Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Bri1b.lne, Old. I (: , lf,. Need to send art abroad Au1tr•li•• ,aintin1 wet not ,.,erly prize contests are SO illogical e,1ou9h known on,1111, QuHntland Art Golltry e11i1tant di,utor I Mr. leoul Mellitl, I 11i4 YH• tor4ay. TIIE n111rt· s1•l' or arl 11ril.l' 1·011111l'lilions, lhl' mort I ,·on,·i111·l'II lhal lh•·~ lll"l' illo;:il-nl if nol duwnrighl uufuir, Mr. Melhoh, had Just re l u r n ,. d to BrishRnfl r r o m • f I ,. e-mo1111t C h U r c h I I I ~llowsh1p study-1•Lsit to the United Slatr• and Eurn1ie. He sairt : ··Exchan~e exhibition• arr ntt.ded to make Aust rnlian art bet.• ter known A hrnad. Some exchan~es hn1·e already be r n undertaken but n1Rny more Rre re(lulred." Mr. Melli•h. "'ho L< a painter. said hr fell aware, while vl•ltlng the most modern of art gal· lerle• overseas. that Aus- ~~1~/~r! "\a; c~;,f3u~~~J a place abrnnd with hon– our. During hb trip, he looked Al art rrl11cettnn methods 11••d hv gal• J,-rtes. " I ~Al\' 11:-t 'educA• tlon mrthm1 thnt \\'fire he t n g 11srd for ~nth yn1111q Anrt n 1ctPr f)f'!()l)le. "W" A1·n l1onina here In Q11rrn, IRnd tn hA\'fJ "" t,f'111r:Htnn ,.,.r,tre 111 the ""''' fl r l aplfrnt, nnd the "1Pfl1orh I }Hl\'P 1iflf'n IVOIIM br lrtt•I for u,e centrP.. Sorn, n\ler~ea11 '?RIIPr1,..s ..v 11 n hR\'e work– Ing art •tudlos." Brl11Nne, Q . 'I\ , 11,•1;111 v.11 h 1l h unpo-;:,11>1 to 4.'111111',lff' .q,pl,", \\ II h f(f ll))CS, C"\.Cl'J)l l h rou~h 1lw p,•r 1,11:d 1a.-;te of the eutt·r . \\ lio m 11.d11 wt·lt pr,·11•r 1hr (ln,mir ol a ~rapt• to 111111 uf 1111~ other tt'uiL ut :ill. Then· lh lll1 t'OIIUOUII ~rounrl for C0ll\- 1mrl•,ul\ 11I n •lu11, r \ Ulllt•H Ut.'IWCCII u i rrull11n111tl li,11,1 ru1-e ruu.l nn u, nnt i,:ante Hll" lr:11·1. 1)1•,·11111I t.111.' IUl"l lhut lhCV u.n· IJulil 11o~iilt1111:ts. So. hw\'1111111~ u !11111,;L' 1:-. 1d1H•rfl Ill u 11 hwid1rn1 .• 1)11,,1111111. Jrl'ClilH't'II\C 0 1 lit!-o arl l!-IU' h itllt'" I Y. lltP " "' ''Ill ol' h i:, kt1U\\ lt•d 1,!1' u111l lllf• 1·a1 hut11•11r ot hi'! , te\\':•, lu· 11111:--1 11:1,•c h ll'I pt'fbOllal tn:..1,,:,. 'l h •· ,•1111111, 1:1-.1 lnr 1rncl111011nl work IOI' 111, 11111r1~. fllli"l m ukf' U Cfll1M'i0ll~ rtlurt 1.-. w11w 1J1ut 1m•cl1h·1·1il1n from :;11.~ ,:\~~:,'~!h~•/:~:~!, I~ :;ws1~~~~t~~~-:-~\ cum- It .... 11111 1111k11m, ll IUI'. SUV, R tnutt- 11011111 p:1 1111,•r lo w11llhoti1 Y.\>rks fron1 c-·n111 p1•11111111 1! tilf' J111lg(' :-.hould l11~11w11 ~:1 1:"' ,~:r•~'1'. 11,: 0 ,!!t l~~.~~n~A:~ ..~~:~?asl'~;~~- jllt.l ll't'. 11u•r1•ly tllut he 1s unw1\li11g lo ,11:,•cp, 1t11 11d1t·n·n1 lrnncllcnJJ. Tiu• 11ppoH11 1111•11\ n( a pnnr·l of juclit· r ,;. rat hf'1' t l11111 11 ~lllf.!1" 1,rhitrntor. c\Of'r, h 11le tu :1r111'1u,rat,· 1hr 1-oitua!1011. Un • lt':-.'i 1,h,· -..-h·d 11111 1., 11nunlt11nu'i - a h kl il~· u11l1k1•!,· 1•, 1'111 - tlw n• nHl'-l be rrn11 p1·111111•;c• hr 011,• or mnrr nr thr m. A11d . s11 u-1• al'\ Ii- 1101, llkro 111nthr111111 • u•,. a :-.tn 11L!,h l-lorn :1rrl n,nllf'I' of clvint.! thr c01T1•1·1 or 11wo1..-1·1·t nrn,v.,.r. thl'l't• .;(•cm, 1111111111:.: 111 IIC' dHlll' lo 0\'L'l'l'OIH(' tlw clilflrult~·. cl 11 ~~'-;/1t i,·~~~•r:, 1 ~ 11~; !~._t°';:\:. 1 /.!~ 11 ~ f\n~t>'':~ tllt•JJH'. :i:-. In. , 11\'. tlw nla k<' Pl'lt.f' : wlikh w,11iltl IH• :dJ~lll'cl tl1n1ti:!h the n •– su lt 11111~111 Ill' 1•11hghh·ni111:; UIHI wu11hl c,•rl11inh· lw :rn!11-.i11g. t111n~f11c• rt -.J111winr. ,·0111prisl11~ RO nr 100 \'r r-.1111 h hy d1 ffrrr11t nrt htt, or dll – (ul'i11u 11·rn1wr:111w111.-.. 11~i11~ 111rrt•rrnf 1t•t•l11liC111f•, with 1!1t (('n•111 Oe-illlf'lie vl"wpo\11t..... 01, rur cxn111ph•, "Country Oulhnll'i('!'' The exh 1hi1 fon of r lN•tr11 t•111rw~ rur the Q uern.slam.I Art Gnllt•t'\ ·h T1 u-,11•,· ' P nze - this yt~:t r ,·11111t111·u·d 111 1111•1110- ry or tormrr CJrn1nnn11 ot Tr11..,ti·1• . E<lgur F'ur~u....011 - prot·ilh•>. u prl 11u– exumple of the~c cum11,•11 1 1011dll11- cult.l('t;. The ·terms or rcfrn•11c-,~ fur Liu ... co,n – llClition 1>ro\'·c.1e fur u pa11H111~ of unf hU\Jjcct, in 011)' m cd 1u111 - the 111111111,t.c 1n compreh Pnsl\·,•tu•.-.:, and. c•i,n• scque nt.ly , the t1h 1111111e i11 cnilHHTn, !\– mtmt for the j ud•W• 111 1111:; r or (', Mr. Onvid ThmllllS, l)ir('t·l~•I' of lhe Nt·W· castle An Gnllr rv. In the cvf'nl. ii,,. fift r,rrnu i11i=.s huni: make a brave : huwl.11c nt un c:'1.1 n•111rly l11gh level 01' tech11lc1tl uucl nrt1-;tlr profidcn cy and, ror tihr 1110 ... t 1ml'l, iu uu ru.lvancrd stvlr. Whi c h, li1rt11bli11»h'. 111111le ~tr. Thninn.•-;"s tru:lc lh<' morC d1ftn·ult n11d, probnbly, t he Jei.s :ml !~r,,111~ 10 111111,..elf :-iilu·e h e ru·knowlcdci'tl Liu.- ,•10,cnl'~ or tho rmu1cr: -u1). The winner, $\'rlnrv null '/'t ··r :1wrwf' Su11uncr" Is un ".utv1l11rrd c•'<t·r,·i.,c In r ich cotor in nn 1q1p:1n•nl ··11irm•: - 11wu.•v" s tyle - ll Vll!il Colli rn-.t LO !'(•Irr Clnrkc'~ ''Green Ccutn•," Nt•\ II l\ltll - th<'ws' delicate "B(•11irt''.. fud,· f'nMnh'r. ..In the 8 e~l11nl111f' or ,fol111 itlr•lw '-.. "A Plucc for Chi1dreu" whl<'11 w1•n· hl'1111r keenly cnn vas.~rd in n.d,•11111·1• h.v 1,la • c•oµ no.,;cc11t.l nt lhu OJll'llillr• 11f till' !tl1ow lusl Thu1·sdaJ' nlAhl. 0 And were, in rnrt. mrnl 1nnr,t In thr f,~~~~~~ as being ot p r!1.c -wur1 II.\' httrn• One of the m ost pt,,u-.inl! r,•11t 111•p<: nr the showing is t hr 111111111,•r ,11 Q1c,•11,- • 111 11<1 urtisl,s rcpn'SOl\l(•tl fllHI lltr hi!'.lli q1udily or t.hmr work 111 c·,H1111arl~o11 wlr,h illt.el' F-llllO c ntri('~. Tiu• whole exh lbitlo11. wh li-h \\'ill rc•– mnin hung unt.11 No,·1•111hr-1· t I nt the Qurc•111-lniul Art Onlhn-:v ,n r(•i:,ur,v Trr– rnr("'). is onf' to hr prr.u,t n1 n11, 1 <:llo11lcl ~1~i'r~ ~1lt;'iI 1ii1~r,\~/';~;:./ 1 1 ,!-~:.,~ 1 ~!~ 1 ~·:.~ 1 ~ sn.ry to hnve hrltl n cn11111l'llt ion to bring It Into being ! f 'I •-;- , ( . ~ t I QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY The prese"t 1,chiltitio"• will conclude Oft Sun– dov 11th Novem~•• at S p.m. THE recent and continuing up~urge of intere141: in prints 111 reflected in two major showings of example:1 of the art in Bt"isbane this week. The Queenslnnd Art Gnltery !Grego• ry Terrllce > h iL<; 1111 cxcit.lng collection arl'angcd by t.hc Internntlonul Council of t.he Museum or Modern Art, New York. b" a crash course In apprecru.Lion or t.he fm·m. And, to complete the course. 110 view– er shoulrl m iss sec:1ring Lhc su1>erhly– produced cnulloguc, in it.self a slucty and re(erence \Jc.>0k or high orclcr. Here arc exqulsltc piece,; ln represen– tational and nbstracL styles from 48 artists coverlng a period from Picasso to young moderns such U.H Andy War– hol and Oerd Winner. Barry·s Onll~ry 1205 Adelulde SLreeLI also ls mnkhlij much or print~-; ~r grcnt. ~!ftsi1,;;-t\n~e~l>~~11~ 0 i~d 0 li\~:\~:;:i There arc .,pecimcns_of etching, tlno– eut. serigraph. silk-screen. ndRpted phot.ogra11hy. drypolnt. woodcuL-vlr• tuallr every technical 11rocess used In amona many others. A pRrllcuhir reaLure or the showing ~u3tn~ 011 ; ._?\~~~~l 0 ~r ~·~1':".. J;dayi'tc1\~~ ~!"/'J 1 ~:u~f 1J'~);:~.1. u~e 1~~1\i~\r/:,'J series. "CO J U IER MAIL" 1 ·- I 1.:ov ·e73 Brisb.lne, Qld. ~ ~Bery course chance £ or young artist~ CHILDREN with outstanding art abilit y could win a pince in the Queensland Art Qallery·s creative an classes nexl yea r. 1\.o5J:~r~~~~:!-I! :P/;~1;"~~~: :n~nr a n rnur1-r w11h t, rAi n i ng 111 pntntnu.:. sketchln~. collrit" 11110 clRY modrlltng, Bn;bnne R Jnderizarten Teuchrr-" C o 11 e 2 e IU'I lrc·turer~ , Mrs OlorlR Lo1:?:-111 1 saifl \'CSlerdR\' · Any c·hildrr11 hrl wrrn thP ages of !-.e, rn and 1~ yrnr1; rould nppl~· 11,· ~uh– n1it.tin1Z thrN! picrP~ nr ~ork to thr 0 nl\rn · hv Frlclay. !'(ovembrr ,,: · Succes.c;ful R.ppl\cnnt, ,.,,,11 he 1fotihrd b)" letter ~1r.l\. Lognn ~.-111 ruke the cla~-= Shi! SRlrl thf' Q111"f'f11; • lon d Ar t GR lt r n– TrU!\teec; \l.OH !d l\t\':urt plarr." tn t llf• r11h'li tn rl11ldrtn 't\'llh nr1~111nl lrlPrt ~ anrt p 1"0tnislni <Tf':1ll\ c n bl llt\". Fud1 d1iht . \\'Olllc1 be \?1,·r 11 lnrttnrlunl att rn- 1 inn :\lld f'IH'OUrAf::Pd to riP, Plop i:111 h i!- nlrnt"'. 11 p:1rr111,; "rrf' nnt. $111'1"' w h ll~h lure p1('Cro; 111 1hPir rh1lrt'~ \Hirk tc1 ~11l>1mt ~1r:,.. l.n),!nn ~Rid :-llr \\ ot1lr1 hr plrnsed to 8 ......1~1 F'11ril1rr rlr 0 11~ ma,· he nl) t Rl ll Pd from ·uw Qurf'n5Ja.nd Art Oallflrv or hr phon inµ l\•tr~. t.i0- ~•n sr, 069:l. or 56 rn78 The Gallery •ill ,emoin doted until FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMIIER ' when th• new eahiltitiont of imponant RECENT ACQUISITIONS AND GIFTS TO THE GALLERY w,11 be placed on d,sploy The Trustees cordially invite you to attend this ew:hibition which remoin, ON VIEW UNTIL 16TH DECEMBER 1973 NEW ACQUISITIONS 1972-1973 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY