Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"TELEGRAPH" ig NOV1973 Restoring flood darnaged oils CHERISHED oil pa,lntings which were submerged in flood waters can probably be reswred. Much del>"nd• upon the medium upon which they were p•lnted. Some canvu, stretched acroM a frame, wtll shrink and t·hl., could cause the paint to crack. Palntlngo on canva• 111•hlch hu been •t.ret.ched o v e r cardboard could w,go.,e on hardboard could be h arder to save If the board ha., buckled or be'S1~ ~ 0 t :i:kiOlllng will wuh mud !rom the painted cre1·lce• then the wet painting •hould be cloth-paLled to absord excess water and laid flat, paint •Ide up, to dry In "•haded, breer,y place. Poppy.geed 011 ,avail• able from paint-material ~~fft~~~l ~~ ~:1~ie~J~ on the rerer.e side of canva• to help prevent shrinkage. To enrich I.lie ,urfaces g~g~J~t:i"Jf d9;,~•~~ 1R~ Immersion ther• i. an •~cellent reviver on I.he market, Owlalln (Rell"• Medium!. WMercolors which have been 1111der flood water should b• t•krn from their !ram~• Rnd mountR 11., soon a~ poss· Ible becau~e humidity behind the ~I""' wilt cause mlldrew. Sometime~ the mount Take a Hint FROM JFAN COOPER can be SR\'ed tl ll l.s laid fl8tr~:;.d ::~\~·=d -tY1!'r~eFt c an be pR1nted or ~~mig/ 0 cover water The water color It.self might be hnrder to re· store. Light Ironing on the wrong side over a perfectly smoolh, hard surl&ce will remo, e signs of buckling. At lenst. one Brisbane lrnmcr Is expert. In re· mo\'lng !-isms of mo~lci. II the ;1f1lst whn pnint.· ed your pir t.ure Is lh·ing !~RRtl\•r 11 i~ r~~At~uchre; r1amn~rd picture. II thr nrtl.st Is dcn<I thr wnrk r nn hr rnrrtrrt out b~ 1 nny r11mll flrrl prr~on. Thromth 1his column n. \; , 11-k 11 n \\' n Rri!<ihAll(' nrtli-t ha~ ol frrrd hrr ~ktll nnrt rxpt"rll!-P to hrlp llCJllllllr floocl ,·lr– t trns wllh thr rrs1nrnL1on or trrl\.<Urr.d oil paintings ~~es~•~: ~~PP/he l~".r1~~; artists. II you would like her help send a stamped od· r:1~~hgnee~1'J,~g;r ~~l;er: you rnn contact her. • • • T. M., of NORTH• GATE : II )'OU c•n re– mo,·c the brocade per• sp1rnLlon-stntned cover on ~ 1 our lounge suite hn,·e It dryclcaned without de– la)·. II t.hc co,·cr Is lrremo• ,·nble tri· this: Working In n ,.-ell-Rired ,oom sponge the SIRlns ..-Ith dr)·-clcnntng fluid np– plled with a piece of old towelling. Repcalcdl'" use fresh pieces o! towelltng to nrold spreading the m ark:i. Then use n •gs•h•nter ~~d'·l~p t~glr~-,~~~1:ir~~-r'~~ liquid drt ergenl. Gat her the suds In a clnll1 ar,d sponJ?r the ort"A ng:ain. Hrprnt then , pon~c nrf wit h a clNm ~h~htly rln~~;t r li7 1 hr.rw dropJ. or whtlr ,·lnrgn r tn this II• nnl rln~lnJZ wntcr. Brisbane, Old. OUEENSlANO ART GALLERY The ,flHnt .. n. nhibition will concl1,11h on Jonw.,,, at S P·'"· Gallery wilt u 1noln clat • d MONDAY, 21th JANUARY when the new n h1billon1 ARCHITECTURE IN FINLAND ond PAINTINGS FROM PERMANENT COLLECTION will Ito on •liw UNTIL 2.rH FEBRUARY, 1974 Restoring paintings IN the Interests of t h o s e people who have hnd paint– ings. both oils and water• colors etc .. damngcc\ by the recent floods und with a ,·,e•· to pre,·entm~ furthrr damage, I would like 10 point out that an article 1C.-M. February M, con– tnins m~ny rrc·ommrndll• tiona which. II followed by readers. would lead to fur• ther dRnmge and !::lhly ~[e~~/:ite f~?f:' d:r:. oration This applies pRrttcularly t.> those j)l'ople who own 1·aluRble PR!ntlngs. Any ,·ntuable art works damaged by flood waten ~~~~nttt•r~~fu~~? b'hi: professional staff of the Queensland Art Gallery, !phone 52 7600) will advise on what to do with dam• ~g:~ re":~ra"u 0 t~• pe n dlnK It la strongly recom• mended that pear.le do not "gently hose pa nt1n1s to remove mud from the p n In t e d crevices". This could wash away paint areas from an already Sllfl• ened ground. Poppy •eed all tor any other\ must not. be used to revltall•e the pnlnt and on the reverse side of the can• va., to help prevent shrln• kage. Such oils place a hard skin over the painting which yellow•, with the el• leer of light and air. To oil th1 bnrk of II cnn,·n• makes It .et hard 11nd brittle. The only ••le "revh•ers" to use are those put out by reputable mnnulacturen. Treatment of painting•, drowlnlJll and f • rlnts on pa– ~fo~~ & very elloate oper• Light Ironing on the 111·rong side over a perfectly smooth, hard •urlace to re• move signs of buckling la certainly not recommend• ed. The_removal of mould and varl~ua types of stain must be performed by the exl>"rt only. - Sir Leon Trout, Chalrm"n or Trustees, Quee1111an• An Galle, ) , The present exhibition will conclude on Sunday 24th February at 5 p.m. Th~ Gallery will remain closed until FRIDAY 1ST MARCH :_when the painrin91 from the Pl:RMANENT COLLECTION ~I be on view until April, 1974