Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

DAVID STRACHAN 1919°1910 (Cl011f"iQ 1J1d A u gu1t1. SCULPTURE FROM COLLECTION (Clo11ng 2J1d Augy1t ). SUNDAY MAIL CHILDREN'S ART tClo,mo 6th Augu,1 ). QUEENSLAND ART GALLilY will clo11 Su114oy, 26th Au1u1t ot_l ,.111. re-open with GRAC~ COSSINGTON SMITH EXHIBITION and a stloction from tho permanent collection ll-OPEN THURSDAY, 30 AUGUST, AT 10 A.M. Publicity tip for a full art gallery BY DAVID ROWBOTHAM "PUBLICISE your new art gallery when you get it and people will crowd it," Waahl119ton National Gallery curator, Ro11 Watton, aald in Briabane yeaterday. A!1[;•• 1~a,t;:;, l~/t"~\:~ Slates lo lecture at the Invitation of the Art. ~~~/!.~/i:~ A~,\tra!~ile~~~ and unlvel'\!llle•. l.a.•I nl1thl he pve a fa':.hJlc t•~t:::.,1~~- Q~C:J';j he • ·Ill lecture lo <111- denl< or the Unlver.,lty Fine Aris Department. Yesterday he visited the Queensland Art Gal– lery. he wa., ,11rprloed by IL, valuable cnllectlon. He was told hy the «allrry di– rer.tor IMr. . lame• Wien– eke) nl plan• In build a new aTt ,:;:allcry complPx nn the Brisbane Rlnr•• •outh•lde. "'A ~nod pllery I• .,. ~~:,,'Je!l'r: ~~~ a.th !af~ Mr. Watson said. "It I• Important fnr ani· 1t•llery In show loc11l, national, and travelllnll' uhlhlllnn•, oil three. They make a city'• way of ure lntere11tln1,u M r . WaLson II ~8. F. ,.in burg h-hnrn, and Mlt. WATSOM f:~h~!led :u:::e:i 1~: w or~ d •• outstandlnr younrer art curatora. He said Audrollan• had created a dl11lncllve Australian school of p a l n t In I, which &hey ohould be proud of, Every countrf •hould he proud or lb national upeclA In ar&. THE COURIER -MAIL THURSDAY SEPT, 20 1~73 An c, l11l,1!H"1 <11rutr1t('.fi u nilc:r !he nu,r,ir.r, nf lhl' lnt,-r- 11ntmncl C.n1111r,\ r,I 1:,,., Mi1\ru,., nt Moctci,n Ar!, Hew Tr:.'n~,: 1/ \;,::~1 i 11 ~\'; ; h~~:.~1: 11 A':,"1~~1i:~,~h~~n~rl tf'~r~~! h 1t ·, \\'fll:J, :- I\ \ ' \l ,IW I:~ . nn \ql"l .. 1'11 ,\f ; \I.I .. 111111 1 1 1 ·1, ,, , ri~s , , .111110, 1•w, ,;,m. , 1:1.1.• \ Jl !l l lll'H ~. ur, \ il Sc ptcmhP.1' 30th 1973 .. ,1 G. COSSI ~GTON-SMITH lr n, ,1, 0 ·11 1'" F-.:h 1)11,rnt u til t'ldl'hcr 7th 1973 OUEF.NSLA!lD ART GALLERY EN1'RIES In this year·s Sunday Mail Child Art Competition being assemble\! before hanging In the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday. ,\ total or 289:1 en• tries wcrr rccd,·ed in the competition. the lntcrprrt the two ~.hurt slorll'S "llorn Free" and "'The Lllllt ~louse"' In rlas,1•s One to Fl\'I', ~JUI and lJa• .'lla,:a·t.1111: Cu\'Ct' .,rdlon. fcC'l t.ll :ll t he Dir– C't" IOr or t he Queens•• lnnct Art Gall e r y ~h n 11\ct bf' ('Oll~rA tlllRil'rl nn the 1111r pre-::pntnlwn or I IH' work!'; of nnvid ~' rn ,·lrn 11 :111d :t :,.mtlil :-.hnw\112 or workc;: from the prr111i\ 11rnt 1·olh•<·tinn, 11111H:111111\\ rl\' ci 1:.:p ln~·rrl. will close from Sunday 1 Oct. at 6 p,m, to Friday 12 Oct, at I O a,m. to mount the exhibition of selected entries for the Ann ~w •:1 kmµ. 11f nrt !::•11 l'I•'" how clr \1r.ht f11l ., \,·0 111<! h•' 10 hnnrrl R. ~r 1 I'\' hrnn or b;-11·c" .~o n~ I \ 'IITl''f' n l fHlJ' 111''\\ !:?nl• !rr1• in Sn111h Hri~hnnr. liy ,,·n ·. 11 1hr 11, r-1 · \\ lw hrr I rn111 11p nr rl.,\\ 1\ n r 1'('1'r~i,,:. Sl )'f"ll lll. it '" 11\r\ rrrt nml\• bf' an a~– ..:r1 ratd1·i'a I., R~·nn, ;\l:1rrlnll :--tn•rl, ('nnr• TRUSTEES PRIZE 1973 IN MEMORY OF EDGAR A. FERGUSON end l. I. HARVEY MEMORIAL PRIZE 1973