Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY OCTOHR 13 QUEENSLAND Art Gallery Trusl,ees· Prize winner. 1111 oil by Sandra Leveson "Opt ic Serles D ", stuctlect by the trustees chairman (Sir Leon Trout) , left, and the Governor !Sir Colin Hannah) a t t h e Gafiery last night. prl" I• worth Fnrmerlr II "'"' worth 51:?50, but now It I~ one or lhe largest lndh'ldual art ~:!(~~,r.~11,~ awarrlf'd In The Gn,•ernor I Sir Co– lln Hannah l announced lh• aword to ahout .,on guesl, at the orrh:lal npcnln~ or lh• com– P•llllnn •xhlhltlnn at the ,::Rllery. Th•~ yr.11r'!I winner, Snnrlra f,411•e!'nn I~ n fine ,ut!i lecturer ,it th, Prah– ran lnstltnt• nr Toch– noln,::)·, Mr lhnurne. Th• cnmpellllon Judre, New ~outh Wal.. Art G•ller,v dlrrrlnr 1Mr. Pe– ter l,averl.r 1, hlrhlJ' com– mended • painting hy Auotrallan orll,t. Colln Lanrr.le., , ft•hn 111 now lh'lni In 1.nndnn. Mr. l,anrrlPJ''• palnl– ln~. an nll, Is ralled "Th• Oh,lert or •II Trnel Is tn •rrlre ot th• Shores or I h • "Nllterr•nea n , ~anrnel ,fnhnsnn 1." :\lr. 1.anrt~· salrt : 11 ~1.,, luk In Judging ha, heen most. dlflicult. Thi• exhi– bition rnntalnA some ,·er~· heanlllul palntlnrs," C )ur.rn !iilanrl Art G11I• h•r.,· Truster, chairman ,Sir I.con Trout 1 an– nnunre,t rlnnatfons tn thr. ,taller,· for lni1 -i2 worth mnr• lhan Sl~0.000 In mnnr,· anrl work~ or nt. 1-lr Cnlln, "ho Is the ratrnn or th• Queens– hrnrl Art r.111,r,-, np,nP.d lh• nhlhltlnn. llr paid trlhnl• In lh• I t1 t t rrnff'ssnr H. C. Ritlmrrf~. In whnst mem• nr.,· thr. prb, ,u~first es. :~~ 1 .''~~,,'~!nt"~l~h~~S,:, namr J,- nr,-.. r fnrrott,n," h• ••Id. Mr. Laverty, I~. hlm– u.tr ii fl • lnt.er, ,m:r.redt-rl Mr. Hal ~llssln~h•m •• Nt!w 8011th \hlr< Art Gallery Olr,rtnr a yr.ar •en. H, wa~ horn In Hamp.. ,hire, Eniland. hut h• • nnw lh 1 cd and worked In ~'/it~~ 1"c:;~1!~ \ca~u~ lnr Au,trall• llnusr Jn Eatl• Str,,rt, Hrlshan•. One nr hi• palnllnn I• represont•d In th~ Queen, land llnl.rn ;lty D~~•~!1;.•~tl ri1Q~1:e"~,- lanrl · Art fi11llen Tru~t - ce~• Prize comprtltlon thb .nar: "Thtr, ha ~ hecn • hlth quallt~ or entrlr.c., lnrlurlln, a num • her nr 1'·tll-l,-,own Au~. trallan arUsb. Rr!iipon~r tn the. rnmprlltlnn ha~ com, rrnm far hrrnnrt Qur,n~li11nrl," More than one deserved prize THE 21st Richards Art Prize, announced on Thursday night at the opening of the exhibition of selected entries at the Queen1land Art Gallery, became the "Trustees' Prize" (awarded in memory of Profassor H. C. Richards). 'I'o mnrk the Oi.:CllSIOll. thr• \'nluc of th<' prize wa.c;; <loublr d tn S2500 - which nrny l1ar r. bcrn. A~ '';*-~id~fgi;1i~~~l~l~J~I ~1~ ~on Trout I re:-.pon.°'1blr fot· thr lnr~p n umhcr or r111 nrs from wrll•k11m,·11 Rl'I I::!~ nncl 1hr l'(ljJ – ' rqur111 ht~li ,,11a l1t.,· or 1hr R~ work1' lrnnc:. T hr ir IS no d11Ub! l lrnl 1hr rprn lll\ nf n:• 11Hl11£:.... Sn 11 wa."i lhnr 1hr rl111.r nf 11w J!Hh.:1•. .\lr rr1rr L il \' f' l'J \· 1N r\1· .'-;n111h Wfl ]f'<; Ari G ,\llt•n· rllr r r. tnt , mm,r hni" 11rrn pa • I l('lllurl,· Ollf'l'O~I!- n IHI '-0 n wa.,; IIHII h i~ !-r lr1•11n11 ol :111 "0\ll i1•~J'· nh.,1 /',IC'! \~{; :;:~,1}~:l~~ri;~~:· 1 ~~~::~ rlllr r :1011 fnr thh t ,\"[lr 111 nrl , Por · lwrl' nrr 1111u1, r n – lr!rs that. 111 11!P1r own l iacllllonriJ f1rlrl. wrrr rqunlly wnr·1 hy nf ,ur • 1·1\r;;.~. lndrrd, tlw \"1•rr fnrt ()f 1lwlr h:w111~ t1rr n h1111J: 111 thr C'IPr :11 "r1 ART Cl~ .·, ~,.. ~ .. i . , ~} I . - ·;: _;'!' rompnn~· t h J,'- yen r".o:; romprt11 Ion r lr ldC'ct nrn.v 11,i;rlf br IOkC'n n~ ,"llC· l'r'.il,',, Thr \\'tn111n g r nt r.,· wn~ Sanrlr:1 L1·,·e..,on ·~ "Optic :-;en(':- D" with Colin Lnncetr,··s "T l1e O h,1ect ot i\lt Trn \'t'I i.,;; 10 A rr i\'f' nt 1hr Shores or the ~lrc!11 ernu1rn11·· i:;:-lten h1c:h C'nmmcn nnt.1011 . Thr P'\h lb1t.1o n will re– lll:tlfl OJ1 :,how nt. lhP. C,,11rnn!-l11nrl Art Gnllcry 1111t1I Nm 1 cmhor 12. * 1 .. , ....l ,·r;r, thr non Mrlnnr-. c 1 · 1llcn • I Rnwr·-.. ,\rrarlr. A rlnlcl~ Stnwt 1 rxhlhltf'd h e paint hu:" nf :\ \""r.,· Jtr, ·rrr.nn ,:-rn. tltman. .fn n Bayton, Jlr.an nf Ror hampton. H I s off rings were ~~'r\ 11 ?~/~! r: fi~f~~t~6~~ sistil1~ of a raclkclv a.t– mosphoric lnndscape., nncl rcpre, ntalions ot old hush bt ldings. Now Joh 1 na,·ton I.• hnck In L snnie sur- rounrtlnJ:?:s 1 1th a mor@ nmhlllnuo . howlng ha\'- 1n g 11rcr1 mlnantly " rclntlonshi 11·lth :,ym– hnllsm nn lmngcr)' In rrl\~1011, -- esp•clnlly Ju– c1inc - nrt Tll,11 I< plly, bec11use ,,,,1,hrr i.~ the Dean·., ~~~:llr, 1L~C , ~,~ttelo t3~ nnr is hlsf 1111erpretallon nr his ~uh.ccL mMle sur– fir irnll>· r l Rr. II )' ro ipnrl,on, hi• r arllrr i,;t,·le - or which SC\'Cr:11 cXimplrs are ex- ~\W!~~~~\,11n~ lnw~~ugh~~: mnnshi)J, t1; Oy !tt.r the more II Lt raclh·e.