: thin ~ 1111 ...1•1•11 t ht' i;:olclrn thrf'nd nmriln~ 1llro 11c h 11111c" 1111el th:1t ron crpt. i~ \\ ln11 11a, ~ln•n to ' hr work Clf Gr11 rd ( 'o, , 111l:l • 11l ~ lll l' ll 1111' lltllP!f'.','Hl('~!-l 11 11111ln 11h t1•d l\' IJ0.--H':..., ('<-:. Tho,1• --n m tc•n•-:tr,t will find rn11rh to :11,..," rll m t lw :--r1\•r1•. prr~onnli--iccl tPr l1 - nirp1r . oi h t·r -. w1 11 clt.•ll~ht 111 tl1r artis t':, :--.-n:-.t• 01 111l 1m,1ry wit h hrr s11bjcrt:, , ....1111 01 hr1 :· will luH·c 11111 ln111ltng lc,r " 1111l tlt'lll'<''" - IHII 1111 lllllSI l'l'\'f'I ill [\II r xh1h11!011 10 t.:lnd<l<'H 1 .lu• h r 11r1 of uny 10\("I' of hf':\Ul y . Art gallery drawings th Thirty drawtn1s by the ree flnallst.. In the se– lection of an archlt~t . tor a new Queensland Art Oallery will be on ahow at the prea,,nt ral• lt'ti from next Thunclay chiJ:•~ward wtnnlnr ar~ . '" are Robin Olb• ~ alnnd Partners. 'nletr .,,i.: r wtll be cllaplaY9d bulll!ln~. model of thl ~ul~~':.'3av•"1' PhoJgorophy ••hibltlont Vtill ck>H closed until ~Jrsd • at 5 p.m. Gallery 1tm01nt following ta;hlbitiomoy•ifi'~ !~· ~~ ..i p.m, whtn • IO ·••l•t• '1 "'• U.rtl flt1ell1h 1t1 :: H:'!,1!41tftl•• ,..Htlff •f •• • rchlt•d - Q,IHMle... .lut •1tery, ARCHITICTS: ~g:rN, 'taVi:l:NN,aNl.lW~i:•~•UUIN PTY. LTD. ~!~~"· ,mu,, HITNALL i, PUTNIU PTY, "'• ....,. WIMhtt efdttech .,., ROIIN GIISON & PARTHIU !:'•; 1 •:r~~:.~lff h •hfloye, wltlo t MINI ~ COHTIMPOUIIY ITALIAH GRAPHICS • Drawino, rtmOi'1 on view until Junt 17 Tht Grophlca rtmoln on Yltw until June 7.'