Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"SUNDAY MAIL" ·1 ' SEP 1975 Brislwne, Q. Reviewed by FR£0£RIC ROGERS Invitation only ONCE agai n, del erminal ion or Hie Q_uc;,ns la ,_111 Art (: allcrJ ·,. annual Trus tees' l'rize is al ha nd ; th e wlnrll'r will he ar111ou111·c<I hy 0;,1111ty l'remier und Trea s urer, the li on. W. E. linox, on the e\'l•ning or Wt>dnc ·day, (klohcr 6. I t. will be rcmcmbrred lhnl from it...~ lnccpt1011 111 Hl5I, unul HJ71. U111> co m– Pl't,! ln11 WAS known ns Lhe H. c. H.1d i– l\1"Ci"\ rri,.c ln con11nc111oru11011 or the work or a former Trush.'t\ H~nry C:1s.. st•!II ll lrllnt·ds. Since Ht72, the 11rcscnt. dcnomlnnlion ho.,; n1111Hod nnd enoh ycRr I except m I07.\, whrn no compeLIUon wns held 1 t.hc m·en t. hns hcen mnde thl' occasion or rf"111emhrnncc or some olhrr bc11 .. cf:tclor or prom l11c11L :,upporler uf lhe c;nllcry. 'l'hls year U commcmorntCfi the ~en– e.roslly of the late Major llaruld dl' \ rahl Rubin anti in assodation with display of competition entries tl1r,re \\'Ill he a special cxhlhlllun of work!, In .. clurled In his uotahlc IH'qnrst. It ls regr Lt.uh1e Lhnt, n.,; wns done ex1>0rlmenlnlly Inst yenr. entry lo the com1>e\.1Uon hn.s ngnin hcen restr:ctect to •·invited" nr !st.'(, the reuson being lnck of space t\Vnllnlllc \11 the Gallery's temporary premises for use us a "hold– ing urcl\" 110nd!ng Judging, The dlfflculUe, conrront in~ the nu– thorltlrs n.re wc11 npprcdntcd. Spncc Is curtuinly nl C\ prcmlum on the two floors o( !'.UM Bulltiln~ ( !00 Ann Street.\ tlhnt h1wc lo s.rn ·t ns di play. s Lo r age [lnd ndmlnlslruti\'C office nreus, N,wcrthole••• It ls n pity tlml some way out of tho dUflcull slluntlou can – not be dcvlsed, For one thing, tn\·ltntlon. howe,·cr cnrcfully considered. cRnnot fn II lo suggest. invidious dlscrhnlnatlon. Jn fnct, it hns cnuscd some henrt-burn!ng among potenllnl entrnnls - profes– sional nrllsts or some stnndlng - who die not rocel\lOone. However cnrcCully lnvltnllons mny be screened - there musLhe rest1·lctlon or style and, j)OSSlbly, t,cchnlcnl stnn– di,rds. ll I· not hcynncl posslh!llly 1h01 ln– su rrwtrnL 1·11tries would be rcccl\'C'll t.o 111,lkL' Lhc (•om pctit1011 prn.ct i<·nl>ll!. ll rcmulns to ht• SCt'II how tlils )'t ~u·•• ('nlrlr'\ turn out, hul last year tao in• vlt:,tlon., - IY. c.nh ' or llwm to qu,•i:ns– la111ler"' - )'iehlt•tl a mere H<I 11alutl11p. \Vh1le sy111p11tl11~ill(; wit h t,he p roU– lcm Cueing t.ltc Gnllery nu t.hontt s, I cannot bi" con,·lnccd lhat Rn 11 \'ll.atlon c-u111p('tiL.011 t~ th sohH.1011. IL 111l~ht well opernLe lo the grn\'O delrnm•uL or the ·r ruRtces· Prize ln part1cutnr R.nd Queenslan d nrL and an ihls tn J,tcnernl. A sui.;gestlon WM mnde ln.sl )'CBr tllnt u sullnhle \'enuc for the recr ptlon and Jullr,ln~ or en tries in nn unrcsl rlctcd co1111wut ton m ight. be found <!lstwhero tu thr- city. Thls has rc<:ently l.Jeen su1,.. llOrtcd by Lhc plnpolntln" of nn cxlsL– lni; ~ullcry with adcqun tc spuco and good llshtlng "" Ideal for the puq,ose. For a quarter of " century, the Trustees' (nee ltlchrd111 Prize hus been a c:om11ctlUon 11Qitewo1·thy for the Inter– Ml ll has create<I. I beg of the Queensland Art Gnllcry Trustees thl\t they gi\'e deep cons!d– crat ion to wn.ys nnd means or contln-– umg their Prl7.e competition unfct.tcred by the restrlcllon of in\'ltution lO sc– JccLcd cntrn"l t...llii. Some vcm 1 must clnpsc before Ute long-r1roinlsr.d new Oallcry ls lWnJl.– nblc: without being unduly pessimistic, n restricted Trusl,ecs' Prize comJ1eUt1011 mny noL sUr\'i\'e them. FOOTNOTE: In place of ~he blcn– nlnl 1,. J. Hnn•ey Prize ror Drawing, which trndiUonal!y ls tenrncd wl~h the Trustees' Prl1Al In nltcrnntc years nnd R!lllCnred 111.st year, 1976 w!II wllnesa presc11l11Uon of the innugttrnl Andrew and L!linn Pedersen Pt·izc tor PJP!t" makinu::. / ----- \ Praise for IN opening the Exhibition of Art in the Social Sciences Building of St Pauls School, the director of the Queensland Art Gallery, Mr R~~ Mellish, praised the opportunities offered by the school. St Paul's In the last four weeks there · had been a public recital by pianisl Donald Britton; a concert evening in which 70 students performed; two film evo,1ings at which movies scrip– ted, photographed and edited by the students were shown and the Exhibition of Art. The exhibition featured paintings by 112 artists among whom were John Craig of the Penin– sula, Brian Malt, G. S. Comrie Smith. Dorothy Pringle and Richard Trebilco. QUEENSLAND GALLERY Among the crafts was an attractive display of lead light lampshades and " sun catchers" by Graham and Sandra See, of Redcliffe. Graham See is an Englis~ teacher at SI Pauls. About 200 people attended t h e opening nighi and heavy sales of pain– tings and crafls were reported. Ith Floe,, M I.M. l111141RI, 160 AH Stffft, llillN.. CLOSURE OF GALLERY trom November 1-9 l11clu1ive for exhibition mounting of THE SCULPTURE OF THAILAND 11 ........ 1oe, - 12 DtCIIIIHr Truat-• and PederMn Prize E~hlbltion1 cloM Sunday 31 It October Althll e,e ,..llNIN te erru•-, c.,...._ et tllelt wwkt loetw•• NeH111.:.., ht _. J,. Qucensland's Deputy Premier, Mr Hill Knox, decided last night not lo be 11hotographed beside an aw:ml-wlnnlng paint– ing hy a Sydnc,· artist. The :icryllic 1minllt1A' in mnnta Ae form , ls Sweet Shern· t.:ho,·olate 11111, 11it-l11red at ri,:hi, h)' a S)'dlle)· 1,ain ter. Rirhartl l,arler. t\ 110rliun or the 11aintin!: dc11it-L, what most ,•icll'ers last 11ight saw as an ex111il'il sex Sl'rllC, i\lr Knox n:tmrcl the paintiu i:– n, winner nl the Q11eensla111I ,\rt Oaller)•'s s2r,oo trustees' 11ri, e. The Quccnslund Art J)allen· acting r hntrm:in orti'iislces 1 s;·,, 1-:lli• Mur11hr , said the mcrtt or the 11alnli1tl:' was n mattrr lor the Jnd,:e. " I h11,·c lo he rather ,•arc(ul," Sir F.llls said. "The 1ialnlin,: rould he termrd 1•011lrnl'er,lal. H I werr the ,indAr From MIKE McAULIFFE I 11rnhahl) 0 would it the award," Mr Knox snid later he rouhl not recall seein,: the J>rize-win– nini: t>ainllng. "I don't think the director 11olnted ii out ~lr Knox said. The gallery director, Mr R. 0 , ,I , Mellish, said Mr Knox pre– frrre,I to he t1hoto,:raphe1l wilh I he 5500 winnln~ srrel'nscri11t, cn– tcn·d in lhc Pedersen pri1.e for prinl - makin;.: . The 1irlnl. 111:1ki11g A Mnnlnee– S on-,r SyclttC,\' st~·les 1 10 ..fill,. w:1s done h,· another S)·dne.-· artist U r11cc Lallmer, 2:;. T iu, ,ind~e. Mr Mcn°)·n Horton rdilur or t\ rl And t\ustrnlin, re turned to S)·tlne)· brcanse of • lumih· illness anti was not there for tile an11u11ncemcnl. 'l'Ji E: Queen•l•nd Art 0 • II e r y Trustee, thla week Are orrering art cl•s., •rhol•rsh!pa to 24 chlldrrn. Succes.•ful opµl!c•nls l\'lil recch·e art materl• Is Alld tuition frte for on• ,·ear in plllntlng. sketch• Ing. collflae and cia)' m0dellh12. AppllcAnt.s will lle ac– cep~d on the sir ed rec- ommend o t i r r. or the child's orl IA!Rcher. ond u,L be oqed between tghl IUld If )'CAts, Appl!caUon rorms are ,·allable rrom the Gal– er. telephone 22P 2198.