Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THE-ARTS prize contests are SO illogical 1'HE more I see or ~rl ~rize eo11111t·lilions, the more I am con,·inced that th,·,1' arc 1llog1ca l if not tluwnrh: ht unfair. To begin •,1rn h ll l:t llllfXb... ihle to conw nrc up1,lc., '-''II h grn pc.3, exCeJlt. through the pt•r -.11nat ta:.t~ 0 1 Lhe eai..er. who mlghL w,·11 prcft.•r l he tlav..,ur of a grllJ>fl LO 1.lllll ur UII)' Olh cr fr u 1 al all. 1 here I!\! no common gro11nd for com · ,arlson of relLH 1,·l" values »ctwccu a l ro.tt' ition'11 h111d-.n q>e u.nd . an cn ·rull gurde ub:-,tra,·l, _bf'.\ 01 HI t ht• fue l th.tt they are both pu111t 111~h so ine\'illlUI\· a Jud~•· ,... p\u.(·cd m :rn hwtdiow, po;;1l111u 1 rrc..,1>t•t.:u i..e of his artlstir ho1w:-.1y. t h t• Px 1,•n t. o f h h knowlcd~I! unct 1111• 1·a 1l111\11·1t y of h h views. ht• 11n1:-il hu,·t• h1:-. J.:ktr~ na l L.fl :;~fi~ enthu:-.111.-.1 r..r ra c1tllOJH\I work ror 11t'-tn11ce, 11 u1,t make u co n ~c· 1.ou !-t crrorl to wlpt' thnt p1 Nt 1lecuo n f1oin l,is mind when 111• _n p\>rrn1dl~"'. _a corn – J)Ctiltve nbstrutl - u.ru: vu-r vc1 :ii\. ll ls nol unkuown f1)r. c;ay. a Lrni'II– Uo1111t p~unl~r to ,i. iLllhnld works. from com1>rLllion tf t lH· Juclt,;l' :-.h o uld h a ppC'1.! to be known to \J(' ()1trttal lit ··ntod •rn nrt · not thnt l11• t1•11r~ con.-,c 1.o~s 11 - ju~iice. m rrl'I~· th11 1 h <" 1~ unw11l111~ tn tlC('('J)l (lll llllh'l'f'lll h a n d lrll P . The np1>01111111,-..,1t n f :1 panrl o r Jud(; ~ CS. rl\l her than ll .,l1tAll 1 a rb1t l'l\lOr. doo., lltilc to umt•liornt ,• till' s1t uu11o n . Un – )l!S."- Lhc S(•IN 'll(H1 i~ llll:lllll l\OUS :- a h ighly unlik<'IY ('\'('Ill - t h e,re ntU:\L be com11ro111ii.r by one, or 11"1n rt• of t h em . And, sirn·r nrt 1-. not. llkt• mnl h 111nt: tcr astrn1gh1 -!orw:1r d 11111lll" I" of [;lvmi-: t.l;C cOrrf'ct nr liH·orrN't :,11:\wcr. _t._her~ ~eem!\ nothlm; to !Je tlun r l1l ove1co111c t.he difficult \' . EXC('jll. 1H•rl11q>'i to nominate a sr,c– c1£1c suhjt•ct tL-. a tc., t plN'f- - no ~ theme, 11s In. sn,·. th(' l\lnke P rliC' , which would hr ab~11rd Lh ntt~h t.hc n,. su1l m lghl hL• e111u:.:hlt:.'1111\!:; u nd would ccf~;!~~Wt~lrn ~~-:!~!~(:~ comprlsln q RO or 100 \'erstons by cU rfcren r nrt 1..;l-<, of dif – fering tem1>ernmen ts. ustn~ different. technique•. wlt,h rlifferent .:'esthel1c viewpoint.~ or. ror exam11h•, Country Oulhousel" L" #. :~~,, r • " T he e:-.ll1lu t1on of elcc·trd entries fo r the Qurt• •hh.md . rt Oallen •'s Tru::.t.,•e.-,· Pr11f" - th1.-. r•·a r 1·u11clurtt 1 d m 11u•m o - 1_.· -,! fnn ucr C iltt.l'lllClll of T r ustees, i'~li;ar ,,.e-rt;w,..111 - provide:. a p r111u! ex1un11lc 01 the:-.c co1111>etll10fl d lfh – cultie-". Thr term... of rcf"·rt>11rr ror t.hL'i com - 1w tn1on 1,ro,·111 ... tor u 1m1ntms of any subJect 111 a11)' 11Ied111111 - t)w ult hn at.e 111 comi,rchi'lh l\Cll(';,,"'I [llHi. COil• sequentl)'. Litt• u1t11nnte !11 c•mlJurrass• ment for tllP Judgo. 111 1lus cnM'. Mr. David 1'ho1111L'\, o ,rl!ctor or 1he New• castle Art Onlll•ry. In t,he e\'ent, lhe 65 polntu1~ h ung rno'"" a l>ru ve sh O\l.'lllf; ut nn ext rf'rpely lugh le\'el o r tcr hn1cul nncl arust w prof1c1rnry nnd, for thf' mo t 1 nrt, 111 t\ll nctvn11cec1 stvie. W h t t' h . it1rtub1Luhl~•. marte M r . ThonHLs':\ t1L, k Lhr more clifficult an d, 11rotmbly, thr less s1,t1~ryi11g to h imself since ht• nt·k11owlecl~?d thl' closeness or t.hr . runnrrs-u1>. 'i'he winnr-r. Sy<lury Onll's "P~wneie Summr r" 1, 1111 url\·u11(•Pd ex<'l'C1se In r1rh color Ill flfl llJll):HCI\I "t.hrow– nwnv" st vlt• - n \'USt c•11111rnst to P et.er Clttfkr', 0 "Ci rr1•11 C"f'11 t"1•,'' NC'vll l\1ut – th('w,,· ch•lkut t• " At•111!f' .Juel\· Cnssnh·:-. " In lltf' Bt•'tlllllllll?" or ; ,1h1l R lghy's " A Placr Ior Chl lrtrr~11" winch wcrt' be11u: kcrnh· r um·t1... ..,,.,t 111 nch·t11hc Uy :.he ro1:110.,r t•11t1 nt thl' 01w1il11u or the show lu~t T hur~clH\' nl'lh l. Anrl W(!r r 111 fuel. 111r11ttoned l>y t hr Jud~t• us lwini; of prt1.1•-worlhy sta11 - UnQ~lr nf thr mn'\t pl('~slm: rcntures o f the sltowlm: Is l h t• 111111d1er of Queen s • ltut(I Rrlbl"- rr\1rt•st"11l f'tl nnd the h igh qunliLy of thr r work In comparison wl~:\in,~~~~l~t~i,;1;;in1~;1, which will re- main hu.1lt until Nm·rmher t 1 al ~he Quecnslnml Art O~llrry IOreJ:!,nry 'lcr– rn.c('i . t. onr to bl' prmul of nnd !'.hou"1 b<' ~ecn h\' C'\'f:'rY !lrt -lm·~r n11c1 st udf'nt.. Whnt n pil \' II ~ho11hl hA\'fl hrrn nccct-.– ~nry to hiwe helrt n r.nmr>eLILton t.o llring ll into being! QU.:t:NSLAND Art Gallery trns tccs' 11rlzc winner. nn acrylic and ename l work by Adelaide rnlitlrd "Pawnce Summe r ". At ri ght is the prize Judge, the Newcastle Ci ty Art Gallery Thomas. Th, prile I• "nrlh ~'!.\Ofl. ,\lr. 11• 11 ho, ,p,nl m 11 r h llmr In thP. t 'nltrrt Stat,-., And WA~ dr srr lhrd hy Mr. ·1 hn1n:1J, A..., h1u•lni1: a , trnnJ •Hlnlty u-llh .tark~nn rnllock. ["11111• Pol..", h• the Am, rlr.an ,l • rk~nn· rnl- 1 n r k, •11~ tf'rrntb hnnc;hl - fnr the An,·• tralfn n ~atinnal fi:11 - lrr,· rnr s 1,,100.000. I Tht- Tn1strr~• 11rbt11 th l,;;; ,·rar ha,a hr,n i:h·– rn In m@mnn· or fnrm('r Ar• r.allrr~· inutr,. the latfl F.dJ"Rr A. t-·rrr:u~on. Tht- L. .f. Jhnt." hlrnnlal mrmnrl:tl prl7ft ror drawtn,:r, worth ~Mn, WR!' won hi· s ~·rtnf'\' ut – bt. 'Snra tfr)·,rn, with• r,nrt1·11lt rtrawlnc- rn - 1111,rl "llr. II'. 1.1,tor Rrld". Snr:1 HM:,.rn I, a rtauthtrr nr'thr l-11tr Sir flan., llr~·,,.n, Shr 1, " fnrmrr .,\rr hlhaht r,·lnt \\'lnnrr, anrt wi.-. an nr– fklnl war arll,t. In \\'nrld \\'or II. ;\lr. Thoma" 111cl~rrt hnth t•om11rtltlnn,. .\n r -.llm:urrl 100 t ntrlr-. wrrr rr('f'lnrt fnr 1hr tru~trr111;' prlu. 11nct 1:in rnr lhP 11an·r,· fflf" – n,nrtnl prh:t . A hunctrrrt Jllrlurr" trnm hnth rnmJlrlltlnn~ ha,·r hr,n hunr In thf! ~allrn · fnr puhllr u:hi• hltlnn untll Sn,·,mhtr II. Mr. 1'hnm11, nr£frla ll, 1 n~rnr.d 1hr rshlMllnn l••t nl~hl, •nd •n• nn11n1·crt th• prllr-wln – nf"r!i. Thr nprnlnc: " a~ 111trnrlrrl h~· 4011 pf'nplr. ,.,. 1i;.1trt that. wh..rr thr hr!<lt. ph:turr-. In thr ff n r ,. • ~- t·nmprtllinn "rrr In thr tr:utlllnn;1I fiJ:Urat.h·r -.t~·lr, thf' hr,t In 1hr lru~trr~• prl:r... cnmr,rlltlnn hr – lnn,tf'rl tn 1hr more 11,·;:1nt-1tarctr. ~,·ctnr~· Rall \\nrkrd nlmn... t rntlrrl~· lhrnuch r nfnr tn ~us:c.r~t mnocl, mm·rmrnt, :ttHI "ltl\r·r. lfl111; wnrk ~loorl nut In thr lntrrnatlnnal 11rl nnrlrl. ~tr. Thnmn, hlchlr rnmmcnrled \\ork~ h,· ,lnhn Rl~h,· In 1hr tn,~t"r._,• prb.r :.nr1 Har– ,.,,. r,rl7.r ~r ctlnn~. Qnrr.n'-lancl :\tl 0;1f~ I•· r ,. HI r r ,. tu r 1.\lr. .Jnm('~ \\'lr11rkr, '-illrl Mlm ~ lnlrr-.tatr 11:1tnt– i11c, Juul 11n1 nrrh r rl tlur In 11lr, train, nnrl pn"r,· '-lrikr-.. Thr Qurrn'-l;mrl ('1\I• 111r11 I r rntr,•·,. ,\ rl f-:XflO ·~:t ,1 J, o un~ nfrkl;1lh· npr nrrl 1:,, 1 nh:ht. :,'t Iii, Rllnd \\'rlforr llall, I '! 11 uh " r I !"trrrt. \\'onllnnn::1hhA. Tlw ,\ rl t:, 1111, n11rn In thr f111hll1· rl:111,· rrnm Ill :uu. In !I 11.m. until ~~:,~~1., ~"':!~•!l~~1!r!i ""~'=~ r,hlhltlon nf An f',1l – nt:1lr1I rnnn lncth·lth1:tl r•irrr.., nf JM, rtlf'r~· and rn:1mrllln~. h:tlHlc-rnft,;, pn11rn·. -.·rulpturt, :1nil pa I n I I II c . - ll,l\'lll llllll'llllTll.\ ,11. In the bMck,;round I• lho hu•h hut he ll•••d In lnr II y..n, and also thr. one-room r.oncrete bln('k home " 'here he now 11,,,_"· The ..,ntary Ille of the arlld•reclu~ 1''&1 rti, turhed plu•• anll)' l'••terday whrn frlh>w Amdra- i1h: II~:.!~~- t,~;,·: :~: hr lnro hi• RZnd hlrlh– day, scot s•bnrn f'alr• wral her ha• lived hi• hrrmlt-lik• .. 1, ten•·• on Rrlhi• bland for 15 ,·ral"s. 111, palnlln~• hA\'t sold £or as much M S 3 O , 0 OO a n d hi• work~lncludh1c thr. Quec,n•land Art Gal- ~J;;,:J~t•nr;- a."/l I ea tl I n t Australia n ieatlrrles, Rs well &.'I ,mme on~a~. FLIW IN To make the pre• s1•nt11tlon )'t.slrrda,·, the rhalrman or the !~!f 1~~~ 1 tl~n:.! rd Cn~~fr: John lltn111haw1 flrw from Syrlne~· and thr.n rlru,·e tn Rrlhlr wllh t hr (lurrnshtnd Art (i:1lh•rr rtlrnlor 1Mr. J, \\'lrnekr ). ~• r . faln\l•athrr, :"t!~,rd,h a"i':1., ~n:~ "rarlni II hlanket– pnncho m·rr II err.en ~~·~~!~rtn~1" 1\1t~•j:1~~ sha w whrn hr re– r r I \' f'd thr awnrrt : "That's quit•• mtdal– llnn." ~lr. llrnshaw s11.hl: "Thi~ ls a ~mall token nf I ht e~h•rm whlrh nther Auslrnllan art– l~L-. h1nr for ,·nu," ~t r . l-":1lro1•athrr tnht hi" \'l.;ltnr,: "I'm ~~rr,·n~~:~:· I R ,;ctu!,~~·:: frnm th,· 1-;llrnd tint cfrl\'n I Mr. .\I f lrm– lnr • and hr hrlnr'- In m ,· crunrir" :rnrl ~np– fllir... I llt'l h~•."