Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

. , . . _...., ... __ . ....,_ JUDGING 550 e n tr,e~ in the ' "' s1•ct ,ons of the 20th Re o c lif fe Art Contest y•ster– doy were M r. Roou l iv.,,11 ,sh (l eft ), t' e a ssistant d , re ctor ot the t-.ewcosrlc Art Galle ry (Miss Joonno Co\e.,-,on) and the instructor c • tne Brisbo ne Co,'ege of Arr ( . r. Ion He nderson). Top_pr·ze to local artist lri1bane artist J•"'•• lrown hot won the Rep.. re11nt1tional ,action of th• Redctifle Art Connat •orth $SOO, His paln~lng wu called "E1cning Pastoral." A 11• t , r DetUl, from Ca.n~roury, l.lle ru-st New Zealander 1,0 wln a ml\JOr pm.e ln t he Red– cllfle Art cont.est , aho.red fin,t. pr1ze 1n t.he wnt.er• color stctton with 1wo other arl.lsts. -9 0 C i 1976 J o h n · C r a 1 g ,from sc.rbOrough, winner or the wat.ercolor la.'-t year. !Ll.so sh•red the prize. The watcrcolor aec>· t Ion pu.rllcuhuly !Jn· 1ires.sed lhe jud~••· The Ju<l~cs. Jt.wul Mel– lish ~Direct or. Queen!\– l•nd Art Ga.lleryJ, Mt'-' J olHUlll C o leJlHUl 1A ~o;;is• tant. Direct.or !', ;ewcast.le Ctly Art Gallery 1 1md :\-tr. Jun Henderson t ln• blrucwr, Br1:-.bunc Col· lel(e'Of Art.l r1e,cr.bed the w ate r c o 1 o r ~ec1.1on a.s Bri1b•ne, Al'i'l lCATIONS fur 1hr ( hildrcn\ ( rca1i,c ,\n Cl,i-, .,._-1u,lar,hi1" ,,--. 11N 1rcd h\ 1hc l)l.1c,·11, la11J Art (ia lk l\ fur pupil, nf pri111a r\ .,._-iu•1h. du-._c 0 11 'uvi.:mhcr ~lJ. T11clll ) fo ur ,,·hular,h11,, .,re a\\ ar,kJ cad1 ,car .ind provide free art ·ma1crials auJ wi11un fur nllL' , ,:ar 1n rainting. ~l l'tt.:hlllg. l ·oll.tt !l' ,11kl d a) 1rn>Jd li11i,, • The d 1ilJrcn arc el\ cn in di, 1dual alll'lllHHl :111d '-'11 r~111rag.L·J to lil"\ L' lup th1:ir .1r 11,tll' ralt:nh I unh,.:r 1..h.:1a1I, "-·an h1..· oh 1,1111cd fn1111 1hc (),\C i . \111\I ll111hl111µ. ,\1111 '-1. lln,h:uw lh.:kphlH1+..' ~ ~l} ~ I .l~I THE Queensland Art G • l I er y 1'rulti!EK ffl!i" week are offer\nlJ art clas., ocholar.Wll& to 2• children. succel!Slul appllcant • " '\II recel\"e art materials and tulUon fr,e for one nar In painting. •ketch· ing. colla.11• and claY modelllng. Appllcant• will be ae– cep1,td on the algned rec- 0 mm end at Ion of the child'• ort teacher, and must be aged between eight and 12 ye,.r•. Applloatlon form• are available from the Gal– ler. telenhone 229 2138. 'Dip' shouldn't lower 1our morals AT the present time there Is no shortugc of Im– portant art exhibit– ions. The exlnblllon or ... tected entries for the Trusiee's Prlie ror pu1111- lng IL!ld lhe Pedersen Prlie for Pnntmak11111 hang:s now at. the Queensland ArL Galler)". This ls u. more even show thun we hnvc seen 111 prerious year.s and perhaps 1he •1andard 1a ht&her. The Judge's choice ror l he Tru s tee · s Prtze, "Sweet Sherry ('hocolale Dlpt" by Rtch1trd LArtrr, Ila!. u bed some con– troversy bccRll!l.C of erottc content ; but the pam1 mg 1s more cerebral than PdS51Onate And secm.s un~ likely to effect o\Jr moral SUllldlLrd~. It works as a palnt1n11 and repr('senls modern nto\·ements. Luner u:,es a dotted ttchn1quc. tind bet.ween h Is u r r a n g e d photo• gr11ph1r fu.ce.s he works a linear decors.tlon. The whole work I• low In chroma.