Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

r \ 274/0CTOBER (3-lj'2,,e:-, ,2, ,7 (1) ~J. lCf7S-: J-7~ , Teachers ure asked to note the followln1 pointa with rererence to lhese scc1ion1:- ( I) Whereus the Program In Mathematics (Sta,n 7-8, 1968) had one appendix only-"Enrichmenl", ii has been planned thal a number of appendices will be produced in the future. The linl 1wo arc included wi1h this dis1ribu1ion. Appendix I provides teachen wilh a summary of the content of lhe Program 111 Mathematics related 10 ~ho four operalion1 upplled 10 whole numbers, decimals und common frac1lons. U covers lhe formal work or Staacs 2-8 of the revised lopic "Operation on Numbers" which will be distributed to schools nexl year. Appendix 2 prcaenll to teachen In a slmplllled form lhe many and varioua aldlla and undenlandinp which a child should Kqulre before developln1 facility In computalion with whole numben. As well It Includes a number of procedures for compulins which a child mi1h1 adopt in prosrcssins 10 the 11ase or 1111111 an alaorllhm, (2) The remainlna topics of the Program In Mathematics will be distributed .r-- 10 schools next year. (3) The detailed explanations on the use of Cuisenaire Rods which lhe previous Proaram contained have been removed from lhe topics and ure being incorpomted in an Appendix. This also will be distributed next year. GENERAL NOTICES QUEENSI..AND ART GALLIR\'-TRUSTEF.8' CIDLDREN'S CREATIVE ART SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1.976 Queensland Arl Gallery is looking for 24 creative children. That's the number of Creative Art Scholarships lhe Gallery has available for ils 1976 children's art class. The class, sponsored by the Gallery's Trustees, has been held every year since 1941. ApplicRnts must be aaed between 8 and I 2 years and be allending primary school during 1976. Applications must be accompanied by lwo pieces of work (painting or drawing) on paper packe,I flat. Examples of work are non-returnable. Classes are held al Kelvin Grove State Primary School between 9.00 and 11 .00 a.m. on Saturdays during the sc:hool term, and successful applicants receive free, one year's tuition in painting, sketching, collage and clay modelling. Each child is given individual attention and encouraaed to develop all hia talenls. Classes arc conducled by Mrs Gloria Logan, artist and ar1-lec1urcr nt Brisbane Kindergarten Teachcn' College. Completed applications should be submitted to the Queensland Art Gallery, 5th Floor, MIM Building, 160 Ann Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000, before 24 November 1975. Successful appticanl! will be advii,cd as soon as possible afler the closing date for entries, November 24. Further Information nnd application forms may be obtained from lhc Gallery's Education Officer, Mrs Bellina MacAulay. Telephone: 29 2138, PRIMARY SCHOOLS F.SSAY COMPETmON In an attempt lo foster lnlercsl In hobbies senerally the sponsors of lhe Brisbane Hob6y Exhibition have arranged an inleresling collection of prizes to ullract youns people and will make a special award available lo lhe school nominating the most successful entry. The World Book Encyclopedia of 26 volumes will be the school prize vnlucd at 5260. The best entry from boy or girl will be a Trail Motor Cycle valued at $296. Second prize also for boy or girl wilt be a 3-spced cycle valued al $122. There arc vurious other prizes. ·, ' , ~·