Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

SUNDAY MAIL 10-10-1976 ---- UNIQUE WEEK.EPR CITY~s ART LOVERS IN ONB l'NPfft, this probably hu .... a ualgue art wllk la ....._; eaaearnntly with the o,ealas of tile Q • 1v1lud Art ~•ua..i Trimteea' Prlu, two of U• laril• ea&aall.,.... ...........manuowl •... tr~ tor lbt t, In a vw1et1 ot i.cb - IWUDI ~t,. • patnt– llook ol _., llltu. Dlquea. • er With • NDIIUve .,. - -the...._ Al liMMcatlGG o, Ille for ooJor 1111d tonn, a Tba -taldallle re- IIOwin& lntena In Jlflnt• -. ~ atdollon OI Ille 11111& Ila& llllllllnl It la DIICed Ula 1111 PNant al for lht annau-.it on 21 eompetttlon ... the Town 0a =· w---, -in. ol mttled . entria In botll QuNu --t, 2nd. ... 'l'nlalNI' Prla Win- ralntlnc ancl· PltDt -- marb Ille point • W" fllndnated tlonl, 11 . ..., lndlliKI Ill mlOb tllt md'-it A 11 en&rlle · toalther ~ UUll, fNIIII ~ ,_ lllmlar w1tb &he lmponu&, •- ~ 8'1- ~ ropean patnUnp ac- . 1111 be baa en tbl Gane wu 11111 h'N-for- q_ulred ·i,, Ille QAO nnlra ot 'a tap d llldlftdual Judllnl tllrouth IN ~ IIAltl& UC.ta . ~I du rt n I t h • lft-UI• of Ma,lor Buolcl de vui: IUa noUllat ealoll __, lll'fflft' In Rubin, to •'--, llow wWI Ille, to .......... ,.. atul'dJ thla,...,.. Trul1- l'rlal walk ... , pGlt IN'lr"ll!ID•lllt dla- ii clediC!at,cl.;._; now-- lo be cpiafNla... ..._ ol &he wladom m- aliow7iii ln the Cpena- bJ' • lloltolia ll'IPl1dl II au.wa .. of 11111 aUlalal land Art o.uar, 1J1D1 ::.::r:-: 111111 to Ill ~ .. ,::!!. - a.,.~.,_ Bulldlnl, t• Mill IICloua ::-::.,~ •- ,. • Street>, and WW -in · 11-,. .,., t Mr. onwewunWOdoberlL ._ .. 1&11111111!1111_...., ~ Jlanon'a Nlec- . ......... Iii I.... - lion' ol Rlabud !Mter'• 'l'lle ._ ....... - _,._.., ,__ _ 1111•••-IIGP an •Sweet ...._~......_ - ....... .,....., _,,. aionalate Dip" - - ,.._ ..,.._ Nlpt• and 1111 WWld haft - tonsiiee ..... , • • ...... trJptjob ·,;m 11111111$ __..,, wcleferouai,, If ·-- ' u-e quallllia --- 11111 M1tmm11ou11, n 11 12 ,-an tlll08 .1111m_ dlateb' to Ille ,Tltwer, 11111 .,_.., ... ........ Rlct,)' held hi, flht 11111=""" be or abe d _. ., ... ff ..... _.... ._..exhlbttto,11, In &be tunlwr. . ,__ IN la'"- 11 .,.. maantlme he hu no& oni, Jilolt, ot all, r thlu, II ........... - • .__ won etftl'&I lm)IDl'lent will be &he& 1111 alty el a&,- ... ..... pr1aM - lneludlnl the R. tnll'900!S la ·• .............. - ... 0. Richard, Prla (f-- RlltJJ'• ' -ftl& ..... ......_, _. ..,.,..... nanner of the Trul._. IIWlltJ' .:.. abWt, to ..._......... Prial tn I.Ml - bu& baa ezpreae If wttll The ---'8d In•, become firm 1, ea- IIIO\'lns ten ; a&aclr I aaaural Pedenen J'rlae trenahed ln populart&J •8olltup "• for. prtnt-1lilnl, won b7 With &he corpua or VI• Wha &he -3' Br11oe- UIIIMr With loffn. , &Illa . ta or Ila- ~ • llontace." . .u, ~ pa1nt1n1. lll&tnce.d 1111 enoourastn, 'nMI reuon II not bird _ Nen -~• 1'11 entnee or IOOd quall- to find. He 11 • PM;Dter of -,. ._.. 111ew. ' i. : I . ~ ;<: J \