Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Sydney, N.S.W. 7 FEB 197,;k. ., ~~ - • I Qltl A,·t Gallery . . -· -- -- - witlista,uls floods A FEW slri.th .·t.!i"·;dly pl;u:L·d , f \"' 110111, .ifh:r tl1 ..• r i...:111rc, II . I haJ ll\:t'" 1i:11uh ell Ill~ \\Jll'I "'° .. i. buckcls w.as u lhill was nc~·-i up hi l iil.! ..·.. ·,linl!-, cssary tu pruh:cl lh"· ()uci:11!\- t · 11 , .ihu, .,, i ii.: /\11 ( ,.i11i..-, )' of lund Art Gallery .ind its lrca- N~W "' " "'·"';"~ hir .11u1hc1 surcs Juring lh~ cydi11u.·s. 1r,,11i,:.il Ju\, 111 1 ,uu , i1111l,1r Ill oni: ~h11.-h ,,·..·1111,·J l;1~l O,.:h1h·r he • lll>wc-.,cr. more tli.111 u linlc I huL" ,1\. 1111 ~ ,111 nn .1, ,111 ,,n'-°C hy mo(lping ll(l will t"ic 11ct·d...-d 111 the 1hc l'uhl.. Wu,"' Ikp.,1 1111t.:11l new huih.lini:; ._..l,cn it " l11 w ,l1-.:il I 111.11 11 1, ,.11 ,· 1, 1 ,. ,111..' p .1111111~, in 1~78 it 1h1.: ),1111 ..• \,,•.,11 ... 1 th h•11r ti,,,,1 1h..• 111111.:1,,1111t "' ":11111, v u:..:ws. \ 11,11 ..1•• ,11 1u,,111 111 1ht' o ld 1 1 u1\,I "I he n~\\' J!,ilkr) i, 1°,111 • I 1,l1 on lhl! b.,11L., ,11 thl' 11... . '" ' 1 ,, 111 1•i/ \ , 1 , , • • ·11.: , 1., 1 111 1111: llCW Vi1,l1Jll..l 1111.lt .: 11\ •., .. 111 ,lt11•11•· " '' 111 , ii ,,·nl , .,,~ ... h·, ,d Uri,t,uni:. Mud, uf the ~ih.' ,, .1, 111i.h·1 \, ,,1 1 d ,H, u th,· ,, .,11 f,1111111 • .t,,:I~• walcr Llurin~ 1hc rc,,:cnl lhkith. 1. .111, 1111: ,,uh 1111111•1 ,,.,i111 J .1111.11:j,' ·111c prc,c111 t,!1 lk1 )' l 1u1l,l111 1• " 111 1 , 1 , p . 11111111 ... on11h11la111Jb.\\Cllprot~1. 1,·d ,-, ..u ,.·d 11,.11 ilic 111,,r l,_J 'l11c talkry has Ilic uulv l'llh• h, , " '•"-'•'· 1!11." ,111 .1h11 , l.,h·r 11.' lidy owucd p,1in1i11i; hy Jli,.·,,,"1 in Auslrulin. 111111)! ilu: p .1inti1.1~'i _hur wt,",·•~., ~n,c ncwl or,cntJ n ,1rr} \ t\1 I h.1,I ,11.11·111 t,1_,1h .1µ.1111 111 l hJ C.iilkry iu ~\Jch, i1.lc ~tu:cl \\ .,., 1,~· r till') ha~III)' rc111un·J thnn. 1100\li:-J 10 ci:ilinc hd~hl - ~ thl.' hu tunatd y the ,hum u.:,:ur– .:allcry is in a ba~cmcnl - llll~I j 1c,l during 1h.: d ,1 1111h: , :,nJ lhc is not ex~r.:ti:-J 10 rcorcn 111111 1 pJintrn1s only gut a 11111..: '"cl. lhc _bcuinr 1 rnai o( .Marc h ul th e l 1•,utecting the sunny vi~t;IS, curlo~SI. . 1 which have repcalr~ly occupied Jllr Kocrl Burry nnJ volunl«r. . • were hnulinf! oul 1hc picturc'.i us I Au,1ralutft artisls, rrum U:c wa1er ass-:J waist height. wcuthcr, i1 quite a rroblcm. New art gallery. 'safe from v floods' LAST week's Brll• bt.ne flooda covered more than a third of the a ba (Ii acre) 11ie f o r Queen1- land'1 new t'7 mll– llon art 1allery. Ula\ had the lt.afey blllldin. flnllhed . t h e flood~ would t,uve Inundated the ccntre'a oar park and come Within about U metre~ < 5tt lln I or the lowrr floor houatn1 valuable collections. JM the ,allel')''a de• FINAL SKETCH 1111119" are oonfldent Quetneland'a 910 mll- The chairman or the lion art trtuure1 wlll n,w arl ,•llller)' lltttr• be •fe from anothor In~ commtttef'. Mr " 1974 flood." Romsn l'.11·Jy1hyn, Y••· The State Oovern- tcrday defend!'d lhr ment hu arr e • d v pllery d"IKn. boU1bt lhe South Drl&· He said final •kf'tch baM elte, bound•d by ~l~c ,~f t~:. bu~!?,1.::.i Orey, 81.Mllfy. Ptrl anti proof.. ll'c>llld be 111b– Mflboumf Street,i, ror mtttrd 10 thr StRlr «I mlllloa. Oovemment for op• Work II expected 10 proval tn i,boul thrre ii.rt ntxt year and thP months. bulld1n1 wlll M corn- "Wr arr ,,ell awve pletl'd by tffl. thr ,a., Is fl ood prone A State Work, Dt · but t am sun· partment spokesman 1&1<1 :,eat,rday ahou1 0 ha t II acr.. l ar Lhe alw adJolnlll!< t h e rlwr, wu flood•d to a depth or ab<Nt one mrtre. The deJ>lh col wttt"r on the 6 h• .,.h,ch hns bf'rn ~"' ,l .. 1tl,• ror .a,, nn ."" nrnpuJ.1entrt and ! ,· ilpt u r,· C'OUM - . wu con.Ide·• Hbl)' deep lr cl<>M!r l•) the M\'Pr ede'O, he oald The mat,, lhrr· 11Gre:, art- centrt w· be built on tht rrm• · I~ I . • hi\ ,31 arrr• ,r the ,ttr Hr !l-11 1:! · : 1c Cf'IIH'l'Pt of t ill' ,1n • . 1Hrn \\'II" comµ !ctl•I, s11ft• · anrl •htrr \\ a , ,., ren:wn tn '.ll ~l' ' 1 ' (' I I t ,.all Th•• 11Rln ~allery ·,or ..-11 : l>e ol least six •·,.i ~·., fre t , Rbo\'e ·.nt floods, " Mr PJ\'• 1-ahn aald "Ma.klnl! It 11111)'.her ,ew mrtru hlKher "·on·1 malre nnr dlflerence. "~•Ide•. •·hen th• new dam 18 bu.Jlt on the DrU'I- 111e RJ,·er. the nooo problem lhould not be nta.rl · u eat.'' ' a difficulty' THE State Government's financial problems have made it difficult for the Cultural Activities Ministry to get money for a performing arts centre in Brisbane. The Educotion and Cultural Alan Fletcher! aaid · I'm Jus lL" krrn llS J could e\'rr hl' l\ l><>Ut ~ 1 Ji.:h :ll r ~ r M,.hon ,old Iler M l\ t '- LY '· future now Jookt>ct ··,·ery black in• Brlsb.ne, Old. tGiJl~&~. t \ ."'' ·;,,;''!' s1tePWRS flo~ded I About half of the new Queensland Art Gallery site hod ken under wotar dwriftg the J• nuory flood, the Works Minister, Mr. Hotl1••• ,eid in Stet• Perliomc11t today, I .tT'.y~,.~ toT;;;,i;...:,,~ SouLh) Mr. Hodges Sftld the low.,.t pomL of Lhe /Ille waa 2 mct.r"" t.slx Ill under water while lhe hlKh•st point WM 111J- f~~~':1fi.!:1!~~t (six .,.,;J;~•ha":"c:!~ 1 ; 8 m~~ <six ft> under water, U>t! lower floor would have been approximately .6 metres <Lwo It> above water and t.he main 1a1- lery floor 7 metrm <23 ftl above water," he &Aid.• Mr. Hodpo llald fur• ther pffi'auUon• were belnl taken to obtain ad• • dtllonal marsln of Mlety for lower floor IINIU 111 w h le h art eoUecl.lo,u; would be hou.«I. . He aakl the propooed Wlvl'.nl>oe ; D1<m would furU,er reduce flood level under.condltl<>n• th<1t ox– laltld In JanulU'y by an cxUmated 2.4 m to 3 metres 18 to 10 ft) In t.he a.ren or Ule art sullery &ile. . · Of 50,000 honoes bullt bf lhe Qu..,nsllLtld Hous– ing Coll>Dlllllllon only 154 were lnunrta~urin£ U~;:.n~•,i !loods, Mr a. crntre," Str Alan .s1urt. "Thert•'!l a su,dy bctnii underu,ken on th, sub– ject of Lhe po.ssiblloty or a performin1 art., complex at So11Lh Drlsban•. But t.he st.udy Ill not ytL com- pl•J"db . Wt 111 •m s o n Theatrea Ltd. managing dlrcow r 1111r. AJ..taor Mltchelll u,ld this week In a letltlr to Th• Cou• rler-M&U that Brllbkne nttd•d a theatre complex like the Adelludt l"esttval Ce~~•-~Sltchell 1ald the CO 111 p I e It would co•t. •bout au mllllon to , 20 million. It hu bttn r,porte<1 that the A.M.P. SocloLJ', the owner or H• MaJe,– ty"s site, h,.. shelved plant to • replace the ihellt~ in Ill proJe<led site redOYelopnoenl. Hor MaJ04lY'• la the clt)"s only comnocrcoal live theatre. The,.tre 1:or– cles ye.1Lerd1y wondered why It wu "no lon11er good enough" when It had aorved the public, and J .C.W.'•, well enoush In the po\.St. de~~t~bane music elrelea fl,Te f\OXIOUS LO set a new conct' rl h"II for Urtsbane, a bu1ld1ng more suitable than the Cll)' Hall for symphony con~rt.5. Talks held Art., authorilJH lald t.httt Sir Alan Flal,Cher had l"lka With t,ht All.I– t r a I I • n Broadoul.lnl Comm Las ton Brtaban• City councd, Queentlandd Works Depart.menl, an the P'ederr.t Government about a "pertormJnJ arll co;o;il~~•xt~ka had bttn about the feulbllltr of putlJnJ auch • comolu, which would Lnclude a thelltfl and an ABO or• chestral centre, ntxt to the pr0Ject1d new Queensland Art Gallery to be built on l.ht BN• bane River·• aoutlul~e. A P"rformlns-arta• centre proposal haa been taken to the Premier tMr. BJelke - peuu-.enl. An Inquiry NA ~ onlered, and la now ~ the charge of I.he ~~ co-ordinator - o ,,..,_ tBlr Charlea JlartOII). "COURIEI MAIL" 30 MAH 197'E .LOODWATCH IN GALLERY AREA Mr. Jlnrt~rs lolrl Stl\le P,u\lRmf'nt. 1u1 R.r1rilttonal "mar~in of , af Ply" would be provtrted for lower floor areM houslnK art T11m,·n11111hn. ~11ut h1 hnct n, kcct tn wtia t r>-: trnt Lhe .,11 ,. rtomtl'C1 ln J a nu1uy :\flit w hHL \\'OUlct h:\\'e hrrn th• oflec l 1r th• RP.Iler" wn~ constructed ,.., .. plnnm•ct Mr. H nl\ t.tr~ ~;d1I lrnlf t hr ~11 r \\ a., 11111lrr wntrr, the low,.. ,.,t, potnt. to a drpl h of t\\'O mrLrt& ttift.l , CHr pMk b('t n under floor 12fU.