Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Mrs llum1lt1 1u l•M" 1111 bru__ ..._., ruhlJ.11[! 111 l !i7:! \\hl"'ll hht• 'Alt~ .,l,1 \ , 1,• Ill um h r I c1 l" I' J· 11 l.11u1 ,, here Ii r h w,l),111d, Dr 1t.1Hlun l(,m Hlfo:J1 \\ ,1 und1·rl.1k1111: lill l•~!.td ij a le . luth . :-illf' IHL"I n (',11!, di• n of more thun :wo I.Ji .i , r·1h – bl11gn 1111ulc 111 dilll't.. ht..: Ill London l\llll tht: l'a.,t Ant;llh d1~l1ICL. Aboul :!-1 l11\\e bt'Cll ln – cJudrd in thl' Q uc(·11 1 dancl Art Gallery's n 1rn 4 11I t·"\ hlbl ion of E11~!1:::li Ur. -~ ruhbln~s Ht1U'llllt; 111 I he r-url}' 12th C(l11t u1 y, br.u,~ fll:"lff(". v / fzlnwus J>i.1r~ou~d 1t tt 1 h of Lhc timr- 1,1,,•n· 111la1d Jn lt ch urch fluor-, thrnui;hout Eurupe und J-:11..:l.uu.J A briL\S rubh1n).! ts made hy pltH 111~ .o;t ronr: t,11 thin pnpf•r o\'cr t.hc l()Jl or IJ1r br11.-.., :md rubl.nnr c )JrtJh. r \\ llh tL Uluc-k \\ ax bllck \ l,a_ I 1111\kC:, lllt )lllj,I Ill or t..he f1i;11re u1Hlcn wath. A normnl hr:L"S r11blu 11g rn11 IJP mndC' In thr c h ou -~. llllYS l'\1r:-. Jlnrrnltun. nncl t11t rhun 'ltf'~ 111 F11i; lnnr, churue oppn,,tmntcly t.hrcc pound., tur f\,1cl ~_.., bJng or a. hruM fli:turc. Mrfi llamllton snld hr:Lc;s ruhb\11~ 15 so J)(')Jlulnr lr EJ11,;tl;-u1d thnt you !ffintCLl l\lCS h ud lo book m on tt i.J vnnce for n brn.ss r11,'1.1rc. ?\·frs Humllton will be gl\'lnc cl 111onst rntiftns nn ondny l>Ot.\\·ecn 10 n.m . nntl 110011, nnd on Au •11"'t 24 t, t,hc 'same time, The QUC'i'uslnnd Ar t Gnllcry Ls on he fi fth nror of u,e Moum lba !\lines bu1lrtlng 111 m Street.. PAINTINGS and sculpture by George Luke will be showing at Barry's Art Gallery, 205 Adelaide St, Brisbane, until November 18. Formerly of Melbourne nd now resident in Brisbane. Mr Luke exhibi1ed in Brisbane two years ago. He studied art at the Vie– orian National Art Gallery Art School and lhc Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. His sculptures are displayed in the Commonwealth collec– tion in Canberra. the Flinders University and the South Australian art galleries. He is also well-known for is illustrations for feature ar- ieles in newspapers and aga zines, includin_g The ullerln and Womans Day. His current collection of crylic and oil painting.~ in• ludes portrai ts of per– nalities of the legal and iusic profession s. Don uixote is one of the sculp• ure subjects. ll1e gallery hours arc from 10 am to 4 pm. Monday 10 Friday and 9 am to 11 .30 am n Saturdays. THE Grand Central Art allcry. in the Grand Central Arcade between Queen and Elizahcth Sts. Brisbane. held n art auc1ion on October 28. ll1e Gallery displays a con· inuous range of works by eading Australian artists. in· luding Rex Bauabec. one of he early tutors of Albert amaijira. and Bcuc Hays. n artist who has lived in North Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Ewalo Rishe is another ar– tis1 represented. Born in Vien• na in 1945. he s!udied nrt al 1hc Vienna Acnden1y 01 Ans. Af1cr coming 10 Australia he worked in North Queen– land in a variet y of OC· cupations crocoo11e shooting, buffalo hunting and opal mining. His work as a stockman in– spired him to depict the life and people of Aumalia's out• back and these arc the sub– jects of many of his paintings. Among the most valuable works in the Gallery arc those by Sam Fullbrook. now resident in Queensland. and an Archibald Prize winner for his work. Jockey in Colors. The Gallery hours arc from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm twcck• daysl and 8.30 to 11 am (Saturdaysl. THE Queensland Art Gallery is presenting sculp• !Ure of Thailand as its next exhibition from November 10 10 December 10. The cxhibi1ion. comprising 75 pieces of lraditional Thai sculpture in gold. bronze. lead. tcrracoun. stucco and crystal. opened in Australia at the Adelaide Festival of Arts in March this year. Mr John Baily. former chairman of the Visual Ans Board and now head of the Sydney College of the Arts. selcc1cd the exhibition pieces during a visi1 to TI1ailand. After opening in Adelaide, 1he cxhibnion was taken to Perth. Canberra and Sydney. before bein g brought to Brisbane. Showings in Laun– ~ston. Hobart and Mel– bourne will follow . TI1c Visual Arts Board has prepared a 11 (),page catalogue featuring lCX l. diagrams, map~. drawings :,ml 80 illu tra1 ions of exhibit ion r1eccs. some ol wl11ch llate to the 8t h ccn1urv. "TELEGRAPH" UG 1970 lrlsb.lne, /CHAIRS FOR CHARITY An t•1:hi11ilion or ch,tlN throuah the a1es wlll he shn"n .&l .,1urrl" lh&ll, Churchie on Se11ten1bcr t nnd 5. Ii \\Ill be hrld from 10 1111111 5 jl.111. Some of the d1:111-s have been IP11t by rnmllles or Chunh1e boy~, otll('rs b}' Ncwsltm.d How,e n.nd others by t,he Qucen~lnnd Art GnHcry, Thi! chnlrl-i wlil lnduclc rocking chnirR. arm <:hnl rs a1UI <lh•ans. During lhe exitlbll lon n lllm cnlled Tim ber nnd Tin lenl IJy t.hc NHt.lOllUI Trust will be shown. The (1h11 u·nt.'er. the ctc,·clopment or Queensland nrchJlcct ure r,om 'iettl<'ment clnys to moclcrn limes. Arlm lss1011 will b , $1 for atlulls nnd 30c for stu– dents. An~· runcls rnl!,Cd will go hool In Nuku'ulofo, To1,gn. A.F.U.W. Thai treasure awards for two T H E Australian Federation of Uni– versity Women (Queensland) h s awarded two fellow,. ships, Instead of ~he customary one, tor 1977-78. Fellowshlp winner• who will each receh·e SJ500 are: Miss Karen Byth, senior tutor In StaUsUcs In U1e Matheml\tlcs De– pnrLment, Q ueensland University, and A. for– mer dux or Brisbane Olrls ' Orarnmar School. ll!lss Anneliese SLuckl. a Swiss graduate, com– ple!Jng a Ph.D In ln– t er-et h n I c re la l.1ons ond social change in Afghanis! a,n, at t.l1e A11strallan Nntlonal Unl\'erslty, Canberra. Federat:on rel-lrlng ,ecretn11• t,'.frs. Ellu1bclh Hopklnsl rnlt! yesterday the awards were nn– nounced this ll'eek nt lhe ~roup's nnnual meet.Ing, In Brisbane. She said funds ror ll1e g r n n t s ll'ere proridcd from academic dress hir– ing nrtMtle< nf the nsso– ciallon. Jewe llery exhibition A N e , h I b I I I o n by Queensland Jcwelier;– wo:-k~hop mc111hcrs w!JJ open tomorrow at 1 J n.m. Tl1e exhlbll ion WIii he at the Craf', A.<snciatlon Gallen•. 37 LelchhnrdL Strce1: Sprln~ HIii. II. will continue unlll Deccmlicr 2. At Petrie THE Pine m,,ers ""d District.. r1:cals on \Vhccls Assoclntlon will hold n cent.. auction nnd bar– hecue toda1· from 2.30 p ,111, a t th'e Ausll'Rll1ll Pn11er MIii Hostel :,1un– d111 Streel, Pc• : 1e. custodian PRICELESS Thai scu lpture was not alone in capturing attention 11t the Queensland Art Gallery this week. W a t c h I n g over Ihe sculpture wus Miss Nnt– thnpalra Nnvlgachee1·1n, ll pretty CUl'll(OI' from !he Bangkok Nntlonal Mu- 6CUm. MI s s N1ll'lgnehcevin ha s been Lral'elling nround Aust,rnlla wl1h Ihe scu 1turc for l-hc Inst six months. "Mr Job Is a big re– sponslb!llly. but !he only renl problem I h1<1·e harl I~ m,wfng- the hc:wy nieces nrountl," !,h(' said yesterday. hns been n. Museum curalor for .six ~·cnrs. Befori• thuLshe studied ucheology nt t he Baug– kok Fine Arts University, for four ! ·cn.rs . She snld women and men had equal Job 011- portunille, in Thai land. Mrmy women founrt It cl\.\ \' 10 rcnch llll!hly pnid, responsible pnsl– tlcms without. nn · prcj • ud1re. 11.t t s s Nn,·timchce\'ln s a i ct I It e ,culpt.urc.. whirh dated nc; fnr b:1c:k a the 8th ccntur,v, were mtHlc rmm stone bronze terrncolla, guld crystal or wond, The exhibition hns been brouE?ht. to 1\ul)tra-– lla by lhe Au.strnllnn CO tl II C 11 Visual Aris Board.