Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

• Ill two forms JWO important exhibition, concurring at the Queen land Art Galler • are attracting many visitora. They are: Modern French Sculpture and Photographs by Bill Brandt. • Parla la •Lill U,e place ll'here arti.Sts from many lands lil'e and a•orl.:, th115 it i• not surprisinc thal the maJorll)' or sculplOl'I inrluded in the French exh1b1t.1on are not of French ori(in. or thatm ttach arlllil.a 11ne1 ·•t quality, I 11 ¥~ou11 and lalA!IY, • le m•te• rlala. are predominant In today'• aculpture, wood Is ,1111 beln11 uaed, Rnd, lucklly, so beaullrully In a very fine amall group here with wor'.<1 by Rob• e rt Rouull, Chrlsllna Martinez. Jose Bublra– Pulo and Fumlo Otani. Rouu 11' 1 " Cnm– p0,1ltlon" aA...,mbled rrom 1lmple blockl•h lovingly cuflA!d parts, 1s In the BranoWII tradition. Otani'• contorted vol– ume. hal'e a baroque, vl– tallstlc mo,,t,menl with feelings ror tensions In the srowlng living wood. * ln\•rn nr or patloriynam• ic construction~. w, ha ,·e one of his fascmat !ng wm·k.s. surh as l,an up to the ones "'here he com– bmrs \\ llh 1110\·ement , light, rolor and sound. "Touch Me'' hy Agam with it movable cur\·ed rods rmrrorert t>flr frctly in lh• polished ba,;e, IS most enticing Th, m~cabre had iLs place In It h"' a lilg prrsem . Mort.If1ra tlon thr vtrwer tn where worlui of I he New Realism and Nro • Sur– reall, m •re a•s,mbled. We •rr rom1ll'llf'<l 10 ~:l~rfhr~~ ~~d b 1 !~d~ri:irs; tf1rp ....r . "Ola1.rct Box·· hy Abel ov1n; "Vision" by JnrQur~ Lirs."e blllOTA'S out. from the wall. a blond· r~1~ 1 il1Ji~r~ri~r:~ 1 ~~ ~ i~h rf~~l: 1 ~~rl~~~ :~~~ ' """' · b)' Maiava!. It has been .aid lhnt In our time the human !>ting ea n no longer be repre•ent•d lnt oct. Thu• we •l•o have the visceral torso by, lin. lox· ~~~ie~ the0 J"'I; cr• b. SCJmt, by the w ms tures of QerRTd Blt,L• ~~';~=- eilun Arl, N ,. an ex· p•'rle~;,. - llleUld nnl miM', • on• or tM wrld's top pl10101rapnen, \\'hose terhniral ma.st ..ery one can take !or granted. he 1, not a mere recorder hut a poetical artist (ii• trd wlth extraordinary perception. m:':tufi, t~:: nis 1 :r~eo~':i. It ~• In a spcll-blndlnl \\'R\' where e\'en the com· rnnnplace IA revealed as strani;c and the at.mos· phere 15 charg•d \\'IIh Ihe nram• of aupra-real aus• pcnse. * th~.;•~ 1 ftiogl~~~t:~~j struct.ure ln the r,re-ll'ar l •.ears ol the thlrt es con• ains masterplecea of un• cann\' Insight and under• slnndlng. Pictures such ns Pnrlonrmalds Ready 10 serve Dinner anti Miner at His Evening Mrnl are unlol'iettable. "Perspective of NudM" done In t.h• !Illies are nlfferent. Here Brandl Is lnlluonced bl' the art of painters and aculptora such as Picasso, Arp, Modlgllanl, Henry Moore and In his surreal tore• shortenln~s, by late 16th centurv Mannerlsm. 11,10.,i beautllnl as cnm- 11oslllnns and treatment nre. these pictu res rel'oal less or the rtl\llly as por– cel,·•~ by Brandl than they do ol his •ttempt to rival art other than pho• t~raphy. "COUIIEI MAIL" lrlsblne, Old. 1 f APR1n;3 2 art shows Tiie Cultural Activities D i r ector tMr. A. J . Creed 11 1 f,re s t e r da)' ~~:•:xhi~ltlo~~r! 1 n~cu)~; BIii Brandt Photographic Ex h I b I I Ion at he Queensland Art Gal· Design the new art · centre JHE designs of· the three finaliatl In the competition for ou1· new art gallery are on exhibit at the Queen11land Art Gallery until June 17. R;i;/~ '81'::1;,~1 ad~lfa~! era I• unruued, un– pompous and ele1ant. The clean horizontal line of the elevaUona, with 11reat care taken u ~.H:W; 11 gl:ia1~ ~ti the complex, which In· elude. such attractive feature~ as a water mall ~n riri.~ 1 :w:: we!fden, The Interior plana prom.ls •• good function as to ea•Y circulation and admlnlatratlon. "CHRONICLE" T oowoom ba, Qld. A~ \97~. Ian )for 11ew art galle1ry The: (,IUH"n l~nd f iov , ,. _ u.e.n, ha.a ar.c•t J•LtcJ a de 1 n for ,. ha l ii ('t'rtaln I i.., 011• al 81 h.Uae'~ majur t.ourb t allr.trUorui ol llw l11t11n, - a ,~.. ..,, ,au..-, le t,,, t.uilt a1 a ce-' of Sl~ mi llioa. The g11 llery •11• cNtrlool:> the Rrlsb~nil Ri.,..r 1ear Ih• Vwlorla Brtdge O(ljH li~ lht m, ln city busl11ess aod sl op – pin~ areas Tht dt511n in– rf:hlr.s l hr..-o gallc1les \\-.th 1~ fYlO fr-1•t of noor l.pare tor livv.· :, rf-ii-5, 1M11n111t !ration o lf .,·b a11d a n •stn urarai.. THI COUallR-MAIL MONDAY JUMI 2S 1971 Child art judges at work EXPERTS - In tri p· llcate - were given a hard Job yesterday when they started Judging the many entries In The Sun– day Mall Child Art con test. Studying the form are (from left ) Queen land Art Gal– lery director (Mr. James Wieneke) author • artist Ian Gall and The Cour– ier • Mall cartoonist cRae.