Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

COU~lfR -MAI~ SAT OUtENSLANO ART GALLERY 5th Floor, MIM Building, 160 Ann Street, B,i,bane. FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Tuesday, June 8, 1976 5.30 p.m. "The /nduslri.t/ Revo/uliort and its etlecl on the Cr•II Movement" I•~ 8 H) (u,,1111, ~1,1, t A \l·Jli 1 l. ft ~,~ .., n~1n1u.l >-, , C.01,·. ,, u••· l 1oti1·n n llll ., I '., I,· ' AOVlNTURl IN 5Wl 015H GLASS All WILCOMI, r:?:?:,;:f ::~i: :r:: :'.?~·.~:::/ :;._·?:·~: 1:::;.·_ ·.: d{ :;~;.·:? h• I•! 111, 111.,~11,,\ 11111, I , H 11 1,1 LECTURES ON ART 1'ht• flr-.t or a !l<'fit•, or puhlk h•rlurt•!!I on a.rt u11-. im•t'i:1tlon, 1•on~u,·INI h, llw .\u,lrall"n t 1,·lu:.:: .\rl s1•h1H1I, wilt ht- lu-~,d in nr1,h,111t! on Junt• . .l al G.:cin~~:;~~lnnd ArL Gnl- lcry·.-. l\S.'.'ll:-.l anl !t1rcrtor. Mr nob cunnmµham. will h.•cturP on t he 1111- preliM01w,t. ..; in the Ar: Sch,1tff gallC'ry Engle.: St.rN•l. Tht:• rutmlsslon w~~~~: t\·rormation nhout the 1,•clures mu.y b'-• ~b· IL\lned hr tel~phom ng the sd,ool on 229 2l-40. lTALIAN work& from the Queensland Art Gnl- 1,ry collection will be mounted "" a contribu– tion to the Dante AIIK• hlert Soclet)''a Italian Week in the M.I.M. building, 5th floor, 160 Anu StreeL today until June 30. Italy shows its charms Next week is Italian Week in Brisbane, and lovers of Italian art and music are in for a cultural feast.