Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Arts, crafts, fetes EXHIBITIONS and art and craft displays arc abounding in Brisbane and with so much to sec and do there's not a minute to lose! • capes and shows the I• gala opening on Frl– a r I I• 1 • s development day with a wine and frum the mid- ·so. LO the cheese night. begmmn~ preu nt. at 8 p.m. at the Seven I Ii 111 s St a te School. I tween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and ~·Ill coincide with the scl1ool fcte. The school secretary on 399 2463 a·ould like to hear from people flO• Ing to the wine and cheese evening ,o cater• Ing can be arranged, Today's your last the man·ellous cxhlbl• I-Ion or t4u 011 painting, by t~ or Queensland·s !oremo~t painters. Ing • hop hours from 1,~u~f~~lt~~d1~::.t ~!!i D'Arcr Road. chunce 10 ,·lslt the 3prtng Falr at Sprlnc Htll where you will be bedazzled by the varie– ty of pottery, paintings, c o Pp er enamelllnw, cutpture, \\eavln11 and much more. 'I'he giant &•• balloon rtoaLlng high abol'e the ity View Hotel mark.s 1,he area where It'• all happening, so head for that spoL The exhibition cnn be found on the nm floor. and will be orliciall)' opened tomorrow night by Sir llruce Small. A feature or the ex– hibition wlll be 14 can– raoses from Marrello SpMnlarl, of Italy. This will be the fir>t time any of his paintings hare been shown In Austra– lia. Tuesday till Saturduy, MrlllshJ 11 • 1 11 open the Deputy Director of October 9. _and tho!E ,.,htblllon tomorro,,· at f; du c a I Ion f l\lr. BIii "'ho would hke to at• 8 p.1n. und tickets for llamllton) will get the tend the opening ~nd Lhe opt'nins are B\'llll· show on the road. pre\·iew tomorrow night i ble from M rs. P<'nn should ring 52 0281. ext. Krrrhon, on 370 708". Y :?87 before noon tomor• " row. The exhibition will he * Dtst.lngui.hed N.S.W. a rList. Shay DocklnJ, will open her first Bris– bane exhtbltlon tomor– row at St. J otm·s Cath– erdral, Ann Street. :.pen dttlly t rom 9 n.m. I o 5 p.m. and on Wednesday and F'rlday evenings till 9 p.m. and will finish on Sunday, Judging the pa lntln~• will be Jllr. G. WIiiiam• ,.on, who is the art SU• r><mlsor with the Edu– cation Department. 01 her crafts . In– c I u d Ing potterv and copper enamelling will also be on display. If )'OU don't make It to the wine and cheese open– ing. the show will be or1en th ·xt day be· Sprlnr seems to be the time for fetes and fairs, and the Che1•.n• 11de State Pre-school has organised a w9nder• :ut "Spring Fun Fair" ra. next Saturday start• Ing at 10.30 a.m. You can't miss the 1chool. It's on the cor– ner of Rode and Gymple Roads. and there'll be lots of brlaht stalls and run rides for the chll• tlren. And make sure you p Into Walton's ,tore ln;-tJle Valley during u,e next two weeks to see The exhlblLlon will be 011en to the public dur- October to. * The exhibition con- Don't forget the Seven slsts or about 40 land- Hll)s Art Sho • ,. I He QUEENSUND ART ll~Rt Jtll ,t,., MIM 1141,, HI A•11 St., lritlle•t AMMOUMCIMIMT OP r1nts contras TRUSTEES'.. ·~"o · PEDERSEN· PlmEWl"NERS A total or 72 enlt'les were received for the '2&00 prize. Forty-two or them ..,.... !ronfQutena• - 11· WOU\,0 be hard lo imagine two more t·ontras tcd ~howlngs than these cur– rent h· offered at the Clueenslnnd Art Gal• lery ·( i\11 i\l Buildin1t, 160 Ann Street). .bV . land anlll!, , Tlmt the\· h nve ln commun titC fuel. Lhat l, h c \' urc de\'oted to 1u·111tS. In one form or llllOlhcr - elchings, lltli· 0 :rllphs, wood,·11t.., . silk .-,crecns , wood hlucks - serves mercl,v to 11nder• line t lie n 1st ~1• p l>l'l ween them. HOH. W. I. IIHOX, M.L.A. Dto~ Premltt •nd T•OOI~• of 0-,.1°"". ·· at ,.N ,.a. Wt4... ••1.: OdaW Tito '""=',.:.4.. '"::r:, ..._9!'--.;' Ill.I, Tito laN=-= ''":..,_'I to I~~ Th, '1!rle Pedenan prlr.e ror print works hu attracted 112 entri• from 180 • rttsta. Prize stvlng wtll be conducted at Queensland Art Gallery on October e. "MERCURY" "SUN" Hob.art, TH. nec<'.'11 t ly. n shnwing or ,Jupnnc.-,c pnnLs by uz1e or our Brisbane commercial J:l.llllen es fo<:Us.'-ed n.1ten• tlon on the superb work llrnt h a.5 hcen ctnne and 1s being dntte 111 t.hls Cicld by Jupu11c:-.e nrtlsts. 7 OCT l97G Melboume, Vic. IIRIS'RANF- - Tho llf'• J1Ut:r 1'1'1!111ler, Jllr l\nos, ..-.111d not be pholo• irraphr,d lleolde a pal11ll111 ...,._ht attcr announ•lnr I& hlMI won lh• WU,..o•• IIIINI.-M&.._Gllller,'il_ S~iiUII &ruliw.ea ' prbe. nu':Jl::'7~~t•i'~' 1 '·'•W~:.,m Sherry Chocolnto Dtp," hy Sydney pointer, nteh– nrcJ Lnrtor, 47. Part of t11e pnlntln~ dcpkt~ nn explicit IIC!'C scene. The gnllrr.- dlror.tor M:r rt. 0. J. M111Jlsh, r.nltl :,,,rr Kno:,: pti:frrrcd to he plmtogrnphcd with Urn winning m·recn print In tho &500 Pt•dcrscn 111·int• mnklng pr1,.,. Tim print. "l\Jnklni: Montng,i t;omr. Hytlttt! Rtylcs 40-50" wns Uy :-;,.-et nP.y artist Druce Lntlmc 25• 1 oc1··197G . •:c;p~@~R MAIL" C I .._ : ) L- Qld Brls-ne, . The deep impression then nwde hu.s bern reinforced a nd nmpllhect b\' lhP Q. ..\ G 't:, ContempO· r~trv .Japnnc:,C Pr111 lss Ex• hih.lllOTl. fpau,ring the work or -IH ol t,hnt roun• 1eacl1ng prl11t11takers o pose with art winner THE Deputy Premier (l\lr. Knox) decided last nl,tht not to be photo– graphed beside a palntlnr, which he named as winner of the Queensland Art Galler~·•s 82500 Trustees' Prize. 'l'hr Queensland Art Gallery acting ch:1irnmn or lrustec!I tSlr Ellls ~furph~·1 •aid last nts·ht th• merit or the palnth11 wa~ a ma.Her for thr Jndi:r, " I hn,·r to he rather urrtul. The palntln,:, c-011ld he ll'rmrd contronro;lal. U t wa" the Jull~•· I r,rnlmhl)' would nn1 ha,·p ih·en II thr awa1·,I," ~lr 1-:lllit said. :\lr. Knox !Uaht lalrr h, t"ould nnt 1,e~ unit seeln,r the prl·tt•- wlnnlni palnth1r;. .. I don't thin~ the 1111,ry dlrechir I llr. :llelll<h I pointed ii out to m,," )lr. Kno, uh!. The acrylic palntlnJ, In mo,,,ai• form, I• "Swrtt Sherry Choeolatr Dip," by Syrlnty painter Rt.hard l,arler, 4~. A portion or the palnllni dct>lct• wh•t mo~l rlr\\ers la."'it niiht ~aw as an rx· plklt ~n: !W<'llt. ~tr. 1,artrr ha~ ,·alut"d hi~ 11alnlln.i: at SIIIIIO. n,. ~•llrn· rllre,•tur I~lr. II. 0 . .I. )!,I- ll. hi s11id ~lr. Knox prrrerrcd lo he pholn• ,:ra11hcd nith thf! ~;100 wlnnin: ,wrtenprlnl, entrrrd In lht~ Pedrtst"n Prh'.e for prlnl• m:aklna. The 11rit1t. " i\f.1 kin~· a :\lonla.1,te - Som, S~·dnt,· Sl,\'lrs .an.. 10," "'"'"' the prbr fnr .is,·dnr,· artist Brure Latlmt!r, 2!i. Th, Jnd,:·,, Mr. Mcn·.,·n llorto11, edllnr or "Art 111111 An!l\ralla," relnrnerl to ~,·dnt~· bt– t•au~e or II family llln~~s. and wa~ nnt lhr.rr . for the announcement. Mr. Lartor, "·ho came to Australia rro Rrltaln In 1Rll2. ,.a, not at the pre,<entatlon lasl ni1ht, i\lr. Latimer I~ on a "tud:t• tour o the t:nll•rl Stairs. Thr 'l'ru~t,es' rrlie, whkh was "tartr In l!l!il. I~ awardrd for a patnUni of ah,\' ,mhjecl in any mrrllum. 'rhe trustee11 hol first 01111011 lo buy work~ submltl~d. l'hrrr wrr, 'Hi rnlrle" thl,o ~·rnr for tlu Tru"tee11' Prlzt-. or which 49 "t•rr fro l)urrn!lland palutrr,i, Thrr• w,•rr 17R rntrh•. fur lhe Prder~rn Prh,•. This yrar'!I ·1·n1!rilrr1111· Prize 1•,.u11nwn10ratr. ~1:1,lor llarnld rle Vahl Rubin, who enablt the (lu..en"hrnd Art Gallery lo bu,· ,.c,·e lrn1mrtanl t:uropr,:an palnlln«-11 in ln!i!l, In dudln,:· lhrf"r PlcH'iO!I, a Tnulou~r·l.autrer Renoir. - nn exhlh!Uon to he long ()Ored over, absorbed und manetlcd al. Nol only ls the work technically beyond re1tr.. oach - lndet..-d, It set.ii • standard unimaginable, say 30 years ai;-o - bu& t he dlven<lty or In• tellcctual and lma~ln•• th•c ap11roach ls a rhal• lenge to the viewer. D n v Id Hockney's 66 etchings und lllhogrn11hs, del'oted entirely to story• telling and figure dell• nention. both dellght and amuse. M II I n I y suri1rlsh1gly coonomicnl In means. ~1'r. H O C k 11 C y ' S \'1.'0l'k goes right UJ I he henrt oJ his suhjerls; ~ometlm~tnlL'i.. teri,leces of "lrjldtUonnl" dritwing. SOl~~~!~CR [LJ).. pronchlng I.tic prlmlLivc. "\,I ' I \', ..... ,. "xh : ll~:on w::· r' ",\ 0 !f\f•"" t• ·,. .... T"'\ ,., '/ ' -·· --...,,, ·.a·._ ·;1 'I', ••• \ ' ·' • ,, .. , 1"('1• •• • • ,-. .. .. :, • •• it• ...;.r t! .,1 . , fl,\', .:,, ,, r l ' ••• ~II '1 • 1 ,. , ... ·\re: V.'' ...." .. r' ' ' ~ ... , ,. ........ ~