Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

~--, I\ N [ JJ 1 /\ M, r ;nhTH Fascinating Eastern nuances nl'.SPITI Ha cramped V-unl!N.,Dltlve lm1al• latlon, TM Seu.lpture of Tballind aldbltlon at. tbe Art GaJltrJ of New South Wal• ,la Ule moat lfflllt. ~l . new aldbltlon in Sjdney tbla week. ""iiiiilii ol • canon 1et out In the llllllleftl lllenlture or ee,1on. Within u.e connnea arUau thrw,hout -turlll haft worked, IIIOdlf}tlns IJhlle CGPYlns, renn1nc but llffer re– d~lns. The catalope ot &Illa n• blbltlan II IUPll'lll7 l1hal&rated 1111d almcat a .-,&y ID ~~ &he .._ Allo Ill &be ~ la an ID• Umala ffll'CIIPIOUft ot ., de ~ (I___, pr.lntlnp, ...,.,. dilDa&:lil bJ .1111 ldllllrer Pr.&rlck WhUe. Wl&bout Ill MIIIIIOIIII 41111111• 1111.. ~ doeulnlnlld bJ Danlel 'l'bailiu, &bi allllllt.lan llbW.la&baa • r • &blr-• dlocre .a--. ot an uu.t who oomllllaD&I, ....... ID • •arla&J ,Of II,-, bad - unworkable 1111111a co1or, u-rt. 1111d PNd1ad no IP'N&a.Jararlal. But bll apeUend Dim Thi lhO!J __. ID 1111CN1t IIDd &wo wood• n , ,.,..:. -- · pr.laMI OClllll • lld wllh -'r Ml- u a faol!I Plllnl of palal ·an ..... ID • ~ the PeaUYal er.rtr 11111 ,ear IICld _ •._ •--1o 1- ' lllld U hu llnol made a a•- - Gld WWld allnalpbe,e. n ww1c1 bi ..Jlm.lY_ DlllONllan ~ lnlenlllq to - an ilxllllll• • .Uan ot ~ lll'llall' PlilMlal oapltall. n • an ablblUon - &ha, are 110 ........_ whan that fUCIJ!atei 1 "'l,h nllUICIL ,au - U- ,au ~ feel The l'Ull9 ot · llillllo JICN· u U ,au had untllpecCedl, blllU• AN - lllnlled In oi-ltd -'I undenrev &ndlUanal l'llllloul,' .._ drawer. ~ Ulan, &ha, are ID · Al ....,.._ O • llwla, Kau Wlltem an, nnentM1ea, Brlloo u 11b!1W1n1 11 aWnct within U.. UlllllaU- ·• aor,Uca ot landllcilpe 11ar1aana Wide ranee or IUlltll ...... and JO' drawlnp. 'nleJ .,. ~" JICN~U. 1111111. ' npettUve and dlill. ll'nn with Thi • tore • by Wllteman a lot ot • -rlllill!I I can~ ftnd on lndlYldll • I a&,le and Orllln• - red-1111 ll'II08 In that alti, II -in.•• '° the wodla. 'nit palnt-11 la llllln• .nia1. Anyone who bu be • n In '91wUnr, ltie campoalUana . fflllNUDII ID Allan ODWltrlel c1reu11, llmplleUc, the ylauaJ WIil baYe •n the local people ociment 1llandly predlCMlble, I\ bowlns rnennu, 1n tront or 1oo11a u tf lll1llOo 11u painted • tllluea or the 8addba. Tberit 1 'henetr Into • yery narrow are • llntnean, cr.nona aPPlled . comer. . I '° the creauan or hll fllure, tlpatan, • )llhotiolr • phlc ex- There IN 31 maJor "mart! • " blblUan bJ David llr.nd -- r.nd 80 minor one • which • r• prcmda • lot men em.rat. tlata thtorelleallJ Wffll to In· I HII nnp di aubjecl aatler la I corporate Into the Buddha' • ~ YU!ed, -- from 1upematura1 r.natorn,. lnfonnll oandlil lllaat-and· The color or the akin the 'lltlMe lhota at people lounalns protruberr.noe of the • 11u1i,. Ule around pool • to lleek .-· flnlal on top or the h•d the dal llhotomlDha of C-ut hair, the extended lobu,' the Orove and either HoU,wood Iona ann •, tinier • and toe • or - to an lntere • unc • rclll- equa1 lensth, nat root eole • teot.uraJ documentary at ~111- proJeoUn1 heel • and arran,e~ t r a I I• n electl'lcal power ment or d,- are 1111 ancient at&Uona, He keeps ttie Ylewer Yl • Ually utended. - --T11l llu lltAUAII ..... ~ S.,l1•ar U 1116 I