Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

r L SEPTEMBER/291 QUEENSLAND AllT GALLERY CREATIVE AllT 8CHOLAIWIIP8 FOil lffl Each year the Queensland An Gallery awards 24 1Cholanhlpe to children apd between 8 and 12 years. Theso acholanhlpe are 1p1111JOred by the Gallery's Trustees an<i applicatloo1 arc acccplcd only on the recommendation ol the child's teacher. Applications are now bein1 called for the 1977 scholanhipa. These provide free, one year'• tuition in painlina, 1ketchln1, collase, and clay modelllns, Clauca are held at Kelvin Grove Slate Primary School between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. durlna the IChool term. Ea~il child la aiven individual auentlon and cncoura,ed to develop his talen11. Applicant, muat be attendin1 primary ac;hool durln1 I 976. Three pieces of work (palntlna, drawln1 or colla1e) on paper packed ftat, should accompany each application. Eumples of work are non•relurnablc. Application, lhould be aubmltted to the Director, Queensland Art Gallery, 5th Floor, MIM Bulldlns, 160 Ano Street, Brisbane, before 29 November 1976. Succcuful appllcanta will be advllOd u l<IOD u pouiblo after the closlna date. Further lnforma• tion may be obtained from tho Gallery', Education Officer at 22!12138. Application may be made in the fo,.,.., as sot out below:- QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY CHILDREN'S CREATIVE ART SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1977 Child's Namo:_______________________ Date of Birth:______ _____ Present Aae:...................____ Name of Parent or Guardian:........_________ 'Phon,~---- Addreu:_______________________ _ School:........._______ ............................................. Grado: .................................... Teacher's Recommendation:.........................______________ 1'7'7 QUEENSLAND YOU111 TOURS TO JAPAN AND THE PHILIPPINES Tbo Queensland Youth Exchanae Aasoclatioo 11 aaaln or1anlsin11 a tour by thirty youna Quccoalandcn to Japan, Hona Kona and Manila, from 27 December 1976 to 23 January 1977. At the same time, there will be the ftnt Youth Exchanac to the Philippines. The Japan delcaation will return the visit made by twenty-five Japanese youna people lo Queensland in March Ibis year. Siaht aceina in Japan will include Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Tokyo, Nlkko and Yamaauichi, but the tour members, moat under 25, will spend most of their time as auests of Japancac families, and will see much of the country off the beaten tourist track. Tour leaders to Japan this year wlll be Michael and Beverley Preston (Michael is Science Subject Master at Kenmore High). The tour of the Philippines and Hool! Kon1, from 31 December 1976 to 21 January 1977 will include visits to Manila, Baguio, Baaabag, the terraced rice fields of Banauc, beaches near San Fernando and the Pagsanjan Falls. The leaders will be Col and Laurel Westwood (Col ls A.M.P. Supervisor in Toowoomba). Any person Interested in further information should contact the Queensland Youth Exchanae Association, Box 121, North Brisbane, Q., 4000, the Chairman of the Q.Y.E.A., Mr E. E. Edwards (phone 396 4349), tho Secretary, Michael Preston (phone 30 1689) or Cot Westwood, 40 Loch Street, Toowoomba. ~ctr'TvW\J ~ C.£ ~~ /77~•. ' ' -,, J L