Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Brisbane, Old t RltCI ELQESS Thai sculpture was not alone in capturing attention a 1e ueensland Art Gallery this week. W !ftch Ing over the ulp~re was Miss Nat– apatra Navlgacheevln, a pretty curator from the Bangkok NaUonal Mu• aeum. has been a Museum curator !or six )>ears. Before that she alAldled archeotogy at the Bang– kok Fine Arts Unlveralty, for four years. M Isa Navlgacheevln has been travelling around Australia '1'1th the •culpture for the last alx months. She aald women and men had equal Job op– porUmltles In Thailand. Many women found It easy to reach highly paid, responsible posl– tlo~• without any prej– udice. "My Job Is a big re– oponolbllity, but the only real problem I hal'e had la moving the hen 1·1• pieces around," she said yesterdl\)', M is• Na\'lgacheevln • a I d t h e sculptures, which dated as tar back 85 the 8th century, Miu made from .stone. • THE Art nr Tlml - la nct . Lice\ !'lo., r lv tu rrlli;lon. rrriulrc's . ,crlou~ sl ucly to br u ndt'l'SlOOcl , lt I/- r1rh 11\ ~•;mho!I: Ill ;:m cl inir1~,.r~ 11·11111 1111• Ruclcih1~1 R nrl 1-'.l';l hm1n relH!Ulll~ H1•<1 from 1\11· r 1r n1 hr\lrf.'- 1h" \\ nr• 111\'l of rudnrn l, nnr1 pl::1.1,1'- 1 r.r, 11rtP M rl'\'lif'Hh· tn u•p tllr ,-.-.;h1h1111111 · !hr l-=<'11lp111rP nf T hP 1:;rnd ·• :H t \\P • •• !.: r, .. I 11::i t " \11 lr n•:-f':11 j•ll nr 1,,1P– h 11pd \\Ill 1111 tl.1• .-,,. \lf't',t>t 11·r ,•rill• lfh •1:1t1l' F11Jl\lt!Hi l 1 I' 1h P \'1,11,1: \ !'I,'- r~":,:·n h~ . • q1pl\n ~n " '' "l.r1 ,1 , 11111 nl.!11, 1 1•111, 1,:,i ...1 r 11 Prl nnr4 \\ , , l'PI ••• _. ,!•\•,ol tA!rrr.cotto, gold cry•tal or wood. Th • exhibit.Ion hu been brought to Austra– lia by the Auatrallan CO U n c II Visual Art& Board. "COURIER MAIL" 13 NOV I 7 ~II\' •n 1hr ,t ulp1 111·'• \\P h1n P fli \\ ("1IHiPrfUI f''· pf'l'lPllt r Thf'I" 1.'- Rll r lr 1rnn1 , , . IR:.1~ Ill l\)f' po:,e.· 11{ A t1 r1 r1 h :\ :rnrt 111 .,f 111ud1,1:- )1f!·ll!P1'.~ lrnncl~. Thr1P I' hN\'1l l111f' \II fAl f'I. ~r,r. rur ~:-r rl 1.11 11 11' 11 r i- f Ill '-1110111 f1 1\1110"' f'! ~ 11.,111:111, h l)l H \\ nr • tirrf11! ~nth 1n .• nnfl 1 ~ I'• \\PC :l t1rl h1 •11l r f'? -'lli '.. I )lr, h 1H H 1 ~ ,,: ? . , ;11irl- 11n.• H>1firtl1;-1 , hn·, hr·• .. r1 ,,,., r 111prt1 " 1•1• ti 'I' .: !1"1 )1111 llf' - l,l"! t•I'• Ill• l'\,tll ll , 1"111111 \\'I" I ,II ... ,1\ OIi 1n ,1· r n· 1' 1 ,.,•II •,llrl ,,! t).q\1'111.;! I 1 ., ~ \ nlllllll' hr 1 11'f l1a rif•I\P