Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TRUSTIES' PRIZI 1197& 82500 The Andrew and Lilian Pedersen Memorial Prize for Print making 1976 ..~__... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE COURIER-MAIL - No pose with art winner- THE Deput~· rremler (l\lr. Knox) df'clded last nl,:ht not to be pholo- 11:rnpheil beside a painting, which he named as winner or the Queensland Art Gallery's 52500 Trustees' l'rlze. 1'h• queen, land Arl Gallery a,·llnr r:balrman or tru11tu• 1!-lr 1::m, Murph~·1 aalrl la•t nl&hl the merit or th• palnllnr wa• a mailer ror lhe Jurli•• " I h.-·• lo be ralh.r ,·arrl'ul. 1'h• palnllnr could he trrmr.d c:nntrnn rslal. If I "'al thl'I Jud~• I probably would nol ha,·• rh·en II the R\\'arrl,'' Sir t:111• u ld. Mr. Knox ulrl latrr he could not ~– .,.11 seelnr the prl,e-wlnnlnr palnllnr. "I don't think th• rallery rllre.ior l\\lr. lllrlll•h I pointed II out to me," Mr. Knox aald. ,n art T h• arryllc palntlnr, In monta&• rorm, I• "Sweet S hrrry Chocolate Dip," by S7dn•1 painter Rlr hard l.arler, 47, A portion of the palnllnr de11lt lll what most l'if'Wt>rf' ta., l nliht aaw L" an ei:· pllt'll sex ,rrnr. ~fr. f,artr r hao nlued hl1 palnllnr at ~111011. 1'h• callrn rtlrertnr 1Mr. R. 0. J . Mel– ll• h , ,a id Mr. Knox prrferr•d In be photo• rraphed wllh the 5,,00 u-lnnlnr ,cr.. nprlnt, ,nt e ,...rl In th• Prd,roen rrlzo ror prlnt– ma kln~ . The prlnl, " Maklnr a Montai• - Som• Sydn,-· St yles 411-511," ,.• • th• prize for Sydney artist Hruce I.a timer, 25. The Judi:e, Mr. Mervyn Horton, editor or "Art and Au, tra lla," returned lo SydneJ be• eause or a ramlly lllneos, and "·a• not there c11v yt ..,1e1dov The w in – ner. onrl w1n11er~ o f 01hcr compct,1 ic•u1s held !,m,u1- toncou!i1V wdl be on• nour,ccd ton ight . T r u ~ t P e s Lttturt nn " .a.11~1rn.hrun Art" tonti.:ht Al 8 pm. AL tlie Gnllery, ~Lh n~or. M 1~I Build· Ing. 160 AM Stt-ttL. Ne"' smith Wales GR.llr.rr s.enlor rurator 1 M r . Daniel Thnn\3! 1 <lSli spl'Rl<. for thr announcement. !\lr. Lartf'r, " 'ho camt> to Au1trall1 from Britain In 19fi2, w-. not at the pr-ntallnn la.i nlcht. :Ur. Latimer b on a llud)' tour or lhe Untied State,. Th• Truotee•· Prlie, 'll'hleh wa• 11artrd In tn~I. I• award•d lnr a palnllnr or an.,· 1uhJect In any medium. T hr. tru•ltt• hold fln t nptlnn to buy work" 1iUhmiltf'd. Thr.re ".,.,,. '7fi entrlr.11 lhhi ,.-ar for th, Tru!'tee,' Prlle. or "hlrh 49- w, rr from Queensl • nfl paintrrs. 'fhere wrre 17R tntrlcs for lhe Prdrr-• n Prh.r. 1'hl~ yr.ar '1 Trustees· Prize commrmoratH Major Harold de Vahl Rubin, .,-ho enabl•d the Qu, rn,.land Arl Gallery to buy ""'' " Important European paintings In 1959, In• dudlni: three Plcassoa, a Toulou!it•l,11utrec, and a Renoir. 5t ~ ,, , MIM ~l,ta , 1t-0 " "" !ill••·· 1111,hnn•. t 1t:.) l 1r.11· I H ", tt l l!F'' l,11 ,- u i. 1r..,\11/t-ll ...r.l RECENT AUSTRALIAN ART RV DANIEL THOMAS 8 p.m. luu day, I 2th Octobca '-11 1 t "''' •• " Ill ul\ f' • lftlP IU"l1' ,,!,H""' 1" 1J•r 1. 111 ,·«>II' 'Ill .. \ JI I ,llr n -.011t \l ,11 ', 11 .. ,1, 11,, IMI .. .. ttll I\ •1IJP .. ,1,1 \ I , • 1, 11,l,rl I' •11 ! 1 \I t' 11, +•11 l~t>W {\tl '" N f< W Chlnll, '"1;11u1u 1,, 111• I• ,.,, , .. ,,'" I .,,,, , Membr " !,,-4; no" •mcmbett \ S. (nqulr1t 1· 26.l 2) 66,