Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

i' • ' ..... ) 1·. 1,, : . t All that's needed, they've said, arc c. r""m-e• 11 •1 .,~ h•,•t~h•e"""'g"'n~ll•e•ry-r•c•.,- ---- • 1•• few giant Nubian servant~ and •a royal barge t•urnnt a11ct rcwrn over ,;tie"r i~111\,l~11~t~/;/~!:. 1 ! or two tied up on the Brisbane River outside. t 5 ~e,d_Victor!n Bnd~c." he cull or each floor. so Mr. .. Glh~on returt~ In con- 1\ 110Lhcr touc h hc·c1 lil;e \(~rsation to Ith v:.u 1cd r.f- ln man\' wa y:; Lhe 1dc11 t~ 110L so ·rur from archi– tccL Rob111 OilJ~on '5 own. " From Lhc l'irsL 1 saw the gn Iler)' u., being In ciosr rchtttonsh lp wlt.h the nver: · he said last 9,· e ck . sou11 nftcr he i~:Jnc~e~ 1 ~1a1 ,-i!g:cndcsifd; Queem,land's ne\\' art gallery. ··t SI\W the structure as having to t,., or a hori- 7.Nl LAI de.sign to COl11· •pllmcm the now or the ri\·rr. And J snw ft repetl-– t iun nf the l'i \'cr theme In a w1urr mull runnh1c nort h to south throui:;h t,hr butlrling," Dul lhe hlr• ol • rrandl~, palu.t·t-llkc "ln1eturr '"as 1«1melhlnt h~.T~gi~~t.~~iii~: 1 ~iuu1;c ., r xperlen~ or nrl lrns been R. iho11umcntKl ex• pcrtcncc," he ~nicl. Slmpllclty •f wanted to establish au lmmcdlo te rllaloguc bclween the gallcr\' ancl the. community, \Vlth a senes of Lcrracecl plaL– forms r ls111g Crom !he rh·er, the grouncts conrcy the visitor quite nnturnl- 1)' lnt.o the gnllcrr build– In•. "Once tns1rle. the WRtt'I' mnll Hl'tS AS n point of nricnt at ion The r isitor comrs hack to ii Rt erich }~,';.~~1~'i~1~u n~~1i:.cts on U) "To my m inrl 1h1s sort n1 g111tln11cc lhrnuah 11 11 Rl'I rent l'C' l:- e.... .:('ntlAI, borh for 1h(' nrlisticully ....r 11-;l1:1·(' fHHI tllr Ill· ., r n-"it h·r . J rl !dn't wnnt ~ ,, m c I h I n . Ilk<- t hr J.otl\'ff' 111 P:1 rl-.. which ,~ A vrrllAblr n1a1.r for the 11rwcomrr. .., ~tro\·r rnr ., lmplirltr. ··You cxprricncr works "r nrt. br walklt1~. Again h11rlzo11ta l clircctlon \\·R~ l'IIIICcl ror. tr R bullding has too much ,·ertlcal mo\·rrncnt. exaggcrntccl forms 11nd so on. It cun clt'l ruct rr,,111 1hr. work~ on dlsplny. "l kepi In mind lhc functional •~ pr.cb or u,., rcQulred bullrllng. II .... . to provide an Ideal site for dlsplayln~ •rl to 11• best ach·,mta.:e," The idea or wRU;.1111,:. and thr lrnrmany be– tween i111crior nml ex– t c r i or. frlscmoted Mr. Olhson durinµ the emo– t 1011-testlng month,'- or desl~n,n~ Ihe bullclln~. An extension to hi.Iii ~ulkry cle:-lµn could l)c. he s11ys, a fomwny on the C•p,'~J'\,~~ok• b:i~/Fi\;,rnl w <' c k-c 11 d promr::1~ctP llrnt roulcl l>e to wn lk from thr clt,y lhl'Oll!!h I hr BOIR!llC Gorr.tens nrross the rlvrr to thr q-11llcry. to tnkc refrc.~h- ln ~ce woulct be hydrnullc rccl:"1. 1mwcr cd elevat ors n :slnl.?. It i! rlcarlr n reature from the loycr nud 111ndc lnto which he hns J')Ul from plntc µlR~:-.. much thnu~hl. co~\!( 1~~1 1 :C w~hr~~~l~b\tg~ "Al ll,;; source thr mall gallery floors gllmpsini; :~~a~~n~f a,;at:r ~ct~~••w::~ !he pa:111111~s on the wny. on a,;; a ,tr1:am, pru\'lrllnJ: :i~,-a\,~~ l'i~:~~~ 1 ccs;ulJ>Y!~t· • 11,·rl)' a11d ,·arled al• ~~:1r~,~,c~·a r~l~i1 ...,.rivcr and ~.~,;~.here along ,'b "Thr fcrhn~ I \\'>1111 to AS .. ~~ 1 ~\~~!"}~~~~~:i~~}~~~:;~: . ~:~~e ,~r'il~fi·t~~-!~ :1 1~1 J 1\1 1~ cxtcrnnl sculpturr ; ;i(llllr.- lCl'CSI· ~~:;g:lu t~!t·a~t 5 si~n•;1d~!!~r~ " I lmngtnc one or mv tain o the tr favourite pnintint:!-i li'l Rnllcry, m1>ora ry the Queensland :.znllrrv. "lt',;: .iOlllctimc., qu1e1 Plcusso'H 'Li.-1 Bcllr• Ho!- 111 rom~mplntlon n..s II lnndnlsr ·. up on onr or flows o.roun'1 :~culpture tht• nrw i;:rd lerr·s wn lh-. to the coun., of thr fi. ~~i1;p 1 ~h~~~ii~, 1 ~~ ';!j~,~~!'~~ ~r~:!. r r and r.ducatlon look fresh uncl ctiff('rcni:• " But II I l1c SU!(I. rirr('(l so :·~e' ~:[: tC:~ .!\.-, the \'i."ih or will n·· rt•uclil~· unr1., _at&nd th, onmnl:-,,uon or i hr S,?a • lcrr nnei the oricnrn1 ton of hL, Itinerary." he sui<I. 111 nwardlng Mr. Gib– son first prize !or his de– sign. the QUL'Cl\~lftlld ArL Gnllcry Strerim: Com– mittee n1111aunccd thnt work 011 the huildrng should hel,:lll by Win. It wlll cosl uound S7.:'i mllllon. Thcrr arc ~ull month:;; nr work nncl iliought Ahrnct for Robil\ Glh~on bcwre Ill!\ Jtnllerr 1/ii rc11rty. When ii Is. he sfly:;, his rcwnrcl \\'JII be scrlni,: tilt' c11jormrn1 of peO!lle who USC it. " I wa111 10 frl• 1 e them that ~rune: rr. ponse they lcrl in A hr11 t1LUUJ. 111\tU· ml en,·lro11111ent. out 111 1 hf" hush or on top of a 111nt1nll\\ll, I WAHl them tn Ih111k ·what I\ br:rn• 111 -~l im'r{~ thl• I• what a •uccessrul arehlt.eet. lo 111 abollt," he said. ·