Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 5th floo, , MIM Building, 160 Ann Sr,eet, B,id,one. FREE PUBLIC LEC.TURE Tue.day 13 July 5 .30 p.m. Aspects of Moore IAN HENDERSON IScnoor Instructor, College talk~ obcut the work of Henry Moore The Gallery', recent ocqui1ition of Henry Moore', llrona1 Reclining figure Prop. will be on view "COURIER MAIL" ·- 3 JU L 1976 Brl1b.lner QI L ATE LY ex-. hlbltlons or crafts have almost stolen the thunder trom the arts. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer But Cor~unatcly, the arUfJcll.l dlsllncllons be– tween "line arts" and crafta Is becoming obso• lete. And \\mere would one draw the line In the present tthtbtUon. Au•– lrallan Cenunla, at Uie Queenaland Art Gallery, ·r1hloh Includes ceramic sculpture, sculptural pots, and stmplf,~•'. ''l>Ots" or auch high .aklaUc qu&ltty thM. they sweep, )'OU off the IJl'OUnd. ' , • and Lea Blakebrouah, all or whom owe to IJ!e E116tern tradlllon; Reg Prest.on ·s e)'e-catchlng squared bot.tie with lt.s Wlll'm, lush glazes; the •ubtle spheric and cylln• drtcal sculpture,, by De• re k Smith and the eleganUy deslaned \\'htte plecl!ff b)• Bttnard Sahm. * All this ta evtdencfd In the exhibition, tn which 46 ceramists are repre– lflllted. TMre are the exquisite pota by H. R. Hughan <our famous vewran pot– ter>, Colin Levy, ShliL Joan Campbell's dra- matic, cratered alobe; Marea Oauard'a frail folded rorm of white clay; the ,•ery special landscaue, pots by Peter Tra,•ls, the nature-tn– •Plred earthy ones by John, Gilbert. Art by feeling BRAILLE and large print cards Will be pro– vided to guide wittors at an exhibition of "art through touch" at the Queeiuland Art Gallery next month. Texture, and ahapea In a variety of ttrt forms from fabric.. to sculpture will be on display In "The Sense or Touch" exhibition from August 2 to 15. All the works In the, exhibition were specially eelected and I.rented to enable them to be ex– plored tbroueh the sense or touch, pllery director <Mr. RaOUI Mellish) said. can flavour; Rbonda Osllvle'1 rractful and aenatttve tulip rorma. Compared \\1th IJla rt• cent exhibition of con– .~mporary Aamieu Ct• ram..._ there 11 INI to bi aeen or the more extra• \'lpnt or bollt foffll6 of expraulon. These are pro\'lded b:, Suzanne f'onyth'1 pink brauta dished up on a blue platter; Joan o rounds' atonenra Packa1ea , add.-d, atamped 1116 mar~ "Pr a I II•"; Klllliilll te,'NOJl'a rltuallatlc fal,,' tasy, where -1. ~– era, chamoll, sattn 1111d alaal eombtne with ei.:,; Marpret Dodd'a HoldtA CUL 'The exhibition !ms been specially designed to allow people who see through touch to ~x– perlence some of the ele– ment., or art, and 1\1so to show others who do not h8\'e to tee tl1t.s way that there a.re ta,,Ule qunlltlcs In object., which a.re too oft.en taken for grn.nted," Mr. Melltsh said. T ll E Fil~ST :md Wf\S l ll1'1H_'rl p >:-;t,•l'rln,: c111 the .. \le of UH• rn:w Qlll'Pns lnnd ,\ 1 G•1·1· ,.,.. wh lrh will IJt• port nf t.lw S t nt• n;/,'.;.j,;,v"lt •:-. Ill.'\\ rult urn I c·rntn • nn t lw n ,, 1, 1 lmn k ., . S011 h Brisbnnf' Tlw µall1•1Y. Educot,inn and Cultur– a I Ac!Mtlcs Minister <Mr. Bird, "'Ill open the exhlbilJon nt 1.30 p.m, on lltondni·. All~USI 2, \\'ill cont!n11L' ,•xlu b i– tlons Ot Its l i'lllJH)l:i~I \ prr m lM•1' on tlw f11 t 1, flnor of tile ~tl M B 111\cl. llllt. 160 Ann Strf't.•' n rlsbn n" , until 1Ill" rn:w 1-,::l llr ry ls C'Onll!letl'Ct. 1=– ,·howmg ,\ Tnbuli' to Snm Fullbrnok. . m on11 - mr ntn l Urns~ ntbbini:;... anrl Conr ri i\1nrtl'I\~ dlsplny T ilt• Snm Pull – hro k ,•::,,.1l1bitlon 1:"nds lll'Xt T IH•!-t!Or T llf' ~nl\t•n · 1 ... OJ)('ll :iom ;\tnncl:,,· tn • nt– llld,n· 10 1111 11nt\\ i •un , :i!HI rn, Rundu~ . '. 1 nm ~ pm 11 n1 1: ; pm Ad m i Jn 1 1..,, 11 1 1 • SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1976 TH! C:OURIER-MAIL QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 5th Floor, MIM Buildi•t, 160 Ann Sttcet, lri111ot1c 'SENSE OF TOUCH' EXHIBITION _ a l!pcc1olly de!.igned 1oc1ile exhibition for the \ 1suoll·1 hond,copped - The "c°:1i":'.:1 ~~:,.,~~t•~m"":~:~•' ,:1~' 1~t~:~!~°: 1.30 p.m. Monday 2 August All Welcome 111 ,11111111111111111111111111111u c ......... iiuEENsuN·o·"Atii" G~LLERY 1 § 5 1 1, Floor, MIM llull,hug, ;; ~ 160 Ann S1, llri,hune f ~ SENSE OF TOUCH ~ ~ EXHIBITION . . . § ~ - n ..,w,·inll)· ,lc~igncd lll_t·lllc ex..lnlnuon ~ ~ r:.r 1111' \'i~unlly lrn1uln·t11)JlCtl, - r § ~ Th,• 11., 11, \ ' . lliril. Ml.,~. ,M_l 111 ;)cr ~.~ I ~ Eil,n·utiun u11d C.ult1!r11I. ,~1·11vit1eti, ,, ill op .. ~ :: thi-. E~lulntion : ~ 1..IU 11111 • Mon~n)\ 2nd August. E ~ All Welcome. . § ~ (;n ll,·n · Exhihition l'rnirranunc . ~ • . F Ill uok -· Aug ,1.J I • : I Tnl,11t" tu , flm 11 1 '' I '> •10 E [ ,,,,,.,,,,,,,nwl IC,,,... ~ Rul•hinp.~11111~11,;11::1~~11.. ;~11111111~ : ,,.. ,111,1,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,11111111111111111111111111111111111 THE COURIER-MAIL SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 19 Sth Floor, MIM lulldln1, 1'0 Ann Street, lrllbent, Brass Rubbing Demonstration by Helen Hamilton 2,19 p.m. Sunday, 29 August CALLERY EXHIBIT'IONS Mo•umentat Brau Rubbing, ta 5 September A Tribute to Som Fullbrook lo 31 August Conrad Marte•, to 22 September PRINTMAKERS : (nt,y form, fot the Inaugural Pedersen P,iu to, Printmaking - S5CO A<quislti•e - no• o•oll• obll', Clon~, ll S.phmbc,.