Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TOWN IN A JAM T00\\'00~111 \ : O a 111Jlt'f '111ft l)ril·kly 1war Ju111 nill lu• !orrn•d in l'ilhnurth's main i.tre,•l next w,•ck during th1• to\\ 11':-. ccutc111tr) crlt br.ltions. The \\'t•1·k opens on Saturday with a Ir.adr fair ln thr To\\n Hall OrJ;.&niscd lly the PiUi-\,orlh .\Jll!X Club. On S un.ta, · thl' director or the (lueenshuul mu• scun1. Ur Hartholormal, "HI 01w11 the flilh"orth llh,· turlr;,I Society's rolk museum In Plonc1ir Park. Follo" inr t ht' 2 11,m. ceremony lhr lllrcdor C.cn • rral of Education, ~h C', t:llmuur, will turn tlu• kti)' In 1h lronl door or the n•stored Hnu:hurn Scht.w1I, which Js part ot the co11111lex In the park. The ~linlster rnr Primary lndui,trlci., ~fr ·•n1llh•an, wlU attl'nd the 011c•d1i1,y ,:cnhmary tTll•hratlum, al Ila .. den on Octob~r :?3. Exhibition s upplied from Queensland Art Ga llery Queensland Art Gallery Lectures • 5th fl., M.I M lld• ., U O Ann SI,, Bmbon• CONRAD MARTENS IN QUEENSLAND 1851-52 by JOHN ST!fll 1A u •l11"1 r.11 n l• c lUlf'r ... 11,., I\ ... "•"Q 0 I I" , "111 fr,I\ I 1'1(1 Tuudo7, 21,t September, 5.30 p.m, COLIN LANCELEY Come up and seei these etchings Two l Brot.hon Grimm. a r I • In portralturo. Hock• temporary ex- n•Y hB11dlea hll people u hlbltlona are cur- obJect.,. H• ,ta not Jooktn1 rently. almost filling ror warmth Uld perlOII· the Queensland Art a11ty. O a 11 e r y (M.I.M. The figures are •lilt, B u 11 d I n II Ann al o n e and enigmatic. Street) ' beautifully plK•d within • \\'Id• f!fj}T)le dr&W• Nlnoty-slx \\'orka by In~ 1 5 s '" liilil, &ure. Japan'a loadl111 print• He u a Image– makers are on show M ry i. hls~ustn• and he well aa lllh011raphs and u.es hl5 ined.lum to Ulat etchln1• by tho famous end. t· · youn1 Engll,;hman, Da• TO complete • neat ,•Id Hockney, ,..,...,. ,;, eulllltlono, In ll7A! uid l!COJ)t, the elooe by, In Ula ••1•• or Japaneoe exhibition la the City Hall, i. • ·ra..l• &lmoat formidable, natlns ellhlblllon of There are, ol course, orlJlnal muuacrlpla of eu:hln11, wood enrrt.V• Au•trallan wrtten, com• ln11s, serl1raphs and•llth· pooen and artl•l.s• ograph•: Imagery varlea enormously and 60' doe• Th/3 ~~)!l h81 bten tecl)nlque. mourilM ;IW l,jle Qutt.111• The quality ol the work Jand--Afl&~Cll In con– la constant, n la a won- Junctlo,i wl~ the Brl5• derful "how. bane ,tllty CclllnCll, David Hoekney'a prlnlA HANll,A• come from th• Collection n!Ni ~w• l prlnla ant ol the National Oa!Jery, d ;._._ luli, at the CanberrL ;::,; ...- 1 g,a11111, Rei * HIii, ine,i•manY elemenu. Her drt.Wlnll" are In mixed medlL pencil, pen, paint a,nd collac•- 1 ~ Somehow, she knll41 all 1.o1etlher Into Vfl'fY ten.e drawlnl", 1~ 15 \'Of)' IUfl \\'Ofk,. eontrolled dh'lt'llltY wll h a •tron Ike ol humour, Sth Floor, M.I.M, lull,lint, 160 Ann Strtll, lri1hn1 COLIN LANCELEY Br1tf~ro;~~,~~1~., A~~w:~°akf~~!h!"t~~~~v!~ut;~~ri~o•:~.tlflO· Mon,lay, 27 Stpt-lter, J.1 S , ,m, DAVID HOCKNEY JOHN BUCKLEY Dl,ecta, tf the ln • titute ef Me,ltrR Art will ,,11k 111 the werk •f Devl_. HNht,, (The lxhlllitlH •f DHhl Heck11ey Gr•,tllu cf • NI e11 1 Oct,), Tun41y, 21 Septemller. S.JO , ,m. TELEGRAPH, MONO , U . ST 16, 1976 TELEGRAPH TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1976 AMATEUR historian JOHN STEEl,E wlll brief art lovers t.onli:hl on hi" I• t e • t book, eoverlns p11lnter CONRAD MAR– TENS' visit to Queens– land In 1851-52, Steele, a physics loeturer, wlll talk on Martens' landscape paluUnp al the Queens– land Art Galler:, from 5.30, where an exhibition or the artist•• work Is on show. "COURIER MAIL" AU 6 1976 Brisbane, DEMONSTRATIONS of the ancient art of brass rubbing are being given at the Queensland Art Gallery this month by Mrs, Helen Hamilton of Chelmer. :ifr~ Hn111ilton took 1111 b r,1ss r t1bb111g 111 I07~ when she wai. s111y111,; m C n m b 1· 1 cl g (', EncJ;md. wlw rc her hu!'-h:ind, Or Oor<lon 11:m1ilto11, was unclcrtak111g poi..t-~rn du – a tr slurly, Rhe 111\.\ :l rolll'ct ion o1 more tha11 :!00 t)r;t--s ruh– hings rnaclc 111 ch urrh1•s In London nnd the F'u:-tt .r\11g lm. dl,"ll l'ICI,• .i\bout :! 1 1 hR\'f' bN' ll '11- \'lll(JC<I II\ \Ill: Q1u•em,l.11ul A rl, Gullrr~1·~ f'Ufl'l'!ll ('X– l111>i tio11 ol En~lisll br,w, rul>hlll~'-1. HELEN HAMILTON A fine nrb h•~:furer from l\tt•lhournt• wtll !".>peak on hrr prt topic, rolnnl:ll 1,atnlt'r ('onrad l\tarten~. at a puhlrl' t•c• tnrr-tn-Rrlsh:uir tonii:hl. Delicious • Ill miniature S:art1 11[; 111 the f'l':trl y 1::::1 h r pnlnry, brnr.s f1~lll'•':; (If f1ll1lll\l!-o pr, ~onuliLIC.''• 11f t llfl llllll.' \\ t•r(' inl.11d lntu c·llurl'l1 !Jrn,r<:. thl'OUllhout F\ll'f•JII' ,1rnl l 'm:.l,\IHI. A bra:;~ rnbhlllJ.! j~ nrnc1P hy plat IIH~ Sl nw:· h ill Ih m pnprr 11\ 1' r t,hc top 1,f the hru~ ... 1111tl r uhh11,1 1!\e J)!I/Wl \\ tl h :i bl.1ck \\:IX: ~,IWk w111..i1 1)1,tkl',') llll l/llJ I Il l. ol lu tl i.:111,: 11111IP1 111•ntll. Ml~s ,Jocelyn Gr-:1,v, nr M un:L~h U11h·er.~11 \', 1s n. spa-ln \i.-.t In rnrlt i\U!;• trnl!:lll pnintim: SIil• will spenk on t he work or l\far\('n.'- :l l,•nd– lng IPIII {'1 1 1\IHI'\° lund – ~rn1w p:1lnlrr. 111 ll frt:'e lcr ll!rt• In Liu• Q11rem,– l:111rl An Onllt•n· rrnm n:rn 1,111. · ROBERT ORI- EVE'S exhibi– tion nt Rny Hughes Includes his finely crafted Shoji (shown in the Inst Gold Coast Prize) with its cleliclous miniatures on r I c e 1l a p c r mounted on board. Hn111rorr!'-I with 11 ~ ril'll !-t1r fnrr, f'\Okins:: Lhc dif– fusr l1uh1. rnrics IC'Xhtrr c; nnrl grr<'n n1ystcr~· or the MlhJret . S111r !I \\'Ol'l:s ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer rc, l, which show Orlcl'c's t;·plcal dcllghL In impro– , Iso tl o n , quulitlcs of media trsturf'~. elu:-,1\ c moods. * ALSO a bouquet to Q11ecnslnnd Art Onl– lcry for arrnngin~ the "Sense of To11r h Exlllblt,lon," sper.lnll y mounted for people deprived of sight. A \'On('(! rnnse of nrt and crnrt object., of fine C'lllnllly uccomponiecl by lahcts In Ornlllc hn,·c bcrn nsscmhlccl. These ll'111 llc enJ ;·cd not 0111;- by the hllnrl, hut nlso hy those blcssccl With !-l~ht. \\"llO tlS\lil lly hn,·c to rc:-lst tcmJ>l nLlon ):,. nrt lllWICtllllS to ex– pf'rlcnrc t11r1l1e qunli llcs lhl'Ollgh to,wh. ,, n<,r111.1l l,r;P,s n 11J11,11!.: ,·:rn i,,, m111" 111 li 11 11 r ,._ \l r'> fhllll 11111 .1' r1 lht 1J1 1 .1'dlP 11, l.1nd 11..,:, , .q1p111,11t .,· , I·, Ii,, ,, p,,111d (1 11 1,, r ·ilil111 • n! ., h1;1 I "II • ;\11 J l.1111!1l1 ,1, l 'I j t' I lh t ,nil ,1rt•,,111 , ' 1•! ,1 1111 .11d !)I. 1:11,' Ill• l n·,,n. \l 1 JI 1!1 ·r II 'I 1' tu I ,h 1 ,,1 1 1• 1 ,c\ pj •Jt .1 t l' 11,,d 'u 111, .I-; IIH h ''L"J ;\l1 •• ~ 1 • 1 , n.11,11 :-.;--;.. , ••• 11:1,1 1 )11, (.I'll, l.tll 1 ,, , 1; 'iit 11 1h 1• ,' 11 I 1, ,, ,,1 •11,· :\ I , 1 r 1 •• :\l1111 . 1),,11,·