Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

A IRISIJ.NE architect who waa l111t night awarded the new $7.S million Queens– land Art Gallery design cantroct, claimed it woa the malt "brai11 rackl11g" job ha h@d done, Yet. State 00\'ern– ment. appointed asses– sors 11ave him the con– tract lar11ely because of the design'• •lmpllc\ty, Th" architect, ~tr. nlr fihow1ngfi and sculp– tures. A lanctln~ Jct IV Is In– cluded. Acquire Robin Olbson, of Robin O !bson and Partners, Land acquisition 11 won U1e Job alter 148 likely to cost the Gov– archltects In Queens- ernment about $2 mll– land had been ap- lion. proached to oubmlt de- The gallery IA ex- slgns. pected to cost about They were reduced to 15.5 mllllon. a short list of JO. From Mr. Gibson has won t h e • •, three designs •ever at architectural we re considered 50 • awards. rlously, These Include t.t,e The other two de- Residence of the Year •l&ns were from Bllah, awara (1983 and 10661 , JMeUr, Brelnall aed lhe Building ol the Year PR r n er• •nd Lund • 1961, 1064 and 1068J, Hutton, Newtll, rauiaeri the Architecture and Pty. Ltd. Arlil award 110861 and , the,._ Dlumlnat1n11 En· " 11ln""l'I Award 11ilx• Works Mlnlater IMr. Hodges! announced the name or t.he winning architect at a special luncL!on last night. The gallery site over• looks the Brisbane Riv– er In South Brisbane and Is bounded by Oreby, Stanley, Peel and Mel ourne Street,. The design has a squarcllne look b floor space of uo,oo aq.lt. andk 15o,ooo sq.ft. , or car par ng space. T here are show areaa admlnlstraUon ortlces' a restaurant and stor~ age areas. A watet mall Is a fea– ture or the ground level design. Fountain., wlll be Jn.stalled Jn various aectlons. A J>edestrlan walkway will be built over Stan– ley Street to a land• scaped area on the riv– er bank, This area wlll con– tain an ampltheatre and provblon for open times), His firm la designing the Griffith UnlvenltJ. ~:!l;~.~uu::1~t~ett 1 ~J House, Mathers t Queen Street 1, Pioneer House (ToowongJ, Mayne Hall at the Queensland unt– vcrstty1, the C.I.G. Acl· mlntstratlon Building at Rocklea, and the pen– taaon-•h•ped bulldlnr tr~~r. as 40 Queen Mr. Gtb,on •aid the r~1i:~1~·~r J~:.· his most Overseas Mo•t al his work wns g~ 1 ~\ngs_ln desl11nln1 He said he travelled oversea.'i every few years to look it latest trends and to keep In Wi~~- with architects h Some properties stlll re to be acquired for !ho~1ct' •.U:{ Y. Work 1975 and cam leted hv, THE AUfflALIAN, Tundtr, April 17, lffl-S LOCAL FIRM TO DESIGN ART GALLERY A BRISBANE firm of :irchttrcts has been commlsslon,' ci l o design the new $7.5 million Q1H"c11sla11cl Art Gallery. Thr firm. Hobin c;1 bsi11 1 and Pnrtncrs, won thr rPmmiss1on In a cumpet.iLIY!' ,,,1,,o:t 11111 . A1~noun cln i; 1 h•· comm1ssi1H1 ln s l nig h I . llH• J\.1i 111, 11•r :,•r Work – n1 1rt H n 11sl 111! . M r 11.,cli·, .-,till 111,· tH!W nn g:llli ·r >· 1.,v1111lcl ht• b 11 1d 111 1 a South Bri~l,:11 1,· nvr , b:111k boundl•c\ bv Ci rt'\', $t.111 le1·. p,,,,1 and MctlJfl\ll'll t' s1rr•r1 ~ :u icl h :11•,· !i0,00() s qll:Jrt• f1' l' I pf parkill J! spn ce. Hr snid t lll' r,rn1', clr,, il! ll w:1.s select!'d by n p,1111'1 "f !'Xprrt.< Most o f t hr ta11cl has riln·:ici)• been arqutrPcl for t 11,, ,11.e. Nf'gnt iat inn., for la11rt farlnc MC'lllttlll'llf' S t r r r l n n• t'(lllli1111l1H(. Mr Hodl,\l'S s n trt ail land WP\llcl bp arquirect before construction began Party In 1975. I Thr ~allery will l1a1'!' :i floor a rrr1 of t :i0,000 squn rr r, •cl. and will tw ope n ed to t he pub lic t':lrl;· 111 1!178. Thr re 11·111 lw " p l' clrs lri:111 ac – crs." :,:; Wt' ll a:,; r i v,...r landin g :-ir– r• ... l tt rtw >! :t l1rr1:. He 1-. th~ p !111 .,·p ., ; ol H U I) t' r l ti1ln ul 1 ,11 111 J•u r t II I." r 'I , ,t 11·l1lll'l° '.,, ,tilt! }1;1-. JII l ',\ U/l Lia• 11 l' W $ ? .i Ill. I I O 11 4,-lllt't'lh :,11111 :\ 11 1 i,l!l,-•,·y tlr.,1,n t'vll l l .u .. ·L Hf aml It!~ t 1.•u 111 o l senm other ,h'd t,•utcd a rth llt>CL, hu\~ ~ t ill LWO Rr.s1dc1u:c uJ t he \'t: ur Award.,, :, uu1lrt111~ ol lh~ Year A\\•t,rd I tur 1<.t-nnwre Pre:.IJvtt'r'lf\ 11 Church •. lu~r ·1\h•r.t – o r I o u .-, ,.\WHtcl~ 11:ll.y huildm~., t, s!.x J\lcrtt – onous l.1~h !.1 n ~ Awarlts, 1111<1 a liu.:i.l oJ 11 n,jor contract.,. Dlll. 11!. Mr. ",ll)'S, thf'i-e lhluM,-.. r1.u 1't. JU -iL h11p111•11 Tl11•,\' I,,~«' • ·urk, lhuu.,;h t. l' 111111 1, ,ii - 111 111\'l,)J\ l'lllt!fll Yio'd n lht! C'll\'ltOIIJ11f•nL. And 111 h i:. o w11 f"n.-,t> ~/~;I /.'!~ 1~} 1 \c LI~-.. \'-_','. \\ 111'k,., fn1111 H 11 111, I~• H p 111. 11nlly, 1rnd Ju... t d t•,-.. ~:rl rs! t~.,r~: u.-;.;1:~kl1 ,1u11i,hter T111u. 14. u11 lf .-.on , Nick, 12, n:-. ht• would like. Ht Wf'lll Lo E11 ~Ju 11<-1 ~0011 tt ftt•r he won h :s D1plo1111l 1n ,, rrhtl r ••t 11 rr from Q111•cJ1;lu nd u, 11- \·erslty 111 19:, •. "This ~a\'~ me 1u1 o ·ct worlcl ln,·ol,•emf'nt w ·1h arch!Lfcture. utHI u Vt" "'' real ch"11rr.e of h11rnl1 ·1\, a b o u l Lhe ,.-..011 rh•r ru 1 bu1ldinvs u 1 reedy de– slKned." he said. "Wrll. In mv ea...,, I sat down and be11a n wrltlnr down In worc1s - t\'PrvUihu!'. I had ,ver lhotwht T would likr to P11co11•,t ..... :!il" art gnlJ~ry," he 1 '1 b~came rm"'t 1 n ,,1111v lnvolvr.ct ,,.,,.,h w~ .. ·•o: first - words lil<e '11 re· '\•ihrAncY, ·rrtervesence'. "gaiety.' "'Thls hH hp,en r~– nectcd In th'? "'•ter n,all or the ~e,lvn . ''Th~n.. or ,.....,,,..,. we have n wondtr(u\. r11n– port at the olllce. ln"~r;~s.iit~k ~t~ 11 f ~!mJ ~~~ 1 ~i;:iscJ; lnlormallty. "But It work• wonl\er– f 11 l I, wtff, COM"IU· rd~~: t Ip n 0 1 1 ,,~lcncll,1.