Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

lrldNne, QUHNSLAND Art Gallery ottendant Mr. F. Scott ottache's the title to a painting "Rita" by Norman Lindsay which was pre• sented ta the gallery by Lady Trout. New works at Gallery THE Queen • land Art Gallern•e11terday opened an exhlhillon of worb fhat have never before been • hown In Queen11land. Mr. Wlenek e said l'i':l :~:!18w~~~. a~~:t: llltl that the 1llllery had never had represented betore. ... C}a ~"'f w • V "C8URIER MAIL" 19 NOV jg7.' lrlsb.ne, Old. - . . . . . with ~ N exhibition of ~ selected worlU; by IDERT CAl'IIPB[U. l ow 0 11 view al th~ e r 11 s I n n d Art !er¥- ! 1, .~,.-.,.ntPd by The o•rv of l!outh Aus– la • · •~rroct•l1on nf ll8ltl !tit art of Rt>br rt (IDlpbt!I and hts lonJ Nr· ~ to art administration la Austral!&. • . __ -·· or COUnf, ht la well rt• ~~~:'~~ i::0/~~:;~ 1 ~,~?d aumerouo nh1bltlon1. but became thr fl111l D1rrr1nr o: our Ar1 1;11lt1ry, a lll1'" s1tJon he 1\f•,·11p1edi from 1~4!1-1051. Ct.mph•II 01lnl<'d IIIO· llftc•ll\', .,,,.c,&lly in wat,r ro1ou"' In lhMt. TUmu rtmalntd hL, , ... ,t.e•t In• ,p1r1llon Tht lan4-DII and st..r &llfA brat.hi with ll1hl: air 11111 pulat,tl~• mo\'em,nt , 11w VtrVI ot handlln1 lnel'HJld with II•• _,,, .. IHn pt.r nampla In hll 11:~.ld ''ROUIII 8". Pon ul portn,lt o! n•• HIii: buC Ltlllt.u Boach 11ft :0%': 1 ;~"A:;:t~ar:nu~1lf_:; :t.~i~:.~ h~r,.•nt~lkl~~ ,rhlrh COIUlll.s o! auperb orlllnal 11<lnt., In" lntem&• tlon•I mncl•rn nu,at•ra of m • m· Janda. ThlA lncltt<1ts °'' Yt.lU• 1bl• major ,tchtn• "Mlno- !:'~fc'h"'~h~"to~:run':::'-:i hll Quern1c&. & lmtlJ IIUIO· drswtns by Mal!Me, ,uh– ""' by Bl'SQUI &nd ll'tOU• 'ault, ~ llthosr9Dlla fy J&qUII VUlon. J•aa l,weat, . Vieira dt. Sliva. ...,.._.., ; Uld llln1ler.,_ alrll"'''" bv I . A!llln Uld ......... ln- leal ~I ll'OU&ChP bf I ~ .. < 0 .\.n~u\\1" 1 i11~ donai.d I»' LAdY Trout.I Aman• ,.. lovely brarlld ot llnlll•h prints tll•r• la Cert lllehu.t•· beautiful lltllo "On the Death or D>·lln nio.u"; of ltt.llan prints we have ti- " rrmco Ra. I,~ Ind CaarPlla. Thrrr are ,._.,,.. ..., • lllt.nd11111h· •Ub\ le relief prlnto by .1 • p • n • • • mod•m.8 : thPr~ arfl tM Jn •.~ •;h,.·h Ml ~:f~. -~~ ~~u••·. Ytvl~ •kPfl"-<lun l't. llthno bY APl>f'I , Holl•ncl , and Cnr– n•l11• , ~ltrlum ,. are fine u1111ple., hero, Campbell remalnrd wu h1n thr bHt lmprwionl' ~ 1ra– dlt1on In bo\h 111•, 1: and tei:hnlque. * * * Allo on dl\:pl,1\" ft rr rer rnt 1111,1, Thr ;(•Rr 1n:;1 hL• ietn a rrAI -.·111dhll !nr our State g,• lle,y A numbfr nr pt'nlJlr And bodlH he\ ,. cor !rlt1111,-r1 . C LN>n anr1 Lnclv Trrn;: with •·ork, n! r nr'1f"r AU!-· trallan IT!, ~,. ,. , ,_ K,, . h Jamn &nd Joh,: Harn, . TIit Q!lttr. •l•n<I Art OMI• :1ar~ 1 A~\·,r;Jt~~ co~·~~: ln1, : the painter Sam Pull- -bf~q~ ,Jo_!Lla_ll .!l.!•. .<!!IIJ'IJ: Th" Bo~rh collrl'l lon dOf"~ b\' no mf!aO" ,,mlt Au.,1raltan arr M.a.lar p,,.c,.~, :1rr : a maanttaal!IM. M'ulp– turr.,que wool 1"iift b~· ~~~'"vi~::!1~ • -:_~111': rrram1c p,,,,,,. °"f: r,ter Tr,1\"I~. ThrrP 1., t.llO • rrm-rlt• :\hlf" p,:unt tn1 nn bnn.rn I in nAti ,·p ~t \'lf• b,• "" un– lc.no \l·n "hortrrln11t aru~t : th1, i~ one or four PMP.11 or11ir1n111,· romm 1~ ..,1nned for 11 Churrh Al Port Keate 1\\' _, , l\nr1 annt hf'r nf th,~, 01t11f!l!- L• no\\' at Thi Mu ~pt.rt .- l'Homm• in P:u1., . All •he~e f!Xh lbit!on~ al our aallrr\' l\'111 c!M• on JIIIUAr\' ~CJ. _ QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY NEW ACQUISITIONS hhibition concludes Sun, 16th Dec. et 5 p.111. Gollery Closed ••,11 .,..;., ., t • hl"tlo• ROHIT CAMPIILL UTROSPICTIVI Thu,s4,,, 1O , .,.,, 20th Doco..,Mr,