Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

l [LEGRAPH, WrDNESDAY, NOVCMBER l 0, 1976 A 1 s o tomorro\\ Ihe .. Queen.~lunct Art Gallery goe5 O n ntul v. u.h on ex– hibit ton of exll1c ~ ulp· t,urc f rom 1'hn1bnd The 14 \\11rk5, ,, hich dntc frnm thr , Bthth to Ute rllfl t'lt•,·1,1 h r r 11 1 q rlt''i, a r, in wofKI. ,;tone. bron:-c, gottl, cn ~u1I nnct Lcrn1cott.a.. A I I arc t radtLlollnl Mtu 1 y reat.ure a Buddhist. Lh "'IIIC' o,Lllcry cduootton orrt– w r, Mrs. B. MucAulll)'. sl\ld tocll\y the collecllon was prlc.clcss. SYDNEY EXPERT Tile cumt.or of the col– lecUon, Mills N. Navl– go.obcevln. or the Dt1111;· kok Nnl.lon~l Museum, ts In Brisbane !or I.he exltl– bltlon t.o conurwe until December 12. The 6 p.m . 01,enlni to– morrow will be eond tctcd by Sydney nrt authority. r. J ohn Bally, •lmme– dlnt.e past president or the Vlllual Ar.ls Board, a.nd 1,rlncl!lal of the s i·d– ney College or the Arts. Emotional response t sculpture of Thailand ART REVIEW by David Cox T HE Art of Thnl- lnnd, tied closely to rellglon, requires serious study to be understood . lL ls rich In svmbollsm nnd imagery from the Bucltthlst. Hnrt Brnhnmn reliJ!lOllS. :rncl frum nn– dcn1 bcllrfs. Ihe wor.,hlp of Rninrnls nnrt plants. I rln ur!!r rrrr,rhoci)' to ~er. I hr rxhlhtt inn. ··Thr Sc11 lpt11re of Thn tl:rnf!.'' 110w on show al llle QllN'n:,land :\rt Gnllrry. and r su~cr..lil thnL n llt I It' l'('!-ICHl'dl hrlrirr– h o 11d will ilf1 t la• l'X– PC'r:crw t• <'On:-irtr rnhlr f-'nrt111111tt•l.r . lht• Vl:-11111 I Art~" Ron rri ha., !-Upphl'd I nil r '-cr llr nt rarn ln~nr . 11111~· l!lt1~1rn ll'<1 unrl \\'ll h ! ~~~~~r;;~1.;,s '~~~-:~~ ;.ic~ll. ~nort I T h P :1 11011~m11,r of 1111~ !-C\llpt l' l'r :-n111rlww rr•- 1110\ C'::- thr t,11111:1 11 r lr – mcnt n11c1 1, r tr nr' 10 1lllnk nl it n~ 111\'llrntnuy r.1 thrr 111:111 nn . ·' ~ ·. e..nd at. the rnmc 1.tme 1:tive ou rselves rmot lon– a.lly to the ~l'Ulpturi. we ha ,·c a wnnder(ul ex– perience. There 1~ Hll f'll'l!lllll rt– L1-1. l:l~' In the po~c: -.1 thr. B u c1 d h n Hild tn the mucirU!i, po~llJOllS O( thP lrn n cis. There l~ hea 11lude C'X· prr.s."led In fllt't'S. M'll– s u nu 1-, n c .~ s 111 ~mooth lim bs. C1-' fr .,mn rn•h\ll \,i;; wnn– drrfu l. bn1 h 111 ::-!onr rnr– nnc anci bron, r rn:•1111~. The hn 11rts nf R :-.tnnri- 1n~ n uctctl11-1 ~how how wr II ""'"" loprri "Nf' 1·11. ..,~ t \nc trch ni(tUC'.'- hr lOl'C' t h P 1unth t:Clllury. \Ve cnn ~HY of th<'.'-e ~n e:ent .... c·ulpturr., whitl P1 r-n.. ~(l ~ntd 01 thr l'R\'P pRllllilll!S or L Rl•l'RIIX : ''Notb111S:lle&te.f1k\ll..~lll done stnce:' nru..... • H 1., subJ~~Lt tnqlud~ 'lit.vi ~ ed' iwYffl,••'llllllf . t·tnn.... . cor kfight.c:. n"th\nt o rc11nnr,·. nnrt tw tn•nts t hr:--r !->ll h.\r r1~ \\'ll h h11- 111nu r Nun1w ,.., rounl ...o m uch. I ll hlS ..ru\pl !ll'C', l he lllf'rillllll T IH' l'f' I.'- a rrrY .~1rn11C!' h rHrl ,,n n cin Q111xntr. c;, .... 1 rn 1 ·1mrn1 fnndu \\ ll h I\ 1 ·np 11rr lllll!-h, Thr whnle r -.;h1h111,111 ~ h O \\' s t h ,. ~ r t 1 !- 1 • :-. ~t rrnut h 111 cli n,·:11u1 and n w dcllm~. d